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Posts posted by SiggiCM

  1. I installed a safe on the 2nd storey of my house while it was under construction. Looking at the photo above of those 2 safes I guess the size of my safe is similar in width & depth but only a third of the height. It weighs 400KG and because of it's relatively small size even 6 strong men cannot get enough purchase to carry it. To get it on the back of a pick-up truck we had to borrow an engine hoist from the local garage. Then to get it installed at the new place we had to hire a crane to lift it from the driveway to it's new place on the 2nd floor.

    It might not be impossible to steal but pretty close to it.

    hi, my friends and I would like to know you adress, and your safe model, and when you will get for a weekend trip or vacation? giggle.gifgiggle.gif

  2. They can't do a criminal record check in this way. Some countries ask if arrivals have criminal records to scare them into admitting it, but, if they lie, there is no way to tell unless they have a current warrant out for their arrest. I think that maybe Canada and the US share this kind of information and maybe countries inside the EU, but mostly countries do not make this kind of information about their citizens accessible.

    just call NSA or MI5 and all criminal records are avaible

  3. 1000 baht for immigration?????????? for what?

    it is free, here in CM they ask me when i get my papaer after 7 days for a donation,

    so I gave 200 baht but it is for free!

    driving test? not at all, I showed my international driver licence, the copies of all papers and

    then they make foto and i got my driver licence, 20 minutes for all together

    total costs, 100 baht health paper, 200 baht Immigration, 10 Baht Copies,

    less than 300 baht for licence (i not remember the amount)

  4. I think the point is not that the students are forced t wear uniforms, this uniforms have many schools all over the world, but what happens if they won´t wear uniforms, in thailands consumer sociaty the rich kids would wear expensive clothes, and the poor kids would have their 30 Baht shirts, And this is not a good feeling and would cause a big problem. most of thai kids between 14 up are only interested in fashion, telefons and chatting, and I think it is not a good idea to start competition also in the fashion styl at colleges and universities. With uniform evrybody can look same in school and the difference it only what they perform in school. Accept this uniforms as a sign, everybody is the same at this places where everybody can study th same and learn the same.

  5. first I want to say sorry for my english, but it isn´t my mother language,

    Questioning the flag and saluting problem is the right of young people, if you become older you keep going on doing things only because you are used and lazy,

    doing this things in scholl doesn´t mean any proud of theit thai country, I can train salute monkeys daily in front of flag, so they would be also good thai peopel?

    o make somebody proud of his country means: have a good goverment ith honest people in main places, have a good and fair education system, what allows everybody to get the best educaton for his/her level, a sozial system what suppors the weaker groups in soociety, to have some successful outstanding sportsmen/women, to have some progressive companies, who develop or invent something that everyone needs or wants, a society that treats the various ethnic groups and races fairly and equitably,

    so my question,


    This young student has more strength, endurance, courage and risk-taking, than all the smart members here,

    He has only 1 Question to us, is this what we want for us, our children and our future, status quo or

    we want a change? Chankes starts all the time with 1 step, 1 Question, 1 time say NO,

    especially the U.S. citizens should have learned this in their school

    this young guy, he could start his words also with: I HAD A DREAM .........

    • Like 1
  6. I realy because sometimes crazy with all the answers to work permit questions here about work online, the is no law to register a company or ask for work permit as you are working online. if you are here for on Non-O Visa or Tourist or ED Visa, if you are not working for a thai company or selling o thai people in thailand goods or service you dont need a work permit. How long you are not a resident of Thailand you not have to pay tax or insurance by law. You get no rights, you are tourists so no matter about work permit. otherwiese millions of people would break the law! everybody who is writing like emails, take and answer telefon calls, may be write a book, or a song, selling stuff online, tranfer money online, get interests from bank assets and so on, no retired person pays tax on his pension or other incomei n Thailand if income source isn´t from Thailand (rent, interests) I want to see Imigration opens a case that somebody sitting in a chair on beach and writing a blog or book or a song or sell stock shares and claim he has to do for this a thai company with 2 Million baht and employ 4 workers biggrin.png You have to pay tax where you live, but in thailand you are only a tourist (may be a long term tourist), so ....

  7. wow so many opinions, biggrin.png

    1, you can not make any Visa for schengen in thai passport if the child is citzisen of EU country!!!!!!!!!!

    and o course it is not nessesary!

    2. You can leave thailand with british passport for the child, even without the death certificate of mother or if she is alive with a paper from her,

    beacuse this would mean all parents who travel alon only 1 part (mother or father) would have to show all the time a sign paper of the partner smile.png

    3. the child is bristish citizen and Imigration and nobody can prvent a bristish citizen go back to UK, without a reason and how they know at airport that child has also thai citizenship? So maximum what can happen is an overstay stamp in british passport.

    I travel with my 2 sons now 12 and 13 years old all over the world, never ask me anybody if I have a paper from mother of the child, even kids have nt same passport like me, they have czech and I have german passport.

    It is not possible to refuse a citizen to enter his home country never ever!!!!

  8. even in thailand this will not work, for lanching this they have to change the immigration law, and make a 5 year multi entry visa,

    before this is not an official visa type you pay for nothing, and I dont think other goverment accept this type of buying visa,

    and for sure only crimminals (weapan and drugdealers) will buy this, if somebody can spend 2 million Baht for nothing, he will fly 1.class anyway and so have premium service at airport anyway, and stay 1 year in thailand? this people stay only some days on 1 place anyway, but if soe countrys are looking for you it is good to know that thailand is a save heaven, they shoud offer ASSAD & family this cards, this means 300 cards would be sold in 1 day :P

  9. for trading in stock market or managing your account or company outside of thailand you do not need a WP, if have an onlineshop, and i do not sell anything inside thailand, I do not receive payments from customers on my thai accounts,

    If for this would be nesesary a work permit than they can charge 25% of all tourists who call their working place and make any decisions by mail or by phone,

    I would make a thai company BUT NOT if i have to pay 2.000.000 baht, employ 4 thai workers and i cant be 100% owner. I have a Non O-M Visa and I do not fear anything because I make my bussiness outside of thailand, in other country´s. I leave the country every 3 month, I dont get anything from thai goverment what support me or my bussiness, so no bad feeling about thailand do not get any income tax from me.....

  10. In thai constitution, i thing Art. 15 is written that it is not allowed to make any difference between people, because of race, sex, color nd so on, if it is against the constitution it is 100% against law, same thing happend in europe also, many years ago, special in czech, poland, all eastern countrys, after 1990, I want to see if you would go to german zoo, or french museum, or english galery and they would have prices for foreigners and for locals. everybody would shout for police and court!! everybody, but here in thailand you think is ok? why? if I go to cinema and it cost 1 ticket + 1 coke and 1 popcorn more than 300 Baht and this is the minimum daily salery in thailand, a mosty the average salery in thailand, So why you not pay more for go to cinema? lets say 600 bath because thai peopel have less money! or why ou not pay 3000 bath for internet at home? or for you monthly telefon bill? if you buy a product and going to a park is a product than it must be same price for everybody, or you will be forced to pay also for food, doctor, drink, school, travel.

    Or if you go to a bar and the bargirl tells you, you are farang so you have to pay 5000 baht but if you would be a thai man I would charge only 300 baht because they are so poor biggrin.pngbiggrin.png

    and in the USA if I would have to pay more because I am not US citizen, I would be very happy, because I woudl fly home as a very rich man, easy to get get money out of this company, charging 2 differen prices never word, never works and will never work.

    And i a country where you have to pay 3 times more for a car but anyway the streets are full and the bars and restaurants, there is also money to pay to go in a park. I live in Chiang mai but here are more iphones and ipads than in every town in czech republic, may be because they not have to pay real prices

    • Like 2
  11. easy way, everybody who is effected by this make a donation, and you built a phuket foundation, hire a lawyer and every day he go to police station and make a report a criminal report, until police and official will start doing something, the crime statistic will go up more than 1000% and the police chief has to react, if every residence in phuket make a 1000 baht donation and every ripped off, angry tourist will give 100 baht you will have millions in short time, make advertising, show the pictures of the drivers and cars and places online, make everything public, invite TV channels for reports, they are happy to make a report how their tourist get ripped off, and this will make all officials make a very quick reaction, public how many crime reports are made at what police station and how many not worked out, make all tourist give the lawyer a power of attorney (can be printed and copied) so easy to fill in, and if police not start working, let the embassy make claims that police not do their work and for sure there will be change in phukets public transport, only you have to publish, and make reports, for the money comes in by donation it is enough for 4-5 lawyers full time working only to fix this problem, write comments on all Phuket connected pages, tell tourist not book phuket without a free round trip from airport to hotel, if they will do it is on their own risk and they will get ripped off, they will pay more for taxi than for the flight to phuket, if there will be every day many police reports, police can not hide and stop do nothing,

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