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Posts posted by rene123

  1. Thanks for all the pictures. I'll have to pass them on to some Canadian friends to show what I see on Thai highways when riding my bike. They are all good reasons why I ride defensively in Thailand and never go as fast as I might. I don't trust anything when going around blind corners. I always leave myself an escape route.

  2. It's because of christian dogma ingrained at birth and reinforced until adulthood. Most westerners are taught that sex is bad and must be kept behind closed doors. To submit to you carnal desires is considered a sin. The church has a lot to answer for.

    I agree. Churches (pick a religion) try to manipulate people and keep them subservient. What better way than to make up rules to curb their interests and desires outside of the churches narrow parameters.

  3. Those coral beaches are tough on us whimps who have tender tootsies, Dancealot. I remember a beautiful looking beach in Australia that I couldn't walk a 100 metres on without getting sore feet. By contrast, I've seen others that were soft like flour.

    This is an area in the Nan province that I want to explore more. The Wa River is lovely and clear like the rivers between Mae Sariang and Mae Hong Son, but far less populated. There is very little traffic in that area.



  4. Very nice post, Bina. I thought men grew out of the old "My dick is bigger than yours" syndrome as they matured, but I guess not.

    I don't care how much money people have. It is how they treat others that count. Some people just get lucky at the right time and make a lot of money by making good choices and taking a few risks. Does that make them pleasant people to be around? Who knows, smart business acumen does not necessarily relate to a pleasant personality. And, some people who are a lot of fun to be around don't necessarily make good partners... either through business or personal relations.

    It's been my observation that strong people who post a lot take a lot of heat from others. It doesn't even matter how sensible their posts are; there will still be people who object. Theblether seems to be one of those people who receives unwarranted criticism. A former member who is a friend of mine was another. My only explanation is that the nay-sayers are envious or jealous. Thankfully, strong people are not bothered by jealous people.

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  5. I was told by a former member here not to get too friendly with anyone and especially not if you are a woman.. I'll just take it one tiny step at a time.

    What was the reasoning behind that advice?

    Some of the replies on this forum would make that obvious. Why do you think moderators stay anonymous.

  6. Pythons are common along Thailand's waterways and feed on the abundant rat population that associate with man because of human waste. It is only natural that the snakes come onto the roads. King cobras are quite often black and are the only other snake that rivals the python in length, if not girth.

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  7. I love children and was never blessed with having any of my own, but an elderly mentor told me about the sad situation with child beggars in Thailand and told me not to give them money. However, I have taken a few of them for a meal which they always appreciate. They don't view a woman as a threat.

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