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Posts posted by DekDaeng

  1. This is a misdemeanour type offence isn't it ?

    Yes, a 130,000 baht misdemeanor.

    I have seen a court in Bangkok set bail at 100,000 Baht -- apparently the minimum amount being used for bail -- for a Thai national accused of the theft of an item worth 300 Baht.

    And a woman found guilty of embezzling 30,000 baht from her employer (a bank) got 100 years, reduced (no doubt on compassion ;-) ) to 50 years.

    & the guy who started the Asian financial crisis by embezzling 100's of mill got ten years. AFAIK.

    Consistency in sentencing? Silly f'lung concept.

  2. Anybody that actually believes what they read in this sort of article is a total and complete moron.

    Anyone who blames immigration officers 100% of the time is also a total and complete moron. Shock and surprise there are actually dodgy tourists who frequent the LOS, and not all of them are male.

    There is no point in guessing. You do not know, have absolutely no idea, of what actually happened!

    Well, not guessing about the overstay as she admitted to that herself. Regarding the camera, whose to say, but from the little information presented in this article, I'm still gonna say she just pissed off the wrong immigration officer that day.

    Did I miss something?

    Where is the evidence that this young lady stole a camera, and is now or was required to pay 130,000 baht for its replacement?

    I'd like to know what kind of immigration officer can afford a 130,000 baht camera to sit in his/her office - cos a top Nikon with zoom lens and additional lenses is only 70K !!!

    -mel. ohmy.png

    Maybe there was CCTV. Maybe the immigration officer has a receipt or a statement showing the camera was theirs. I'm sure it will be revealed as the case progresses.

    And the bail is 130,000 baht. It has nothing to do with the value of the camera.

    Fines in lieu of arrest are often 10 times -

  3. BTW what is extremely intoxicated? They developed a method about...oh, I don't know....30 years ago....to determine blood alcohol level. What, do they just guess here?

    I saw a guy in Kata driving a motorbike, stopping to greet a friend, fell down because he forgot to put one foot on the ground to maintain balance. Just looking at him, did not need any other methods to determine that he was ''extremely intoxicated''.

    BG coming out of soi 7 patts a couple of years ago - did the same, flat onto bitumen. Took her keys, offered MC taxi guy reasonable money to take her home - he wanted to gouge me, so I passed, just delivered her keys to soi 9 police after having dinner.

  4. Should imagine the business is gearing up for the up and coming JetSki championships due soon in Pattaya. This will not only attract tourists but also those who see the events and bust a gut to give it a go. --- WILL BE LIKE LAMBS TO THE SLAUGHTER!

    A very good test for the Governor, Mayor, and BiB who PROMISED to clean up the JetSki Marifa.

    Maybe we need the "up and coming JetSki SCAM championships" -​ Pattaya vs Phuket - get some 'good' publicity no!?

  5. Yes, the heat is a real drag. However, investing in a aircon can do wonders. smile.png

    Do the planet a favour, & don't make the situation worse - all the power in Thailand is from fossil fuels AFAIK.

    Fit a double layer of reflective insulation under the roof. Should be able to get thru summer w/o turning A/C on.

    Reflective can reflect up to 97% of solar heat. If you fit a/c instead of insulation, you have to pump out all the suns heat first, before you get any cooling effect.

  6. What are they doing in customs? Weren't they made here?

    Why has the walkway from Bitec to BangNa station been half finished - for around two years now? The Bitec side.

    Stinks of politics. As usual, shut up plebs.

    Is there even a plan to build a walkway to the station?

    Maybe half a plan. BITEC to the boundary - built already. Then 150 M of clear air to the station - nrly 2 yrs now.

  7. Pib,

    You have whole house surge protection? Exactly what make and model are you using. I am having a tough time sourcing a decent unit in this country. Thanks!

    Model number is: PIB. That is, as mentioned it's home made. I bought all the necessary individual parts like the varistors, thermal fuses, terminal connectors, indicator lights, housing box, etc.., and then assembled and installed it myself. Probably at least 10 times cheaper than buying one.

    PIB, what are the chances of an 'ible'? (Instructable)?

  8. I have seen many cases where the lightning struck phonelines and killed everything from modem / router / switch / network ports and so on.

    Indeed. Another advantage of "fibre to the home" broadband, if you can get it.

    Running wi fi instead of ethernet provides protection for computer etc etc, in case of lightning strike on the phone line. But modem & router likely toast.

    Use a UPS for the computer power line.

  9. I have given this some thought and quite frankly, I see the opposite situation much more frequently. This is based on the upcountry marriages and partnerships. One friend in particular happens to be quite well off and intelligent. He can't/won't make a move unless he asks his wife first.

    What surprises me is the number of flungs who come to Thailand escaping from controlling Caucasian women - pick up a Thai GF & immediately set about making her into a controlling Thai woman. Answering to her every whim, asking if every minor detail is ok etc etc. May I do this, may I do that, .......

    I am all for reasonable courtesy between partners, but in some cases it is sickening one way.

    Perhaps there is a market for Rent-a-BackBone?

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