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Posts posted by rene123

  1. Why does it have to be specifically a woman helping a man in Thailand? We all receive help along the way of life. I received a lot of good advice from a friend of my father. It shortened the learning gap immensely. Many Thais, both men and women, have helped me adjust to what Thailand has to offer. I've learned many valuable things from this forum, if not only from direct advice, but also by reading between the lines.

  2. From a woman's point of view, just stay out of it, you can't win. Let your wife make her own decision. As others have already said it is only hair, and hair will grow back.

    My only suggestion is to take a positive approach to convince your wife how nice she looks in certain clothes or how she does her hair. Then, leave it up to her to make her own choice. If she changes her hair and it turns into a disaster then she will realize her mistake. At that point just be supportive and don't rub it in.

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  3. With a little help from a mentor I've learned you can't change the world so don't even try. All you can do is just help a few others. There is no way any foreigner is going to change how Thais drive. If it is necessary that your wife or child needs to learn to drive properly then the only solution is to train them yourself. I wanted my drivers license when I was 16 (legal age in Canada) but my father would not allow me to drive alone until I was 18. He needed to know that I was capable far beyond what a driving school could teach me. So, dad put me through his own crazy testing course until he knew I could handle any emergency without freezing or panicking. I'm sure that has saved me many times since.

    My 5 months of riding a motorbike in Thailand taught me you have to expect the unexpected if you want to survive. It has actually improved my awareness now that I'm back in Canada. If the OP can do that for his wife then he has done a big service to other drivers on the road. You always have to take responsibility for your own actions.

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  4. I think it is like the ads telling us all the foods that are supposedly bad for us, and don't eat bananas because they will make you fat. I think it makes sense to do our own research from the many internet sites available. Just about anything in moderation is okay, and an excess of anything is usually detrimental to our health. If you are in your mid sixties then there are bound to be parts of your body that don't function as well as before. I'm 38 and I can't do the things I did when I was 20. But then I don't want to, either. If you eat well and keep yourself physically and mentally active then Alzheimers is the least of your worries.

  5. Having seen what goes on in North America within supposedly happy marriages I think the Thai system of men taking a Mai Noi is not a bad idea. Too many people, myself included, have been brain washed by our quasi Christian beliefs and the hypocritical values of the clergy. When I compare Christian hypocrites to Thai prostitutes or Mai nois I think I'll choose the Thailand system.

    I don't see any actual difference between women who marry strictly for social position and those that use their bodies to raise money for their families or a better life style. It is just that we've been sold a false set of values by an old fashioned bible that has been altered many times by clergy who have ulterior motives.

    So your wife is ok with it that you have 1 on the side ?

    As with many Thai wives, she is probably OK as long as the relationship is not flaunted and she doesn't lose face.

    Maybe not at one time, but probably now that I've learned something of the Thai culture. It all depends on what you have invested and are willing to lose. Many of the past American presidents had affairs and their wives discretely accepted them because it wasn't flaunted. Most marriages are very similar to business arrangements. In some cases they are nothing but business arrangements. In many countries, marriages are arranged by parents and families. The married couple have no say in it at all. Love or sexual attraction has no basis in the arrangement. Who says one is right and another is wrong.

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  6. Or as a Thai person recently asked me: Don't you trust me? Answer: I don't want to be in a position where I have to trust you. Goes for the farang here in LOS as well, I guess.

    JLCrab made a very astute observation that fits well with the idea to never invest in anything that you can not walk away from. If there is one thing that I've learned in the past few years it is that everything changes and nothing stays the same. It is how you accept those changes that counts. I've also learned that we can be happy with far less than what we think we need. We've been sold a bill of goods of what and who we should be.

  7. My ex-boss is a significant shareholder in a large Thai company, family owned and she is worth conservatively 2-3 million dollars. She stared out as a mia noi, now the family can't get rid of her.

    That was my first thought. It was already stated that the mai noi was educated. It's not too far fetched to believe that the woman made some smart financial moves with money given to her. It takes money to make money ad the wealthy amongst us have usually made it through wise investments. She probably had help from her wealthy mentor/sugar daddy.

  8. Nobody likes to appear a failure. Men seem to brag more than women, and if they can't back up their brag then they quietly blend into the background. Women are a little more subtle and don't have to justify their mistakes and bad choices, even though they make just as many mistakes as men. We all make mistakes in life, but the smarter people learn from them and don't repeat their mistakes. Unfortunately, there are some people who continue to repeat their bad choices in life and they all want to blame someone else for them. Many of those types seem to find their way to Thailand. In the short time I was in Thailand I met many of them. They all had a sad story to tell but it was easy enough to read between the lines.

  9. If they are bees and not wasps then they will be worth money. An active hive should only approached in the evening when it's cool. Wasp nests can be burnt out and there are chemical sprays that block their entrance. Bees are good because the pollinate plants.

  10. Up2you2 said.... "

    It has been said over and over, but you really want to tread carefully around other Farang in Thailand. Many many nutters about.

    Most foreigners here are the lowest of the low, from the unloved to the violently psychopathic."

    That statement has a LOT of flaws. Certainly there are lots of odd people in Thailand, but to say most foreigners are violent psychopaths is too far fetched to accept. Why do people make such outrageous statements?

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  11. It is threads like this that make me glad I didn't have children. It is very sad that parents use their children as weapons, but it happens very often. And I have to agree with others here that women are more guilty of it than men. I believe that is because men usually have more money than women, and women feel insecure about that during a breakup. They use the only weapon available to them which is the children.

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  12. I somewhat believe what pigeonjake is saying. There are negative people, positive people and realistic people. Most people are just realistic about what goes on around them and accept it with the normal amount of grumbling. Nothing is perfect or terrible all the time. With the help of an elderly man who has more wisdom than me I've trained myself to be positive person. It is difficult to maintain a positive outlook about everything, but it is gradually working. I now take everything that happens to me as a learning experience.

    The other day I was caught in a traffic jamb because of construction and instead of getting home in time to make supper I went out to eat. And, in so doing I ran into an old friend that I had lost contact with and we renewed our friendship. That never would have happened without my traffic delay. I don't know if it is karma or something else, but everything seems to happen for a reason.

  13. It is sad to see children beaten, because there are other more effective ways of discipline, but you can't change the world. Unfortunately, uneducated people still use ancient methods and continue to promote brutality. There is no denying that the majority of Thai people are not well educated by modern standards.

  14. A friend told me he used to see them all the time in the city but has not seen one for a couple of years after the law was passed. Was it really that bad? Were the elephants mistreated? That is an honest question. I really don't know.

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