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Posts posted by sustento

  1. There is no Gay Ban in Taiwan on Boy Scouts

    Young or Old, or Ancient

    As far as I know.

    I don't think Taiwan (as a country) recognises that there is something like people being gay. That might be the reason.

    I might be wrong though. May I ask whether it is OK in the Taiwan Boy Scouts organisation to be openly gay? Do you have any evidence or examples?

    Taiwan is fairly gay friendly


  2. I think that I would have said "yes I am English" and we used to get on very well with your people when your country was Persia

    And to the Russian " You would do well to remember....many brave Allied seamen gave up their lives on the Artic convoys to feed and equip your Nation

    Why are you both such paranoid people

    While you were at it you could have mentioned the Anglo Persian Oil Company and Mohammed Mossadegh. After that you could tell the Russian that the 25,000,000 Russian deaths during WWII were of minor importance. You'd have been the most popular man on the bus.

    I don't remember suggesting that the Russian deaths were unimportant......what's your point?

    My point is that it's a bit crass pointing out the loss of 3,000 Allied sailors to someone whose country suffered 10 million military and 15 million civilian deaths during the same conflict.

  3. I think that I would have said "yes I am English" and we used to get on very well with your people when your country was Persia

    And to the Russian " You would do well to remember....many brave Allied seamen gave up their lives on the Artic convoys to feed and equip your Nation

    Why are you both such paranoid people

    While you were at it you could have mentioned the Anglo Persian Oil Company and Mohammed Mossadegh. After that you could tell the Russian that the 25,000,000 Russian deaths during WWII were of minor importance. You'd have been the most popular man on the bus.

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  4. He probably is Thai. Sikhs have been living in Thailand since the end of the 19th century and there are many Thai citizens who are Sikh.

    That may be so, but when talking to a Thai Thai Thai national, he is not Thai in there eyes. Regardless if they are or not.

    I have rented my bikes to Thai nationals, if its been damaged they have always paid the full repair amount with no qualms.

    It's funny how everyone starts to defend the one who has done wrong, certainly the biggest problem in this world.

    If this man or any other man damages your goods are you telling me you wouldn't want the repairs paid for.

    Of course you would. This man regardless of race pleaded he was Thai and his cheekiness towards a Thai national was pathetic, claiming he can't afford I will give you so much!

    I guarantee to you, if I hit his car with my bike and dented the body work, he would have wanted it repairing paid for by me. You all know this.

    Can you point out the words I used to defend him? I was just pointing out that he's probably a Thai citizen - no more - no less. Please don't read things into my words that aren't there.

  5. Given the choice between spending time with the Buddhists in this thread or their opponents I'd much rather spend time with the Buddhists. They don't seem to be carrying a big rucksack of anger around with them.

  6. I agree the heat needs to be kept up on the BSA. I just have fewer problems with small steps in the right direction. The Scouts is for the Boys and letting gay boys in is a major step forward. I think that once we have some good examples and they grow up and are seen as productive, reasonably normal people, they will start looking at scout leaders.

    It will happen.

    They're not 'letting gay boys in'. The gay boys are already there. They're just allowing them to be honest.

    That is not exactly correct. Some years back there was an Eagle scout who was kicked out for being gay, if I recall correctly.

    It is exactly correct. There have always been gay boy scouts but previously they've had to hide their sexuality. Now they don't have to.

  7. I'm normally happy for things to proceed at a leisurely pace and to sort themselves out over time but the BSA decision is cruel and dishonest. It's saying to young gay scouts that it's ok to be gay until you reach an age where you can be trusted to accept a little responsibility for others. As soon as you reach that age you're no longer trusted.

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