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  1. There is a BIG difference in speaking and in writing. Just google it. While some Israelis may look like Arabs because they are Semitic, language is very different.
  2. You don't seem to understand the difference between Israeli & being just Jewish. I lived in a Jewish neighborhood for many years. No, nobody communicated in Hebrew but in the local language or sometimes Yiddish. You still got a lot to learn.
  3. Where else do they speak Hebrew & carry a bag with Hebrew print on it? From experience, Jewish folks in other countries communicate in the country's language.
  4. The answer is: yes they very often behave poorly. I come across them frequently in recent months. Polite, courtesy is unknown to them.
  5. I too assumed this was the case until CW immigration told me otherwise & we needed to import 2x 800.000 for 2 sep. Non-O retirement.
  6. France, Spain, are EU member countries. EU rules are universal. When you can't open an account in Belgium then you can't open one in Austria or in Spain unless you have a permanent address +++
  7. Did the ppl proposing to speed up seniors by giving them a Zimmer frame ever use one I wonder? It speeds nobody up but slows you down.
  8. I was told by CW immigration that piggybacking was only possible when hubby is on retirement & I'm below 50. Otherwise it requires separate accounts & money. Not when both are at retirement level.
  9. 10 yrs ago, after having been here already 10 yrs I needed to supply a bank reference from my overseas bank before Bangkok Bank opened an account for a retirement visa. Other banks insisted on a work permit. Agreed, some branches were more helpful going by feedback.
  10. Kosher cooking means special pans & no pork in your kitchen. Not just cooking without pork.
  11. Because they are outright rude & nasty, entitled. Not just to Thais but would be towards you as well. My experience from having had to deal with them professionally.
  12. Hamas never said this at any time. Would you not fight being oppressed by another ethnic group? That is what Hamas does. No oppression, no Hamas.
  13. I strongly recommend to read up on history. Palestine existed long, long before there was an Israel.
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