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Posts posted by Monkeypants

  1. ozzydom,

    Yes a few years ago I tried the blue nylon meshing, and it clogs up real quick, but I haven;t managed to find an inbetween size to hold small fish.

    As regards predators I think we have too many, plenty of chon/sawaii and pla duk in there, big uns too, I fish the chon out using frog.

    I stocked the pond a couple of years ago with 7000, fingerling nin, but about 70 PERCENT never made it to maturity.

    I didnt use any nets for the fingerlings,

    I have about 1000 small 5/6 inch sawaii in there at the minute so will fish them out around songkran time and sell them and restock with plenty of nin, it isn't really a moneymaker because of the 4 metre depth and is impossible to drain completey, tried it with the kubota diesel engines 4 of em.

    The water just comes trickling in, I think it is an underground stream,never gets lower than 3 metres deep in the dry season.

    So it's a fishin pond really, which we sell the fish when i catch them, quite happy with that setup, just need to restock carefully, after I have taken out more predators.


  2. Slightly of topic but....

    I think you may find that who ever sleeps in the top bunk, may get very hot and uncomfortable without a good fan or aircon,

    Just a thought

  3. she looks lovely mate,

    Not a bit like a pidgeon

    Congrats and enjoy the best years of your life.

    My son is nearly 3 years old, and I have had the pleasure of being with him on the farm every day.

    Cherish every day you have with her and take loads of video;s and photo's

    Once again Congrats.

  4. Homeland Resort is a good choice, when you get there, ask for the VIP rooms above the swimming pool, spotless clean, satellite TV, wireless,

    best of all around 500 bht per night,

    Food is ok there too, only downside is you are about 5 kms outside the city, and no taxi,s,

    But It's my favourite place to stay a lot better than Kosit Hill resort which is inside the city and 2x the price.


  5. Phetchabun airport is often reffered to as Lomsak airport, because the airport is closer to Lomsak than Phetchabun.

    Also no carriers fly there,

    so you will need to get a bus, or other means of transport, How do I know, ?

    I live next door to the airport.

    Thai and PB air used to fly there years ago, then it, they both pulled out, and the airport wasn't used for commercial flights, it was effectively closed for at least 5 years, Last year solarair started a route from BKK to Nan i think, and stopped at Phetchabun on the way, This lasted a few months until Solarair realised that there aren't enough customers for the route, and pulled the plug.

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