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  1. But wait until you apply a gold leaf to your shy sausage.
  2. the perpetrator is anti-Islam, FYI.
  3. The incident is very sad and an awful way to die, not to mention the drama of the family left behind and the horrible experience for the conductor. But at the same time, one must say the guy really wasn't very smart. However, about your last statement: the deceased was a youtuber, an activity which apart from impressing friends does in fact bring in money from sponsors and ads -if successful. The really top ones (not this poor guy obviously) have billions of views (yes, 1000s millions) and rack in tens of millions dollars per year. Welcome to the brainwashing power of the internet.
  4. Just shows how time is wasted in the UK, I would say. Exactly what evidence do you need to review in this case?
  5. No, it isn't. Unless you and some other heated posters truly believe that all the franchises of this "pizza" chain serve regularly spaghetti with broken glass. It seems a case of some one-only accident that happened in the kitchen and the restaurant has already offered to cover all costs. Case closed, no need to shame the whole chain.
  6. Proof that even idiots can lead a political party. Femicides are not the same as sexual violence crimes, and 20% by non-italians is still disproportionate.
  7. You are the one perpetuating this thread, as you keep posting over and over. If you have reasons to want it closed, contact the admin directly. Surely there must be enough forums back in the US, to discuss things largely unrelated to Asean.
  8. When did I say that there is a guarantee? Like all investments with high potential for gain, there is a risk of losing. It all depends when you step in and when you want out. And by the way, real estate can lead to losses too. I simply said that your answer "invest in gold" is not a way to make money, which is what the person you were replying to wanted. But we are beating a dead horse, goodbye.
  9. I don't know if Bob Scott is a real person or a name for some AI-generated content, but surely the article is hilarious. "hotspots felt the icy breath" is a literary gem.
  10. By using your logic, given that 2024 saw record breaking high temperatures everywhere, the GWA seems right on spot. But actually, Global Warming is not about single measurements, no matter how extreme. It's about large data sets.
  11. You start with "because" as if you are providing an answer, but actually you missed completely the question, which started with "if you like having more money ". Of course precious metals, gold in primis, are stable and the correct solution for a doomsday scenario. But after ten years (say) of owning gold, you are left with more or less what you started with - when you factor in inflation. So solid, stable, but not an answer to "having more money".
  12. The confusion is non existent. A BCD is a rather complex jacket worn by scuba divers to control their buoyancy. It works by letting air in (from their tank) and out. Obviously impossible to operate by a snorkeler. I have dived a few times in the Similans as a freediver, no life jacket no BCD, easily deeper than the 30m which is usually the limit for recreational scuba. Just hard to convince the dive master that it was ok to take me along, the first time.
  13. Mr Bag Fix will do wheels, handles, locks, just about everything. If you drive from Big C Hang Dong to Airport Plaza, they are about halfway on the left side.
  14. And of course one or two more zeroes in the bill they present you. RIP Khun Sarawit.
  15. It goes without saying. And yet there are people who manage to compare an expat with passport, documents, income, ability to travel and to return to their country at will, with refugees who have no papers, no means, no money to spend in bars, and break their backs to build the condos for the expats. Actually, if one really cared for Thai citizenship, expats can get it under the right circumstances.
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