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Posts posted by SiggiCM

  1. Thinking out loud. If the Ed visa is also successfully tightened up - and it should be - it could leave us with just a core expat population who are here within the law contributing to Thai society living here on the correct visa. The next stage surely would be easier extensions (marriage or retirement) and who knows the ridiculous 90 day report might become a thing of the past. I would gladly pay 10000 up front for a 5 year visa, where perhaps the 90 day report could be replaced with a 365 day one. Just thinking out loud and hoping this is read by the Immigration Minister / Commander.

    what are you dreaming about? if they have only you then all the IM officers have enough time for doing a weekly report for you, check everything and may be the

    needy for your visa will be raised up so you will not have any chance to reach it. And really I wish, that this happend to you. You should get what you wish other people!

    How sick people must be in their brain to show so much malicious joy about the problems of other foreigners,

    may be somebody is not 50 years old or dont want to marry a thai woman or is gay and have thai bf, or is not so rich to show 800000 baht, so for them it will be much harder to stay in Thailand.

  2. Thinking out loud. If the Ed visa is also successfully tightened up - and it should be - it could leave us with just a core expat population who are here within the law contributing to Thai society living here on the correct visa. The next stage surely would be easier extensions (marriage or retirement) and who knows the ridiculous 90 day report might become a thing of the past. I would gladly pay 10000 up front for a 5 year visa, where perhaps the 90 day report could be replaced with a 365 day one. Just thinking out loud and hoping this is read by the Immigration Minister / Commander.

    what are you dreaming about? if they have only you then all the IM officers have enough time for doing a weekly report for you, check everything and may be the

    needy for your visa will be raised up so you will not have any chance to reach it. And really I wish, that this happend to you. You should get what you wish other people!

    How sick people must be in their brain to show so much malicious joy about the problems of other foreigners,

    may be somebody is not 50 years old or dont want to marry a thai woman or is gay and have thai bf, or is not so rich to show 800000 baht, so for them it will be much harder to stay in Thailand.

  3. Thinking out loud. If the Ed visa is also successfully tightened up - and it should be - it could leave us with just a core expat population who are here within the law contributing to Thai society living here on the correct visa. The next stage surely would be easier extensions (marriage or retirement) and who knows the ridiculous 90 day report might become a thing of the past. I would gladly pay 10000 up front for a 5 year visa, where perhaps the 90 day report could be replaced with a 365 day one. Just thinking out loud and hoping this is read by the Immigration Minister / Commander.

    what are you dreaming about? if they have only you then all the IM officers have enough time for doing a weekly report for you, check everything and may be the

    needy for your visa will be raised up so you will not have any chance to reach it. And really I wish, that this happend to you. You should get what you wish other people!

    How sick people must be in their brain to show so much malicious joy about the problems of other foreigners,

    may be somebody is not 50 years old or dont want to marry a thai woman or is gay and have thai bf, or is not so rich to show 800000 baht, so for them it will be much harder to stay in Thailand.

  4. I don't disagree with this change at all.

    I do have a single question though... Will there be a grandfather clause in there? Meaning people who for whatever reason, rightly or wrongly, have overstayed in the past, will not be slapped with a retroactive ban.

    This is a rather large change, with much harsher repercussions for overstayers. In my opinion, those that have previously paid a fine, should not be blacklisted retroactively, they have been punished under the old (and yes very lax and easy) overstay rules already.

    Without this clause, I know at least a dozen people who won't be coming back to Thailand for quite some time the next time they have to leave the country, or even do a 90 day run, due to the fact they have overstayed in the past, despite being clean now.

    you can not be fined backwards, when they paid their fine, the file was closed.

    they have to inform you if you are black listed, in court or at the border

  5. Polite behavior and ethics begin in the home. To change cultural deficiencies the powers that be need to go into the home. Proven effective in countries all over the world is TV advertisements to change people’s thinking.

    Courtesy - Make a TV commercial about a young person offering their seat to an older person on public transport.

    Safety + Courtesy - Make a TV commercial about allowing people to walk across an intersection at a Zebra crossing. (I think motorbike riders think the zebra crossing is for them. Often I have to walk into the intersection to cross the street. Also I find it dangerous when cars drive through a zebra crossing at high speed)

    Corruption - Make a TV commercial about refusing to pay a policeman or government employee black money.

    National Pride - Make a TV commercial of Thais intervening when a tourist is being scammed.

    Thais know better than anyone the things that need to be changed. Make a TV commercial. Change the negatives in the culture.

    yes a tv spot will for sure change all the corruption in thailand, how old you are? 2 years?

  6. ??? no farmer lost anything, they got their money, so the persons who is are the Thai society who loose money for the missing rice.

    of course their will be farmers who got more money than delivered rice, this scams exist every where where goverment pay out subsidies,

    in EU, USA or where ever.

    do you really think Thaksin went with some trucks to a warehouse and stole rice? the only way to do it is to make fictive rice deals and use people for transaction. this is easy to find out. for sure there is no rice missing, what never been there can not be missing.



    Why don't people that travel understand that ANY immigration officer OF ANY COUNTRY  has the right to deny you entry AT ANY TIME, for ANY REASON.
    Any seasoned traveler knows, a NON-CITIZEN of a country they wish to enter does NOT have a RIGHT to enter that country EVEN WITH THE / A PROPER VISA.  A IMMIGRATION OFFICER CAN CANCEL YOUR VISA ON THE SPOT  or approve your entry - HINT - STAMP IN PASSPORT EQUALS APPROVAL TO ENTER.  Your only recourse is to ask for a supervisor, most countries allow this, and plead your case with the supervisor.

    Perhaps this should be a sticky - on the front of every Consulate worldwide.


    Maybe use the concise version that was posted further up the page:

    "Nowhere in the world does a visa means that they must let you into the country."


    ANY immigration officer OF ANY COUNTRY  has the right to deny you entry AT ANY TIME, for ANY REASON  

    this is not true!!!

    there must be a clear reason what is listed in the law of the country, so please dont publish bullshit here

    • Like 2
  8. it is a good thing what the Thai police and Army do? OMG before you writing such stupid comments get some information,

    Thailand was the only country (I repeat for you the only COUNTRY) what vote against the "Punishment of persons who profit from human trafficking"

    in the UN General Assembly last week.

    This shows clear what illegal workers can expect in Thailand, every week this workers get killed by thai people for joke, like happend in PTY now, a

    volleyball team beat a Cambodian worker to death without any reason on his way to 7/11, he was working next to my condo construction,

    I can see like the police put all their forces in getting this Thais.

    Censored Press without any real News only News for Happiness and Show, why they should trust anybody in Thailand? Do You really trust this Junta?

    I thought Thai are not good educated and can not see the Reallity but it seems also the Farangs believe in the censored press, may be to many Americans and British here, they believe their press and goverment everything, even for the price of a war

    • Like 2
  9. In Chiang Mai, the private sector welcomed the lifting of the curfew, saying it would benefit the tourism industry as a whole.

    big joke, all bars are forced by police to close after midnight, seems hte owners dont know the right person now to pay, bars couldn´t show the world cup matches last night, no england - italy, no spicy,

    yes the army know how to put pressure on the owners and in some days they will give the price how much to pay for after midnight bussines

  10. dream on, are here only 5 years old kids in this forum? you get only news what is allowed by censorship made by the junta,

    so no double pricing in Thailand anymore? no prostitution? no overpriced taxis?, no scam by Thai bussiness partners? no

    human trafficking (with is clear supported by Thai Army)? no tea money anymore? no killing on the streets without any reasons?

    Reality and News are a big different in a country especially when material law is ruling.

    the only change what happend is that some new guys fill their pockets. after hundreds of years of civilization and over again the same

    kinds of military juntas or dictatorship you not learning anything!

    The plan in Thailand is not, give the people Happiness, cheap alcohol, free concerts, useless education, cheap gas, cheap food,

    world cup matches, time for take the money out of the country.

  11. The point is that many of these people live in conditions that you would not let your dog or cat live in...many have NO housing and sleep on the floor where they work...some live in...what can best be described as a clothes closet...no electricity or plumbing...and little security...

    So...kudos once again to the military...they continue to surprise and impress...

    yes this is what the dutch in south africa did, the germans in 1930 - 1945, there are still a lot of peopel without education or brain outside who talk about this like a good way totreat people, until they are the person who will be send somewhere and loose all rights and properties

  12. if you mean that double pricing is ok, than it is also ok, that you not allowed to sit in a bar because you are black, or chinese, or latin. or when you get fined in court for an offence you get 10 years for something a thai get 1 year, so your thai bank can charge you for your bank card 3000 baht a year instead of 300 baht,

    too many racist here on TV, double pricing is one of the hardest form of discrimination, what is in all the countrys where you are come from illegal and a crime!

    if you dont care in Thailand than be a big guy and pay all the time 10 times more for the product you purchase. An dont offend people who dont want to pay more for a product than what is the real price, because they also not get a 10 times higher pension because living in a double pricing state, or get 10 times more for their work than market value.

  13. oh so much bullshit written here, double pricing is against law if it is about nationality, because this means discrimination by law!

    if everything would be correct the company could show all prices open, not covered on different websites or not published open in the shop or place,

    different prices by color, nationality, characteristics of your body, education, religions are against law in every country. It is stated in the thai constitution,

    for all the people who think it is normal to pay for a product 10 times more I wish they get, when in supermarket and want to pay, a 10 times higher bill with the reason prices at product are for thais, or when driving in taxi and see 100 baht on meter ask then for 1000 Baht, because price on meter are only for thai.

    double pricing is a crime and a scam and everybody who does it should be get brought in front of a court and fined. And people who defend this type of scam

    are rassists, nothing more and nothing less.

    Or all the smart peopel here who defend this scams want to pay 10 times more for a plan ticket, bus ticket, taxi, water, food, telefon call, electric, gas, rent and other products? double pricing is stilling money from people and goverment, how they tax it? how you know how many foreigners went in a park or how many thais?

    and the people who cry that thai earning only 300 baht a day, yes but they can buy an Iphone, tablet, go to restaurant nearly every day, cinema for 200 baht a ticket and coke and popcorn for another 180 baht, i is not the duty of tourist to subsidize prices for thais!

  14. what a bullshit this report, costs for stadiums, security, logistic and so on, have nothing toether with the the TV broadcasting,

    all the money for TV broadcasting goes to FIFA, all costs are paid by Brasil society.

    and it is easy to bring it in free TV, like in Germany, France, Czech, Holland, all matches 64 are in free TV,

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