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Posts posted by sustento

  1. ^^^^^^^^^

    We, is the British people!! We are tired of excuses, We are tired of weak politicians, We are tired of muslims coming to our country and putting local butchers out of business because they sell pork!!! We are tired of the fact that flying the Union Jack might offend muslims, we are bored of listening to stories of British airways stewardesses getting fired for refusing to taking of a cross and chain neckless, we are tired of pandering to radical idiots!

    Our country ...Our laws...... Don't like it? then <deleted> off back to your your own country!!! Great Britain is not for SALE. Everyone has a limit. The brutal murder of this young man might be ours!

    And again I haven't heard 1 muslim condemn this act!!!!

    You can't have been looking very hard...

    Are you serious????????????????

    A muslim forum?

    The huffington post?

    The Sun?

    Sensationilist newspapers at the least, sell their own grandma for a story!!

    As for Leicester????

    we lost that county in the 70's!!!

    Something more credible please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Did you actually read what was written rather than just look at the URLs? You said that no Muslims have yet condemned the murder. All of the URLs I've provided have a variety of Muslims from different organisations condemning the murder.

    • Like 1
  2. ^^^^^^^^^

    We, is the British people!! We are tired of excuses, We are tired of weak politicians, We are tired of muslims coming to our country and putting local butchers out of business because they sell pork!!! We are tired of the fact that flying the Union Jack might offend muslims, we are bored of listening to stories of British airways stewardesses getting fired for refusing to taking of a cross and chain neckless, we are tired of pandering to radical idiots!

    Our country ...Our laws...... Don't like it? then <deleted> off back to your your own country!!! Great Britain is not for SALE. Everyone has a limit. The brutal murder of this young man might be ours!

    And again I haven't heard 1 muslim condemn this act!!!!

    They where out busy celebrating in Oldham, Lancashire yesterday, savages!!

    Police trying 2 disperse 100s of Muslims on Victoria st Oldham from celebrating the murder of British soldier.http://inagist.com/all/337513409622982656/

    Not according to Greater Manchester Police they weren't...


  3. "I wondered if the notion of the code of honour amongst thieves just doesn't exist within the Thai criminal classes as it does so strongly in most Western countries, or if the 'interrogation techniques' used are simply more effective in this part of the world?"

    I think you'll find that it is just a 'notion' in the west rolleyes.gif

  4. I

    The Muslim Council of Britain called the attack "a truly barbaric act that has no basis in Islam," the Press Association reported.

    That's why the two murderers were shouting Allahu Akbar. It's strange how such violent acts have apparently no basis in Islam, yet this seems to be misunderstood worldwide on a daily basis. I wonder why no other religion seems to be so misunderstood.

    The UK has left it too late. Enoch Powell warned about this back in the sixties. Who remembers his speech about "rivers of blood in our country"? There was one MP who knew what he was talking about.

    Enoch Powell made his speech in 1968,and could not have forseen a Federal Europe,which mean't open borders right across the whole of Europe,and our laws coming from Europe,which is why there is extreme pressure to give the British people a Referendum,on whether to stay in Europe or get our Country back.hopefully this will happen in less than 5 years.

    What does the EU have to do with a murderer from Romford whose antecedents were Nigerian?

  5. Bethdin courts ... no idea what you are talking about.

    Sent from my GT-P1010 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    It's a Jewish court that settles the same sort of problems that a sharia court would settle in the UK. It has no jurisdiction over the criminal law and is purely voluntary. As I said they've been running in the UK for 300 years...


  6. I live in Malaysia, a very nice place and the people are absolutely lovely. I do prefer the company of the Malay muslims to the Indian and Chinese here.

    Just a question. Has it become the norm for every assault to now be labelled a terrorist attack? Just seems to me that any assault or murder to do with race or religion these days is a terrorist attack instead of just saying some mentally retarded morons murdered and innocent person.

    The language of using the word 'terrorist' in this instance seems to be begging for reprisals and inflammation. That's just my 2 satang worth anyway.

    PS: No I don't think they should be shot, hanged, executed etc. I would prefer they were tied to a pole in Hyde Park and let the locals throw rocks at them for a few days then set them on fire.

    Just a thought. You live in Malaysia, a predominantly Muslim country. There they have there own laws, rules and regulations. Hence a Muslim country with Muslim laws. Nothing wrong with that. I think what pisses people off is that Muslims are infiltrating other peoples countries, challenging their beliefs and way of life. In other words, if you are happy with the Muslim way, stay in a muslim country. Don't come to other peoples country and try to enact muslim laws. That way of course you will incite racism.

    I also like your idea of punishment for those guys........ Stoning!!!! well done!!!!!!!!!

    I agree, Muslim country Muslim laws, English country, English laws. I also don't think mslim women should be able to where a face niqab, or Hindu men not where in helmets when riding a motorcycle because they have to where there head cover and I think western women should cover there hair when they go to islamic countries.

    O. The knote of Muslims disturbing other cultured, I don't think it's right, just like I don't think it's right that Christians disturb other cultures. The reason why most of the problem (and I am not exusing any of it) is because they don't want western governments interfering with there countries politics and they are only there because Islamic countries have oil, one day it will run out and all the problem will stop. Every one should respect the cultures as they are and let the people and governments be.

    It's actually Sikhs that don't have to wear motorcycle helmets not Hindus. Still, let's not let the facts get in the way...

  7. thaicbr, so, according to you, holding and expressing the view that the vast majority of Muslims are as peaceful and law abiding as you or I makes me partly responsible for what happened in Woolwich yesterday! Tell me, why, in your view, does respecting freedom of religion and the right of people to live their lives the way they wish, within the law of course, encourage atrocious acts like that?

    jbrain, ask any non Anglican who lives near a church with bells what they think; not just when they ring for services or weddings, but also the weekly practice; usually at night!

    Yes, I have heard of Christian churches in many Muslim countries.

    Any Muslim living in the UK who ignored or broke UK law would be, and is, treated the same way as anyone else.

    Paangjang, those idiots were, rightly, condemned by Muslim leaders.

    I repeat; no one is suggesting that Sharia law be imposed in the UK except a few extremists that not even Muslims listen to!

    You can repeat it as many times as you want but the evidence says otherwise.

    The fact that the UK allows sharia law in the 1st place is a fop to political correctness.

    What about the Beth Din courts? They've been running in the UK for over 300 years.

    • Like 1
  8. The Muslim Council of Britain called the attack "a truly barbaric act that has no basis in Islam,"

    Presumably then, the MCB would not object if an Islamic punishment were meted out to these two excuses for human beings, especially since it oversees the use of sharia law in the UK (yes, the UK has sharia law already for some situations).

    It also has Beth Din courts for some situations too.

  9. Outrageous, what has Britain become, where a member of Her Majesty's Armed Fforces can't walk the streets without facing attack? Powells "Rivers of blood" speech may actually have prophesied just that, although probably not his intention.

    For too long have the "British" people been like a sleeping dog, laying complacent at the hearth. Now these animals welcomed in & given every opportunity have become so emboldened as to commit this horrific act on Britains streets.

    Too late for government to act, as "they" are already embeded in every aspect of political life in the UK. The "mindless morons of the EDL" as some on this forum have called them, are now apparently the last bastion for repriasal as far as Britain is concerned & good luck to them.

    Every Muslim living in Britian should should feel shame upon themselves & Islam for breeding, & harbouring such hatred for a country that allowed them to thrive.

    Regardless where these animals came from, they are Muslims, no matter what denials or renunciation the Islamic mouth piece in the UK comes out with.

    I've read some absolute wet liberal crap on here regarding this & most of it from brits, no wonder the country is in shit, for want of a better term. All Muslims in the UK are now fair game,

    Even the bloke who delivers my newspaper every morning?

  10. The majority of Muslims in the UK are of Pakistani descent.

    Not Arabic descent; not Arabs either ethnically nor by any other measure!

    Prejudice and facts; oil and water.

    I initially wanted to write Muslim countries, but changed it to Arab countries to avoid smart arse remarks in the line of, what are muslim countries.

    I think you get my point.

    Of the ten countries in the world with the most Muslim populations none are in Arabia.

  11. Transam, a friend of mine was blown up by the IRA in Guildford in 1974; I would have been too had I not been late.

    Do I hate Catholics because of it? No, I was raised one myself!

    Do I hate all the Irish because of it? No. The Provos don't represent the majority of Irish people.

    Do I hate all Muslims because a small minority of Muslims are terrorists? No; that would be as stupid as hating Catholics and Irish because I was nearly blown up by the IRA!

    Your ignorance and prejudice only serves the extremists' purpose; shame on you.

    Wise words. Unfortunately people react to violent babaric attrocities like this, in exactly the way the terrorists want them too. Stirring up more trouble by inciting more hatred is their objective.

    The IRA were not fighting to promote chatholicism but orginally to gain independence from British rule. The provisional IRA sought to remove British rule from Nothern Ireland, and strangely received help from Muslim countries (Gadaafi's Libya and the Palestinians). The Muslim terrorists believe they are fighting a holy war and fighting for Islam not one particular country. This makes them very different.

    I know many Muslims and have lived in Muslim countries. The vast majority I've met are decent law abiding people who want the best for their families and respect everyone, regardless of religion or ethnic origin. Attacking these people drives them into the arms of the terrorists who will gladly manipulate them.

    The Boston bombings, now this, cause people to react and label all Muslims the same, which is not only not true, but actually what the terrorist leaders want.

    Punish the guilty but do not hold people guilty because of their political and religious views, or ethnic origin.

    BUT, the religious hierarchy do nothing. Yes/No. World wide the hierarchy do nothing. WHY. ????

    Because Islam doesn't have a hierarchy. They have no Pope or Archbishop of Canterbury.

  12. I'd be glad if people remembered that animals are not the equals of humans.

    I'm in favor of safeguarding animal species and the environment, but with the goal of conservation for man's benefit, not for the benefit of the anthropomorphist idea of "Nature".

    Thanks to treehuggers, Switzerland's last dolphins will be sold away at the end of the year, import has been banned by Law. This is just plain wrong. I hope the same thing doesn't happen to the tigers.

    Are dolphins native to Switzerland?
    yes - at least two were born in the delphinarium

    As Switzerland is landlocked I very much doubt that dolphins are native to that country. Perhaps there are dolphins who live in Switzerland. If so they must obviously live in some sort of human contrived place. Say an aquatic zoo?

  13. I'd be glad if people remembered that animals are not the equals of humans.

    I'm in favor of safeguarding animal species and the environment, but with the goal of conservation for man's benefit, not for the benefit of the anthropomorphist idea of "Nature".

    Thanks to treehuggers, Switzerland's last dolphins will be sold away at the end of the year, import has been banned by Law. This is just plain wrong. I hope the same thing doesn't happen to the tigers.

    Are dolphins native to Switzerland?

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