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Posts posted by rickirs

  1. "merge the Office of the Human Rights Commission and the Office of the Ombudsman."

    Very effective in lowering the authority of the HRC Prinya Sirisarakan by placing him subordinate to Ombudsman General Wittawat Ratchatananoven.

    NACC more powerful?

    There was also an earlier proposal to give NACC its own police force and authority to issue search warrants and make arrests.without court approval. It could basically become institutionalized terror organization wit only yhe military as a check and balance.

  2. "it is hard to comprehend how you could equate elections with liberal democracy."

    Yes, it is since it is you who do not understand the full implications of a democratic society. A form of governance that exists successfully in constitutional monarchies, republics, and even islamic nations. Yet, except for a few seconds on the face of the nation's clock of history, democracy cannot survive in Thailand given the entrenchment of nondemocratic institutions of Thai power that are beyond Thai's docile reach.

    A good understanding of democracy requires an academic and nonpolitical examination of the variety of democratic nations. Nations whose democracies did not magically occur through the generosity of some elite class but through the direct efforts of its own PEOPLE. You should open your mind to the whole world that surrounds Thailand for demonstrations of what constitutes democratic societies. There is no "Thainess" about them. Instead there is humanity about them. Yes, a messy, conflicting, and bias behavior of peoples whose fabric of their society still binds them in a common respect for rule of law in their sungular pursuit of personal rights and liberties. Happiness is not mandatory but an option. You live with what you make- you have choices. It is okay to be angry, unhappy, sad - it's okay to be human.

    Totalitarian ideology is the mumification of the body and mind. Democracy is the ideological song of the soul. If Japan can break from its centuries of culture to reform itself into a democratic society, so can Thailand. Eight hundred years ago in English history another society began its path to democracy.

    Be fair to yourself and to you fellow Thais. Move beyond the past and be brave. Discard the opium of mental dullness and embrace the passion of being alive. Take democracy once a day and you'll live better.

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  3. Like all WEAPONS OF WAR, martial law is means to an end. The Junta does not impose it because of some psychological addiction to power or for sake of personal ego. Martial law is but one in a stockpile of military weapons that can brought to bear against the Thai PEOPLE. When the Junta believes it sees the end of continuous and resurgent civilian threats to its own military power and the power of its elitist patrons, it will wield all its weapon against the Thai PEOPLE with pride, determination, and dedication.

    As seen from the behavior of the Junta-controlled government and continuous application of the Junta's absolute power over the Thai PEOPLE, it is clear that the END must be a predictable and politically nuetralized electorate that will be unable to independently determine or change its own path in society. I wouldn't expect to see martial law fully rescinded until long after the next elections, whenver they might occur. The nation might just remain under a permanent martial law, albeit under some pleasing and palatable acronym such as People's Safety Act.

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  4. "Asked when the first step would begin, Prayut said it would depend on how Malaysia, as the facilitator of the peace efforts, would seek out cooperation from various groups of insurgents as co-parties in the dialogue."

    As Prayuth had said before, "Malaysia is The One." Failure of getting the parties to any peace table won't be the Junta, it will be someone else.

    So the Junta can sit back and make all its notorious preconditions for peace talks and Malaysia will be responsbile to convince the insurgents to accept the Junta's preconditions. From this perspective it would seem the military may have little incentive to see any real peace in South Thailand. Peace might create a significant four million-Muslim economic domain that would rival and challenge the Democrat political stranglehold over the provinces and move towards a political direction contrary to a State-sponsored Buddhist faith.

  5. "investment ratios between Thailand and Japan"

    With the Chinese the investment ratio was Thailand 20% and China 80%. I wouldn't expect the baht-hoarding Junta to settle for anything more than 20%. Of course the less investment Thailand has in a project, the less owneship and control it has in the project. The result is that for the next 20 years like in the Chinese rail way project, Thailand makes to make net income only from operations & maintenance of the project while the foreign country makes a return from debt service from day one of financing.

  6. "the country might have to import expensive liquefied natural gas and that would raise electricity fees."


    Right now the country should be hedging LNG supplies for the next 12 months at today's cheap prices that can't sustain oil & gas development. If prices don't rise after a year, Thailand gets a "bonus" savings. In fact Thailand can stockpile natural gas in existing offshore wells. When fossil fuel prices rise again to more than $65/bl, then award oil & gas reserves. Unfortunately, the impetus for this sale comes from the Junta's desparation to get a quick economic recovery from the concession fees. Economic common sense does not exist.

  7. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    And if Thais start being against the USA, Americans will be very surprised..........

    What have we done to them to be against us? alt=blink.png>

    It's what the Thai military and elitist establishment have done against the civil liberties of the Thai PEOPLE that garners America's disappointment. It's the choice of the Junta to exclude the Thai PEOPLE from having a direct participation in their own future. This Junta-led government has operated by self-appointed proxy on behalf of the Thai PEOPLE to create a future for Thailand IN ITS OWN IMAGE. America criticizes the government but not the PEOPLE.

  8. It’s probably more like the IMF lauded the government’s economic plans for this year and next to even exist. Recently on January 21st IMF predicted:

    1) slower growth in ASEAN’s five largest economies in 2015 by 0.2% due to an expected slowdown in China

    2) ASEAN-5 economies will expand lower than 5.4% in 2016 than previously forecast.

    3) China will hurt its Asian key trading partners in 2015

    Thailand cannot not avoid the IMF predicted downturn, no matter its tax planning and other economic hopes. The anti-government protests and military coup stalled the economic momentum in 2013 started by the Yingluck administration in 2012, and the lack of any meaningful and quick economic stimulus by the coup-led government failed to sustain that momentum going into 2015. By April 2015 we’ll know what the balance of 2015 will bring. And it's not going to be optimistic.

  9. In its almost 240 years as a nation the USA has never closed its borders to immigration and guests. The nation has always welcomed and encouraged immigration regardless of nationality or origin. Immigrants have benefitted from its democratic principles to live the life style of Americans without being required to become Americans, and the nation has benefitted from their industry.

    But having more than 9,000 km of land borders and more than 45,000 km of coastline, illegal immigration is a certainty and a reality. There is no practical deterent to stop 100% of illegal immigration into the country. Currently there are 4 million illegal immigrants being held in detention until due process of law determines their status in the country, generally according only to their date of incarceration without regard to age, health, US familial relationships, or potential qualified immigration status.

    The Obama adminstration follows the rule of law and his presidential authority no different than previous presidents But he also provides elements of effiency and humantarian treatment in the prosecution of those laws. And humantarianism is not an appreciative trademark of the (now) ultra-conservative Republican Party that currently controls the US Congress.

    The day that the President and Congress can establish a comprehensive immigration plan to not only address the millions of immigrants coming into the nation in the future but also the current illegal immiigrant population, it is the responsibility of the President, with ot without Congress, to do the "right thing" for these 4 million PEOPLE (not farangs, not invaders, not escapees) to assure their well-being and resolution of their presence in the US.

  10. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Any country that executes someone from the place I come from (Europe) will be automatically added to my shitlist of places to never travel to.

    Lucky thing that ISIL isn't a real "counmtry."

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  11. Looks like Raul got advice on "How to Succeed Without Losing" from ISIL and Thailand.

    But he still fell short of a complete demand. He should have also asked for the State of Florida, Puerto Rico, and US Virgin Islands. Frankly, the USA should just gift Cuba the State of Florida as a show of good faith. Florida's "Stand Your Ground" gun laws and "Little Havana" alone will topple the Cuban government in a month.

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  12. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    in most western countries, being born in the country, gets you nationality

    but not for FARANG as they have as good as no rights at all

    Not surprising as the 2007 Thai Constitution and 2014 Provensional Charter refer only to "Thai People." That means that anyone not Thai has no civil rights or liberties under the nation's constitution.

  13. Purchased a new 3-bedroom 2-bath townhouse in a new subdivision in Bang Khun Thian, Bangkok suburbs.

    Had a Misubishi electric water pump WP-255-QS (distributed by Kang Yong Electric PCL) installed with holding tank.

    For personal reasons I have not moved into place after several months nor have installed any electric appliances. But during that time I would go to water the new lawn and plants. Then start getting Bt1,500/mo electric bills. I noticed that pump is always very warm and it never seemes to shutoff. I shut it down and subsequently turn it on only to water lawn, Then electric bills went down substantially to about Bt75/mo. (usage + fixed cost). Water bills are nominal-seem right for just watering lawn.

    I think the problem might be the pressure switch? I have read in the forums that sometimes pressure spring or electric switch will stick; or switch might need replacement. Those are things I can do but the schematics for the pump are in Thai only. I went onliine to both Misubishi and Kang but do not find any in english. I tried to contact by email and get no responses.

    How can I get schematics in english?

    What seems to be the problem?

  14. Exports are measured in terms of market value, not tonnage or volume. So while Thailand may actually increase export of agricultural products like rice and rubber in terms of tonnage, it may realize a decrease in total value due to drop in market prices. In 2014 Thailand became again the world's top rice exporter in tonnage, but its profit margin was the lowest of the ASEAN-5 nations. Its rubber now is selling on the world market for less than the cost of production.

    The most telling export will be autos as they are the highest value product. The oil price drop led to a 29.5% decrease in Thailand’s exports of cars and auto parts to its major markets such as Australia, Indonesia and the Middle East. In contrast Thailand now hopes that the "Euro 5 standard" under the Eco Car Phase II programme which would enable the auto manufacturers to export to Japan and Europe. But with Europe and Japan under domestic stimulus programs, they may not save Thailand's auto export business.

    There are a lot of unknowns facing Thailand export performance for 2015. "Hope" may be its only reliable option.

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  15. Much is said about Russel failing to meet with Prayuth. There was no failure.

    First, did Prayuth or the US request such a meeting? I doubt either asked through diplomatic channels between the two countries and that would have been the appropriate process. Russel's visit was planned more than six months ago so obviously the lack of a meeting with Prayuth was not an oversight and communicated in advance. Prayuth is the Head of Government on par in terms of government leadership with President Obama. An Assistant to the USA Secretary of State is a position lower than even any of Prayuth's cabinet ministers.

    Second, the appropriate chain of command for a member of a diplomatic mission to meet with a foreign Head of Government is through the coordination of and the participation of the USA ambassador who both represents the USA Secretary of State and the USA President. Currently, the USA has no ambassador to Thailand - perhaps intentionally.

    Third, Russel did meet with both former elected Heads of State Abhisit and Yingluck. That level of contact was appropriate. Such a meeting would have to be approved in advance by Gen. Prayuth. Recall that it was Obama who met with Abhisit when Abhisit was prime minister when Obama attended the ASEAN-10 summit in 2009; Obama didn't send in a stand-in low level government executive.

    Personally, I favor a meeting between Obama and General Prayuth but it would be a meeting of contrasts and not one of parnership. I don't think Prayuth could accept the risks of such a meeting given the potential unmitigated freedom of Western news media. Prayuth may have been relieved that Obama only sent Russel to Thailand.

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  16. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    What makes General P.M. Prayut Chan - O -cha think that by staging a coup the US and its allies would turn a blind eye , when the bottom line is Democracy , a properly Elected government by the People , that fundamentally is the basis that the US ,UN and Western Allies use as their platform in determination whether a country is run by a dictator or an elected leader , Thailand as far as a strategic area of influence has now been replaced by Australia with US forces now stationed permanently in the top end along with their aircraft, with Australia's over the horizon radar , there is now no need to have Thailand dithering around , simply put, Thailand is not as important as it thought it was. coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJARfU4

    Let's not forget that USA has comprehensive partnership with Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore. Malaysia is hosting US Navy aircraft and Singapore has a permanent logistic base for the 7th fleet. USA is certainly not that concern with Thailand pivoting towards China and will be only Thailand folly to cosy up to a communist state. USA is still a big economic and financial superpower. If they switch off their economic and financial ties, Thailand will be in a big black hole. We can see why a unelected leader is turning more to socialist states like China, Vietnam and Mynmar as they have much in common. Thailand will unlikely to get financial fundings and loans from the democractic west for its infrastructure projects. China will be too willing to provide the loan and influence.

    Great observations. And when you consider also USA's long-term security relationship with South Korea; recent 10-year lease for its former naval facilities in Cebu, Philippines; negotiations with Vietnam for its former marine facilities at Da Nang; and Japan's request to upgrade its naval and air forces to quasi offense status - encirclement of China does not require Thailand's support.

    Gen. Prayuth should not be so taken with his personal importance to the US or he'll put Thailand again on the wrong side of the Bridge over the River Kwai.

  17. The new EC is greatly improved.

    The new EC structure is vague (what is the “people’s assembly” and why “university deans”) and short on details (how are EC decisions made), but at least it would no longer operate as an independent organization that can control and obstruct the electoral process.

    There might also be a conflict between the new EC and NACC as both will be potentially involved in conduct of public officials as related to elections. But if the EC functions in tandem with the NACC, then it might appropriately the Appeals Court who must reconcile any contradictions or conflicts between the two organizations.

  18. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    “I trust that every animal here appreciates the sacrifice that Comrade Napoleon has made in taking this extra labour upon himself. Do not imagine, comrades, that leadership is a pleasure! On the contrary, it is a deep and heavy responsibility. No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?”
    George Orwell, Animal Farm

    Outstanding Quote. You are to be saluted. post-171049-0-91240800-1422422549_thumb.

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  19. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Quality of tv is pretty much the same the world over....

    I was not stating that TV is god or bad in that sense (and no c'mon, you have to see the acting in these things)! But, I was referring what the content is doing for society.. Prime example right now on Channel 3 that my girlfriend has on, guns, explosions, gangs, wealth etc etc. Anyway as I stated earlier I don't watch TV myself anymore, it has gotten to the level of brain destroying.

    Sounds like channel 3 has a lot of Thai reality shows.

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