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Posts posted by OMGImInPattaya

  1. The 'right to bear arms' had some relevance when it was necessary to defend oneself in the 'wild west'.

    Now that the west isn't so wild, the cowboys have taken to shooting themselves, instead of the native Indians. Take these guns out of peoples' hands and they'll stop shooting each other. Seriously, it really doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that one out. Maybe there's a Dr Von Braun out there to help the US solve this self inflicted disease.

    You obviously don't understand why the founding fathers put the right to bear arms in the constitution. It wasn't for defence against Indians, it was to ensure the government could never become oppressors to the citizens. Still relevant today.

    That second paragraph is a load of garbage.

    With amusement me a non american reading this thread I'm kinda surprised at the venom against gun control, of all things American/US this right to bear arms is the most ridiculous.

    To the gentleman who made a remark about mental health, most can go undetected there entire life, shows how much he knows about the subject.

    The rest of us bar the Middle East and some parts of Africa recon you wanna take a hard look at yourselves, why do normal people need a machine gun or automatic weapons?

    Haven't you noticed that these mass killings are virtually unheard of in other western countries, one of the reasons is that automatic and assault type weapons were banned along with tighter controls on licences.

    The United States is 7th among its peer group of nations in mass shooting deaths when adjusted for population...but don't let an inconvient truth interfere with your life in the liberal echo chamber.


  2. All the Democratic candidates as well as the majority of the American people believe there should be gun control laws. There isn't a single Republican candidate who would dare mention gun control because they'd be drummed out of the corp. That's the way they roll in wingnuttia.

    Instead of real issues facing America, Republicans have their own issues they address. These aren't real problems. These are the problems Republicans want to address:

    1. America has too few wars. (All the candidates are itching to start the next one.)

    2. The rich pay too much in taxes. (Got to feed the cash machine)

    3. America should do less about climate change. (Koch Bros don't like climate change talk.)

    4. Poor people especially women are provided too much health insurance (Lazy bitches)

    5. Immigrants are ruining everything (Put them all on buses and build the wall)

    So instead of addressing the real problems like wage inequality, climate change, women's rights, the sorry state of the mental health programs, etc, etc, etc. We get the above crapola from the Republicans with ridiculous arguments like cars kill people so let's ban cars.

    So it goes.

    There are already strict gun control laws in the United States, including very strict laws in the most populated areas like California, New York, Illinois, and the District of Columbia (funny these are also some of the areas with the highest crime and gun homicide rates). Do you know how much BS law-abiding citizens have to go through to buy and carry/use a gun? Have you ever bought and owned a gun?

    You can rail all you want and beat your head against a wall but fortunately there is the Second Amendment, which has been found to give an individual right to own a gun (not a collective militia right ) and there's no way around that for you gun haters...so go pound sand!

    Yeah who cares about children dying, as long as you can have a gun.

    People have a right to be a**holes but that doesnt make it right.

    Throwing out a non-sequiter (with a bit of Strawman too) doesn't win many arguments...people can see right through your "children" shield.

  3. All the Democratic candidates as well as the majority of the American people believe there should be gun control laws. There isn't a single Republican candidate who would dare mention gun control because they'd be drummed out of the corp. That's the way they roll in wingnuttia.

    Instead of real issues facing America, Republicans have their own issues they address. These aren't real problems. These are the problems Republicans want to address:

    1. America has too few wars. (All the candidates are itching to start the next one.)

    2. The rich pay too much in taxes. (Got to feed the cash machine)

    3. America should do less about climate change. (Koch Bros don't like climate change talk.)

    4. Poor people especially women are provided too much health insurance (Lazy bitches)

    5. Immigrants are ruining everything (Put them all on buses and build the wall)

    So instead of addressing the real problems like wage inequality, climate change, women's rights, the sorry state of the mental health programs, etc, etc, etc. We get the above crapola from the Republicans with ridiculous arguments like cars kill people so let's ban cars.

    So it goes.

    There are already strict gun control laws in the United States, including very strict laws in the most populated areas like California, New York, Illinois, and the District of Columbia (funny these are also some of the areas with the highest crime and gun homicide rates). Do you know how much BS law-abiding citizens have to go through to buy and carry/use a gun? Have you ever bought and owned a gun?

    You can rail all you want and beat your head against a wall but fortunately there is the Second Amendment, which has been found to give an individual right to own a gun (not a collective militia right ) and there's no way around that for you gun haters...so go pound sand!

  4. One reason I would never fly Air France...employees who act like a baying rabble! Peaceful protest, boycotts, strikes are fine but physically attacking others for doing their jobs is out of bounds. I would hope the airline's criminal assault complaint is taken seriously and the perps are tossed in the slammer to cool off and learn some manners.

    Looking at your avatar I can only guess where your sympathies lie and its not with workers. Once you start treating workers as animals they react in kind. Sadly peaceful protests get you nothing today. Yes fill the jails with these perps but leave room as many more will be coming. Guess who foots the bill for all of this jailing?

    I think you need to examine my avatar more closely...the jokes on you.

  5. Welcome to a new restaurant on the darkside .. YOTINS restaurant just off Nurn Plub Whan. Newly opened by Yotin, who was half the partnership behind Suggestions restaurant on Padtanakan Road.

    It is an international menu, and we tried the lamb chops and premium steak, although after the starters and a complimentary mozzarella salad intermediate course, I was knew I was going to struggle to finish the main course.

    3 course lunches start at B199, although our bill for evening dinner from the a la carte was B1,300 including wine.

    Newly opened so a few minor crinkles to work out, but a very enjoyable visit with friendly and attentive staff.

    Yotins can be found at the top end of Nurn Plub Whan, turn left at the 7/11 that is about 0.5k from the temple at the top, and keep bearing left. Yotins is on the right after about 300m.

    More lousy directions...left is right and right is left depending on one's direction of travel. Is it near Aqua Dynmie or up near the wet market? I drive this area daily and don't recall this place...only the new Rung Ya resto opposite the market.
  6. Air France a flight company to pass by.

    1st of all, with Air France you will never know you can fly, as there is almost always a strike and you have the problems; strikes of pilots, then of stewardesses, then of freight handlers, then of traffic control, then .............................. in short Air France is almost striking on 90% of the time.

    2nd the proper organisation structure has completely broken down, showing that the management is physically attacked during negotiations. for me this indicates that performance and safety is also at a bottom low as safety of aircraft and flying procedures depend heavily on a proper organisation structure; shown by safety studies.

    So don't fly Air France if you like to survive any air travel.

    You forgot the taxi strikes that prevent you from even getting to the airport for your flight, or if by some miracle the taxis aren't on strike and you get a cab...there are the lorry strikes which block up the roads again preventing you from getting to the airport. And if you get to the airport, the government air-traffic controllers are on strike so your flight has been cancelled...and on it goes in France ?
  7. I had the same thing happen to me at Nan immigration. I was making my first Non-O marriage application. When we were about all wrapped up the IO informed my wife that I should have 3,000 baht ready in an envelope for when the IO's did the house check. I did as asked but I was way from happy about doing it. Plus the fact I had to go all the way back to their office 30 days later to get the stamp, so more money and time just spent just to get the stamp these visiting IO's should be able to do when they are happy that everything is good. This is Thailand's goose that lays the golden egg, they don't won't us here but know that without us they will be bankrupt. The problem is some of the IO's just get greedy and want more, now look at what happened at the Cambodian border and what some ones greed has caused.

    Don't feel so bad Eddy, I just submitted a TOURIST visa application for a Thai to visit the UK and it cost more than 5000 baht. At least the op will get to stay a year. (Do you think if she is refused it will bankrupt the UK economy?)
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  8. Inzman and Peterrabbit are on the right track...if you have the time, just market it yourself. That's all any agent is going to do...start with a listings on f T-V and Craigslist. Then notices of the boards at Foodland, Best, Friendship, and Big C Extra (also on electric poles in the vacinity). Probably most important is the sign out front of the house and/or moobaan. Most people find their places by just driving around an area they like. And most important, price it right. Chook dee.

  9. There is no exclusive listing system here so there is little incentive to market a home aggressively. That, and the fact there are literally thousands of homes for sale and few buyers at the moment, make it hard to fire up an agency for any particular house. I think most agents sit at their desk and spend the day watching YouTube cat videos.

  10. Best aloo gobi and dals in town please.

    Saras is good for vegetarian food and I have enjoyed everything I have had there. That includes both the dishes you mention.

    Indian by nature also did a good dal in their thali, though it was quite thick and rich to my taste and a large portion might be heavy going. The same applies to their aloo gobi which I have also tried.

    There is so much variety in dals that it's hard to say whose is best.

    Are you referring to the branch at Royen (top floor)? Got a serious bout of the trots right after eating there once so won't be back. Any other reccos?
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