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Posts posted by DekDaeng

  1. They are trained and required to do this by management, and consider it good service.

    But if they want to max their tips, they would do well to communicate. If you own a bar, just a few words of english would help the staff develop rapport.

    Pet hate is when you sit down and next thing you know is a fan parked beside you, full on. "Like fan?" with a smile would help a lot. Same as 'more beer?'

    Will chefs ever learn that f'lungs like to eat starters together, mains together, deserts together? Has anyone found where they get this right?


    You are assuming much more higher levels of rational thought and motivation here than actually exist 99.9% of the time.

    These people are on automatic pilot, learn everything by rote and that's the way they'll do their job until they day they drop.

    Don't even bother trying to change them, you're just banging your head against a wall.

    Now spare a thought for the farang bar-owners who actually try to change the way their staff do things! Now there's a farang I'll pity, but not you whingers, just relax and enjoy yourselves a bit accepting the way things are will you?

    Are you saying that whatever service you get, you are happy?


    I wasn't whinging, I was suggesting to bar staff (who will never read these posts) or to their bosses (who might) you they might increase their tips and also have more f'lungs return if they don't treat customers as objects, therefore less risk of not surviving the slow season.

    Might even work for Thai customers, as well.

  2. They are trained and required to do this by management, and consider it good service.

    But if they want to max their tips, they would do well to communicate. If you own a bar, just a few words of english would help the staff develop rapport.

    Pet hate is when you sit down and next thing you know is a fan parked beside you, full on. "Like fan?" with a smile would help a lot. Same as 'more beer?'

    Will chefs ever learn that f'lungs like to eat starters together, mains together, deserts together? Has anyone found where they get this right?

  3. I grew about a rai of red this last season. I hear great things about (mostly antidota ). I like it, chewier, My wife and I eat it, the rest of the family will not. "not soft!" they say. Milled local, seems to be no problem but there seems to be more to cleaning it before cooking.

    Bunny - did you have it just skinned?, or skinned and polished?

  4. Six months is a good rule of thumb, though it may keep 18 months or more. An airtight container is best. Refrigeration will increase the shelf life. Things to consider: How old was it when you got it? Was it properly stored?

    This also applies to coffee beans, which is why it is best to buy directly from the roaster.

    Thanks for the time. A practical oxygen free atmosphere might help for storing?

    Talking coffee roasters, can recommend Benjamit Coffee facing Soi Bhukao Market (the Tuesday & Friday Market) , backing onto Pattaya Dai. Not far from Friendship Supermarket. Great Lattes, great beans.

  5. All bus accidents should give the owner of the bus and the driver 20 years in jail.

    You can see lot of busses pass me on the highway in high speed. I know the road is slipery when its wet so I reduce my speed, but the busses continue as nothing happen. This is crazy so the driver should be punish.

    You can see the coments from the driver in all bus accidents, the road was wet and slipery (its the roads fault).

    The curv was very sharp (its the curvs fault). Its time to start propper training of bus and truck drivers, and punish them hard when involved in accidents.

    What amazes me is the LPG Semis that get rolled in BKK. Two in the last year - driven I think by teeny boppers who haven't learnt that the laws of physics have practical applications.

    So far they have not blown, but when they go, potential is second only to Hiroshima - 'fuel air bomb'.

  6. There are currently several solar farms being built across Thailand which will feed the main grid, in Korat, Suphanburi and kanchanaburi and other places I do not know about. European expertise and sub-contractors have been helping on these projects. I am unsure whether they are government funded or by the electricity board.

    ... and in Pattaya, as there's one just outside Huay Yai.

    Got a KMZ for it?

  7. Love brown. Unf 'brown rice machine' near Sawang Daengdin 'broken'. 3 years or more!

    Reading above posts, now I understand. ;-)

    How long does brown keep? Will try to find it in Pattaya area.

    Is red rice same as brown? i.e. unpolished, with inner skin on?

    • Like 1
  8. Why don't we start a petition to get the government to notice? Look at the resources this sort of stuff ties up - perhaps if we can mount a campaign on the government they can see that improving safety costs a little for the road user but saves the government much more, they can use the savings to improve roads etc. what do you think?

    Not so difficult at change.org - had its first Thai success last year when an Isaan mum posted a petition asking that bus companies not show such gruesome / sexual / etc etc videos on the buses. Got results in abt 10 days if I recall.

  9. Transport Minister: One firm will run all high-speed train routes

    BANGKOK, 21 March 2013 (NNT) - The transport minister has revealed that only one company will be selected to run all high-speed train routes, scheduled to be operatiional between 2018 and 2019.


    -- NNT 2013-03-21 footer_n.gif

    Who else than CHINA will come in question???whistling.gifwhistling.gifwhistling.gifwhistling.gif

    Sell cheap products for a high price, and sacrifice safety of people for the sake of keeping FACE...

    Most interesting case of saving face is the prompt burying of the carriages of the Chinese HST that came off after the accident last year.

    'Train # 1234? - No, not have"

  10. Under Thai Law you should have been in possession of said passport,thus saving you much hassle.

    Absolutely right, get a plastic sleeve on a chain and wear it at all times. laugh.png

    Would it make any difference in this unlucky case if he had a laminated colour copy of his passport and his visa?

    I mean if so would this smooth-en the bureaucracy process?

    Yes if poss. get a mini copy of photo page & visa & laminate - most photo shops can do this. Even before you send it in. That, and receipt for damaged PP should suffice till you get new one - I think.

  11. Let him rot....the pig should have to crawl into court.

    So according to you he is guilty as charged - these are allegations. Does an allegation automatically mean guilt??

    Let the courts decide his guilt or innocence before you start with the hang em high posts. After all one day a person may make an allegation against you. Would you want that allegation perceived as guilt?

    Yes, LET THE COURTS - don't let him off beforehand. He can plead for sympathy after the court rules, if he needs to. Give him as much sympathy as he gave the kids - if that is what the court finds.

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