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Posts posted by Foexie

  1. Hi,


    what kind of tank do you use? Is it one what have to be emptied or is it one with 2 compartments what is used as a water cleaning system?


    Because the second one uses bacteria. And i think it is not a good idea to use chloride or any other chemical product to kill them ( even an oily seal). Because this could also kill your tank bacteria.


    I have one like that also but i have a constant airpump working what make the water bubbling. This airinfusion also helps to make the water cleaning more easy for the little friends.


    And mosquietoes only lay eggs in standing water. So i think this is the easiest and healthiest way to get rid of them.

  2. 14 hours ago, Autonuaq said:

    Ticket of a return Airplane flight


    It is a waste of money buying a ticket in advance (been a while now since last time i needed it but i think it's even is written on the papers of the Belgian embassy to only buy when visa is aproved).


    Since when is a return ticket of a person accualy proof he/she will return???

    You think all those refugees who wanna enter the UK will not do that and then trow away the ticket when they are in if it is that easy for "proving" any embassy they will return home because have a 2 way ticket?

  3. 17 hours ago, colinneil said:

    I find it unbelievable that Thais are complaining about noise !!

    Hopefully there will be a proper investigation into the mans death, not the usual cover up because it is about a farang.

    What a stupid BS remark again about Thai and Thailand.


    Just wonder when they finaly start to ban peoples inhere for Thai bashing.


    Before writing things like this do some research or start to read something and you will find everywhere peoples start to complaining about anything.


    Last year peoples sewed a rooster in France for make noice. So France made a new law protecting animals for making sounds in the open so they would not be killed or (re)moved.


    I know peoples sewing schools so the children can't play anymore on the playground near their houses. Or going to court because the church, what was already 200 y in the village, is ringing their bells on sunday morning for the mass


    Peoples thes days are just so intollerant and olny care themself.

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  4. On ‎1‎/‎10‎/‎2020 at 5:15 AM, webfact said:

    the tourist paid up so the police were not called. 

    Stupid not to call the police.


    Just one thing to do: make them pay the owner the sale price x10 and a one way trip to "Bangkok Hilton " for the rest of his/her trip. Then with his/her own ticket back home.


    Within six months this "tourist" problem on KPP, and else in Thailand, will be gone.

  5. This "problem" is a problem what not even should excist.


    This problem is THE sollution for every country what is near the sea, have problems with lack of rain, drought, drinking water shortage, flood problems and what ever.


    The only thing what needs to happen is that all the politicians and all global warming idiots start to take their heads out their "aises". Instead of making stuppid expectations and anoying speechess blamming eachother start to do something, have protest walks every week in many places and make boat tours to South America because they think they have to say something smart there. Just start working and DO something for solve the problem.


    And the problem for the sea water what is rissing is very simple: use the sea water!!!! 


    This summer some peoples here in Belgium start working on that idea for the cities near the sea. Now their drinking water is comming 100-200 kms from the source/well to them. How stupid is that when they have so much water nearby.


    I remember this idea was already brought up in the '90s in Ethiopia. A company was making portable containers with inside big pumps and filter instalations for make thousands of liters drinking water a day with every unit. Costs that time was around 20-25.000€ for one container. NEVER heared about that idea anymore after.


    If you only knew how much money the meeting in Spain did cost,that would already a boat full containers.

  6. 15 hours ago, colinneil said:

    How pathetic coming out with a comment like... Got to rid Thailand of criminal elements and foster peace and stability in the Kingdom.????

    Silly bug++r is just a long time overstayer, criminal, seriously!!!

    So you want as many different rules for as many different persons and situations?


    What is the use of law then? 


    Think after 13y he knew the rules good enought to know this was what he had comming sooner or later.


    Do i pitty him? Sure because he have to leave everything he have behind and probably nothing is waiting for him in the UK.


    But i don't feel sorry for him.

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