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Posts posted by johnh101

  1. Right.

    Name one Place

    Ok.........Successful places in Bangkok for Pre-marital Non Prostitute Thai Poo Ying Pick ups (In my humble experience) :-

    Hard Rock cafe

    O'Reillys on Silom Road

    Bourbon Street Restaraunt (she was at a staff dinner)

    Beer Garden in Lad Prao (the singers sister...........she was gorgeous)

    A Snooker Parlour in Lat Prao

    Central Department Store in Lad Prao

    A Supermarket on Pahonyothin Road

    Considering I spent only one year in BKK and was a very frequent visitor to Cowbot, Nana, Patpong and Ratchadaphisek. I'd say that wasn't bad.

    Caveat: All pre 2001 (in case the wife reads this)

  2. You know I think it is your body saying to you

    "Ok you are 39 and have had a pretty wild, hard living existence, ups and downs, stresses and strains. If you want another 39 you better sort yourself out and fast"

    Oh Sh1t, it's my body talking to me.......

  3. Like Merlin, I have only ever tried it once and was not impressed. It was early evening and the girls either ignored us or hastled us for drinks, we never went back. I must admit to hearing alot of good stories about it since though.

  4. I always thought that Thais just had difficult pronouncing the English but my wife assured me they are just reading the Thai script, some other ones she has come out with are:

    Low Toot = Lotus

    Car Full = Carrefore

    Centran = Central

  5. Khun Guy is a woman.  She used to hang out in front of McDonald's - Royal Garden. 

    Is that the woman who wears white make up? She really stands out with a bright white face. If not, have any of you seen this woman. She walks all around but mainly on Soi7 and Soi8 and is often seen at the Bank with large amounts of dosh. Always wondered what she does, not that i'm implying anything :o

    No, I don't think so, the woman with the white face has been there for years, she used to also hang around the Soi 9 beer bars on Beach Road. She is a bit gone in the head and looks like she has other major health problems. Rumour has it she inherited a load of money from somewhere.

  6. Many moons ago I went out with the ex-wife (then girlfriend) and got spectacularly shit faced drunk. Made it back to the apartment and crashed in bed. A few hours later I awoke with that horrible hamster feeling in my mouth and deposited a large portion of shwarma onto the bedsheets. Anyway I got up went to the toilet finished the puke, cleaned up and came back to the bed. Unfortunately my side was a stinking mess, so I adjurned to the sofa for the rest of the night.

    Lo and behold next morning I was awoken by a very sheepish girlfriend who couldn't believe what she had done and couldn't remember a thing about it either ! !

    I of course never said a word as she cleaned the sheets, scrubbed the mattress and applied all forms of airfreshner to the bedroom, all this interspersed with "sorry.......... I am so sorry........GOD I am so embarrassed".

    Anyway cut to the chase many years and a divorce later I was in a bar with my mates drinking vast quantities of beer and swapping old stories, I of course related this one to a very hushed but captive audience..................hushed because my ex-wife was standing behind me listening to my every word and promptly beat the crap out of me ! !

    Friends..........who needs them ! ! :o:D

  7. Well done lads. You thrashed the 'Best of British' You must be close to being the worlds best now.

    1. New Zealand

    2. England (only by virtue of the fact that they are still World champs)

    3. Wales

    4. South Africa

    5. France.

    I havn't missed anyone have I?

    Scotland ? ? :o:D:D:D

    But in all seriousness the All Blacks are looking like being the best team in the world again.

  8. IMHO. The WTO stance on piracy is crap.

    Probably 90% of people who buy pirated CD's DVD's, T Shirts, Handbags, Watches, etc (note I exclude software) only do so because they are cheap!

    Were these cheap copies not available they would not buy the originals as they could not afford or would be unwilling to pay the asking price.

    So tell me what are the corporations losing ?

    The Chairman of Rolex admitted his Company rarely take any action against people faking his products as "The people who buy the copies cannot afford the original,.........but perhaps by wearing a copy they may aspire to one day buying the real thing" (my wording I cannot find the original quote).

    Software now that is a different issue, Mr Gates has sewn up the market so we cannot operate our computers without the stuff and if copies are not available we have to buy the originals, we have no choice really.


  9. John, love the avatar. I was just telling someone yesterday that I saw Aberdeen beat real madrid 2-1 in the Cup winners cup in 1983, and beating Hamburg in the European Super cup at Pittodrie.

    Where do all the bar-girls go?

    You have obviously never been to Khon Kaen! The ones that won the jackpot have gone home with their husbands.

    I guess the guys don't post on here.

    I met my wife at a wedding, 5 years ago.

    Come on guys, there's nothing wrong with meeting your girl in a bar. Happens all the time.

    I was at Pittodrie but couldn't afford the trip to Gothenburg. Had a season Ticket for the seven best years of football ever seen. Can you believe Dougie Rougvie has two European Medals !!

    No I have never been to Khon Kaen, the folks live between Khorat and Lopburi and I have only ever seen two other farang houses in that area.

  10. This is totally amazing................... I think I actually only read of two guys who said that they met their girls working in a bar. And I know one of them is lying ! !

    Just where do all the bar girls go to ?? Is it Alien Abductions ? ?

    Oh and my wife was a hotel receptionist.

  11. I've been taking Xanaz for 7 years now (prescribed by MD).

    Tried getting off them several times but could not.  They are extremely addicting.

    Does anyone know if this shows up in a  urine sample the police take when they raid a club?


    But if you have a valid doctors prescription you should be alright.

  12. After seeing all the acrimony splling out on the BBC Lions message board, the new Pope decided to visit NZ to witness the issue first hand.

    Whilst there, he decided to take a trip to the beach and the Popemobile was duly driven to the coast.

    The Pontiff was horrified to see a swimmer a couple of hundred yards offshore in a Lions shirt being, being savaged by a large Great White shark.

    Suddenly a boat rushed to the scene, manned by three large guys in All Black shirts. One of them beat the shark with an oar, while the other two dragged the hapless Lions fan on board. All three turned their attention to the shark, beating it senseless until also dragging it on the boat and finishing it off.

    The Pope called them over and said to the lead guy in the boat "My son, I had heard there was bad blood and anagonism between the Lions and ABs fans, but I have just witnessed an act of bravery and compassion that totally refutes this. Bless you all".

    With that, the Popemobile sped off.

    One of the guys in the boat then says "Hey mate, who the <deleted> was that?"

    The lead guy replies "That was the Pope. He is the head of the Roman Catholic Church and God's representative on earth. He is powerful and all knowing."

    The first guy then says "He might be god's representative and he might be powerful, but he knows <deleted> all about shark fishing ... is that bait still OK, or do we need to get another one?!"

  13. Pattaya`s Tourist Police Division is determined to eradicate child prostitution here in Pattaya. It is however a sad fact that some foreigners come to Pattaya and indulge in this illegal activity. An operation using three foreigners posing as potential customers took place on Pattaya Beach infront of the Royal Garden Plaza.  Using marked bank notes, the three men spoke with a suspected pimp later identified as Khun Guy aged 25 and requested three under age girls for a total of 5,000 baht.  An arrangement to meet the girls was made just outside the Kiss restaurant on Pattaya Second Road.  As soon as the transaction was complete, Police moved in and arrested Khun Guy and detained three girls aged 11, 13, and 14.  Back at the Police Station, Police Captain Chirawat, who was in charge of the operation, questioned Khun Guy who confessed to using the girls as prostitutes.  She was charged and transported to the main Police Station.

    Police are now attempting to locate the parents of the three girls.

    Pattaya City News

    Friday 8th July 2005.

    It is perhaps a sadder fact that this horrible business is more frequently kept behind doors for Thais only. When will the police sort out their own instead of (again) blaming the farang.

  14. Stick does a good job, he tells us what's going on every week without fail and he doesn't charge one satang.Regarding his views on Khorat City I just think he is fed up of having very little to do there. I mean it ain't the most exciting place for a falang to live.

    Multiply the banner ads on all of the site by $100 a month. Duh!

    It's nothing more than a Kiwi teacher's diary. :D

    Like I said........he doesn't charge one satang..................Duh ! ! !


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