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Posts posted by DekDaeng

  1. Withdrawals at Aeon appear to be charging the 150 baht - checking balance before and after on O/S account, always seems to be 150 Bht +/- a few baht difference, no matter amount of withdrawal.

    They don't answer enquiries re this.

    Also recent withdrawal at BKKBK was only 50 baht fee.

    The 150 THB fee will be displayed on the terminal to warn you before you get your money. And will show up again on your slip issued by the machine. Others have tried to report that AEON has charged the 150 THB fee and it has never been shown to be correct, they either used an ATM that looked similar to AEON or the charge was from their home bank that issued the card

    Bangkok bank will charge you a 50 THB fee, based upon the amount of money you withdraw using a Thai issued ATM card if your are withdrawing out of province. Since Bangkok Bank is a member of the Thai Bankers Association I am sure that they are not going to go against the flow and will charge you 150 THB when a foreign bank ATM card is used

    Post a scan of either your slip or online account (obscuring your information) and we will believe you, otherwise, your post is another red herring

    UTY, TIT.

  2. Withdrawals at Aeon appear to be charging the 150 baht - checking balance before and after on O/S account, always seems to be 150 Bht +/- a few baht difference, no matter amount of withdrawal.

    They don't answer enquiries re this.

    Also recent withdrawal at BKKBK was only 50 baht fee.

  3. Very naive Marstons. Kids aren't as smart as you, get chased by dogs, go into barbed wire fence or under a car. Also many adults get chased or attacked - as I have been - I was carrying a stick, because I was out walking my dog, got attacked by a pack of dogs (in middle of public street) from one house. Happy to say I drew blood on one dog, elicited very sour looks from owner. I did not 'wield' my stick until pack began threatening.

    Suspect that dogs may sense human feelings, so f'lungs more at risk here.

    It is a serious problem.

    "On our last day with xxxxxx and xxxxx, xxxxxx and xxxxxxx in Thailand we decided to go and visit an island known for its handicrafts Ko Kret. It is in the middle of the river that flows through Bangkok. We took the ferry across from the mainland and hired bikes to circumnavigate the island. xxxxxxx with 4 month-old xxxxxxxxx in a front-pack took the lead, then xxxxxxxx, then me and finally xxxxx with xxxxxxx (2,1/2) seated on a front seat on the handlebar of xxxx's cycle, bringing up the rear. We followed the 1.5m width elevated pathway that runs between the houses nestled against the footpath, many of them being little shops displaying their home-made wares, pottery and other crafts. We were more than halfway round when one of the many dogs roaming round the place and sleeping on the pathway, jumped up and bit my leg. That began the drama!

    It was a nasty bite by a bull-terrier type, 4 pierced holes, very deep and a lot of blood. Continuing without dressing the wounds was out of the question. It caused a big commotion with the local Thai people who rushed me to a clinic that happened to be just metres away. However being a holiday, it was shut but on its courtyard there was a hose connected to a tap with running water, enabling a clean-up of sorts and it was good to note that the wounds were clotting very quickly. I felt very little pain, as if it were not really happening and tried to reassure the very concerned folk gathering around. xxxxx had already contacted xxxxxx by cellphone and pretty soon he and xxxxxx were with us, xxxxx ready to take control, using a baby nappy to cover my leg. But he was no match for a quietly determined young Thai man who organized a friend to take me on his motorbike to the ferry while he took xxxxx on his. Once on the mainland the young man commandeered another friend to take me to a hospital in his clapped-out car, refusing us to take a taxi. We obliged, and just as well, because this was Bangkok lunch-hour traffic! That man knew all the short-cuts and back ways, keeping his car going on full throttle as the motor wouldn't idle, so it was barely an hour before I was having the wound cleaned in a govt hospital, at which point our 'helpers' mysteriously disappeared! We suspect the young man was the dog owner!

    However the govt. hospital did not have the special equipment to deal with dog-bites, so we had to take another 2 hour journey across Bangkok city this time in a proper taxi to get to the closest private one that could deal with dog-bites and best of all the doctor that administered the rabies and tetanus shots spoke a little English. By his time my leg had ballooned up and walking was impossible. We were due to fly back to xxxxx the next day, so xxxxxx took the Dr's advice and organized an up-grade for me from cattle to business class. He is good at this sort of thing and soon discovered that because I’d paid for our trip on my xxxxxx platinum card I was covered by insurance, a fact not known to me as I never bother with travel insurance. Once home, he phoned the insurance company, the airline, the Dr who had attended me, back and forth, printing out claim forms and permission to travel forms and eventually driving back to the hospital to get physical signatures on those forms in the wee small hours of the morning."

  4. Read a recent report that Tasmanian Leatherwood honey is actually also a manuka honey. Sold at Big C and Big C Extra.

    >Read a recent report that Tasmanian Leatherwood honey is actually also a manuka honey. Sold at Big C and Big C Extra.

    Wow! real Tassie leatherwood honey? I think the flavour would be different to manuka, surely?

    I've never seen either on sale so let's know if anyone sights it.wai.gif

    Not sure about manuka honey but done would say there is a lot of other honey around.

    Don't they sell honey on the beach? Question is, what else is in it?

    The correct phrase to use with the honey sold on the beach ( & on Pattaya Dai) is 'innocence by association'.

    Yes, the honeycomb is genuine (Possibly, T.I.T.)

    The 'honey' starts to ferment inside a week.

  5. It wasn't the power outage that killed my Mac Pro, it was the surge that fried a main board as soon as the power returned.

    That's easily prevented, with hindsight - blackout, unplug till power is on for 30 mins before restarting -

    P.S. test your UPS occasionally - run computer on it, off the wall, before 'using' it; get an idea how the batteries are.

    You may be surprised.

  6. I read it as a girl clearly stating that she is only interested in a serious long term relationship and hoping to discourage punters looking for freebies. Sounds like a 'once bitten twice shy' kind of scenario.

    Why would she be like that with all us nice f'lungs around? w00t.gif

    Actually, hats off to her, call it like it is, much better chance of success.

  7. Buy some borax, & a bottle of peroxide at chemist. (Borax prolly at chem store, near larger markets)

    1 bottle perox, 2 bottles of water, mix, then dissolve as much borax in it as you can.

    Apply to dog after washing, allow to drip off. Can keep & reuse.

    Worked well on my Thai dog, losing hair from insects under the skin.

    Prolly will work for ticks & fleas too -

    Chok dee.

  8. Seems to me the article said it was the car driver making the wrong choices and getting the bus caught up in it all; hence this is about poor driving skills and poor decisions and not at all about buses. It could have been anything. Her number was up and she was going to hit something, whether it be a bus or a tree or what have you. This woman driver more than likely took one too many chances prior. I'll wager this wasn't the first one that she tried, but it certainly is her last one, eh? I simply cannot muster the decency anymore to say RIP when I read about idiots like this. She was no different than a person with a loaded gun, and she is now guilty of killing more people than most gun owners ever do.

    I wonder if she learned to drive just driving around to get the hang of it. i say this because I was once given a lift home by a colleague who asked me to excuse her driving as she was only learning which turned out to mean her dad had shown her basics then let her use his car unsupervised so she could practise.

    Pet hate is high beamers - come up behind you & burn your retinas out. Have been known to get out at traffic lights & ask driver behind to put lights down - often as not it is a young f profusely apologising 'mai me, mai me' - as in 'my car (recent Jap) doesn't have' (low beam). ;-(

    Amazed by the number of LPG tanker accidents in BKK - abt 1 a year - if these blow, second only to Nagasaki. Would solve the problem of Bangkok & sea level rise! No Bangkok!

    Number for land transport department / taxi hotline is 1584 - they may help if you find yourself in a yaba driven bus minibus, but no English spoke -

  9. This is just so common - only diff to another guys case is that he hasn't been kidnapped.

    Chanote was with lawyer - based on her previous behaviour. She went to police & reported chanote lost - took lost report to Lands dep & got new chanote. Sold house (contravening marriage laws - legally married)

    Case now before the beak, chance DOJ will recognised fraudulently obtained docs, then sold illegally. Guy will be w/o house, after losing another house (investment) and car to her.

    Congrats to Nam Plah & TV for prompt action re OP. Pls keep us posted. What does Nick need now?

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