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Posts posted by Foexie

  1. 12 hours ago, peterb17 said:

    Well at least he didn’t throw acid over the girlfriend- in my home town -in that  fabulous civilised place they call London - in 2017 - there were 465 acid attacks - many resulting in life changing injuries.

    its one reason I live here- I feel totally safe. 

    You know it wasn't a Thai? Because inhere most are convinced only Thai men can do such things.

  2. I see many traffic specialists and eyewitnesses are inhere again.


    6 hours ago, Rimmer said:

    If he was turning left into Makro he should have been in the extreme left lane but it looks from the video the impact point would seem to be in the second lane

    On how many roads it is possible to drive even 100m on the extreme left lane???????? That lane is 99.9% used as a (temporarely) parking lane. So yes it is normal that he used the second lane.


    If i use my left blinker for indicating i wanna make a left turn into a soi or parkingspot and a stupid motorbike still wanna get between me and the parkingspot, when i drive in front of him, he have the option to hit the car or take over on the right because i will make the turn. Ask the biker 2y ago in Krabi.


    And it was definitely not possible that the biker was drunk or using his mobile or whatever. I have seen already many foreigners who like the "thai moron" style. Specialy on their motorbikes! Starting with never wear a helmet and drive with flip flops.


    Nope never in Thailand.

    • Like 2
    • Confused 1
  3. 13 hours ago, SammyT said:

    Anyone else fondly remember the days when we all got travel insurance before we went on holidays abroad?



    Exactly my words when i read on TV about foreigners who are stucked abroad after an accident or whatever because lack of money to pay bills and/or repatriation.


    I pay about 78€ for my, obligated by my gouvernement, health Insurance for 1 y. But this also includes an Insurance for all over the world. Medical bills and repatriation (alive or dead) included.


    And i think that's about the same you have to pay for a travel Insurance with a big company.


    In all the years i come to Thailand i only did need my Insurance twice because i got sick. Last bill was 2y ago and was 3400 bht. So even more then what i needed to pay for the Insurance.

    • Like 1
  4. On ‎1‎/‎9‎/‎2019 at 5:36 AM, cyril sneer said:

    I drink 4-5 large bottles of water a day so not sure if hydration is the issue


    Water actually triggers it first thing in the morning

    maybe can drink less water.


    I know when i drink alot of water or fluids (non alcohol) i have diarrhea too because the kidneys couldn't processing that amount of fluids.


    Other advice for you is: go see a doctor 4 months ago.


    Geeez… If somebody has diarrhea for more then 2 weeks that means somethings is wrong.

  5. 9 hours ago, TopDeadSenter said:

    Looking like a third world country, as opposed to having no southern border and actually becoming a third world country. 


     What is embarrassing to watch is privileged Americans not appreciating the sacrifice and generations of serious hard work to make America the great country that it is. Your ancestors fought and died for your security, and it wasn't so you can feel embarrassed and throw it all away.  

    Are you talking now about all those immigrants who ever came (illegal) to America a few hundred years ago who:


    - fled europe because they needed to hide from the law in their own countries?

    - felt like murdering about 95% of the Original native peoples who lived their before they arrived just for fun or their own advantage?

    - who needed to bring in thousands of African slaves to make them work for them so they could make big profits and could live like kings?

    • Haha 1
  6. 17 hours ago, ballpoint said:

    I feel sorry for the poor kid.  Probably excited to be taking a plane ride only to have it turn into a very painful experience.  Hopefully this will make all airlines have a think about how they serve hot liquids. 

    The kid got burned because they were serving a bottle of cold water. It just fallen out the stewardess her hand and pitiful dropped on the kids bowl. They only thing they can do to prevent accidents like this is to simply stop sell noodles on the plain.

    14 hours ago, scorecard said:

    Agree, the airline should be punished and the boy / his family paid compensation on top of the airline paying the hospital bills.


    Free tickets - an insult.

    What you expect then? build them a house? Make them millionairs?


    It was an accident. Nobody seen that comming and nobody did want the kid get burned.

    You can even make it worce by saying what bad father that was being so stupid to let his son eat a bow hot noodles on the plane. Maybe he should being jailed for child abuse and loses his right to be a father at all.

    So don't be silly and keep everything in perspective please.


    If it was my kid i think i would only be angry the airline did respond so slowly. But as long they pay all the bills, hopefully the kid heals completly, and give some extras i would be happy this all ended well.


    A cousin of mine did get terrible burned when he was 4 by a pot of hot coffee his parents were drinking with my grandparents. He grabbed the tablecloth and the pot fell over his body.

    So is there somebody to blame or sue in this story? Sure there Always is but would you react the same if this was with your kid and family?

    Nope. You would forgive and forget and probably say " sh&!'§ét happens.it was a pitiful accident"

    • Like 1
  7. On ‎1‎/‎10‎/‎2019 at 6:55 PM, WhyamIhere said:

    she is a slave to scum-bags who live off of her. She said that they take all of the money and only provide enough food to keep her alive.

    This is not only in Thailand but all over the world. Here there are also groups of eastern european peoples who "temporarily import" pregnant women, women with small babies, peoples with disabilities and put them on the street for hours. After their "day job" they been picked up, cleaned from their money, get some food and prepared for the next day again. After a while they been moved to another city or country to do the same. The scums make the money the victims get scratches.


    The only thing you can do is being harsh and not give a cent. From the moment those "bosses" start to realise they will not make money anymore this will stop because it will only cost them money.

    19 hours ago, bbko said:

    If you really want to help crippled beggars, DO NOT give money directly to them, it will only make them or their handlers keep them dragging their crippled bodies around town, instead give to the NGOs that are dedicated to helping the disabled.  There's several NGO's in Pattaya set up to helping the less fortunate;  Fr Ray Foundation, Redemptorist Foundation for People with Disabilities, Redemptorist Vocational School for People with Disabilities, all these places are located behind Big C Extra on Pattaya Klang. 

    If these organisations really help those peoples i think it is a great idea to do. Thank you for that.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  8. On ‎1‎/‎4‎/‎2019 at 5:57 AM, johng said:

    I can't agree with that...the CRV driver  should have seen the vehicle in the right most lane

    and should have been in the right most lane to make the turn...not cut across the other lane.


    The black car wasn't driving on a real lane. You can see that the left lane is smaller then the one the suv and other cars are driving on. I agree the suv could have seen the other car but this one did need to let the suv go first.


    I also not understands why the suv couldn't stop on time. They weren't driving that fast. And even if they couldn't stop they should go straight to avoid the barriers and fall.

  9. 12 hours ago, DrTuner said:

    To conclude, only thing that wasn't a dud was the hype cycle?

    Guess for you it wasn't good either what they did. Better to be warned for nothing then not being warned.

    9 hours ago, JoePai said:

    Nothing but a storm in a tea cup....

    Luckly you lived probably far away from that tea cup. Those others i have seen on vdo weren't  that happy at all.

    • Like 1
  10. Same thing did happen here in Belgium on december 20.


    A couple ( both 89y) who already stayed in a old converted  hospital got very sick during the last months.


    They were so weak they didn't even know how bad the other was so none of them had extra grieving to bare when they passed away in about the same minute having the whole family around them saying good bye. 


    Weird thing is also that the couple died in the same room where she did gave birth to 7 of their 8 children over 60y ago.

  11. 18 hours ago, Somtamnication said:

    And yet they rebuild new resorts, expropriated from the locals. They never learn.

    What do they need to do then? Build houses and resorts 10km or more inland or build a 20m wall in the sea all around the coast??? And all for a next tsunami what maybe will never come?


    You should better blame and complain about those who need(ed) to maintain the tsunami alarm system.

    Same as what just happened in Indonesia. Had a system but was already ( from what i heared on the news) out of order since 2012!!! They even missing/stolen buoys and nobody did notice that since last week when it was to late.

  12. On ‎12‎/‎26‎/‎2018 at 8:29 AM, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

    It's all been said before... In so many similar cases here....  That occur again and again, with jealous Thai males as the perpetrators...


    You know what I mean!


    Yep i know. It means that all the women who ever been shot all over the world it can only be a Thai man.


    Or was this (only in Thailand) not what you ment?

  13. 15 hours ago, Justgrazing said:

    Fixable .! Are they having a laugh .. Look at the state of it .. And if it were " fixed " up who would really want to go aboard that again knowing its history .. 

    Everything is doable and fixable but at what costs?! And is it worth doing it. It is not it has an historical value like an old special car, plane, building or whatever.


    Scrap it and build a proper new one like it should been build the first time.

  14. You don't need ventilation. And accualy it's very possible they do it for saving water. Only need to make sure the plants inside can't "burn".


    You remember a few y ago they did build a "spacecenter" in the American desert? That was a test for a future life on Mars. And because you can't open a window on Mars think they also didn't had vents what could open.


    Also a brother of an ex gf of me once build a kind of microclimate inside a big bottle. Put plants inside and moisted it. Then did seal it completly and even after 6y everything inside the bottle was still alive and growing.

  15. 8 hours ago, ZeVonderBearz said:

    When Thailand has free health care and an hourly minimum wage of 400 baht maybe they'll be able to charge Australian prices. Not much of a comparison lol

    If a country's reason is to make as many smokers stop and fight against cancer they can do easely all over the world.


    At least Thailand is not to hypocritical to do that.


    Because if so they would have many more issues on their hands (like pollution by cars, industry, those many forrest and garbage fires,...) before they can even start here.


    In my country they just raise the tobacco a few cents and then say: that will teach them.


    I have no idea about Australia and their pollicy and actions for a better health but those raised prices, for me it means they mean serious business in the fight against cancer.



  16. 13 hours ago, webfact said:

    A black spot on his spinal column

    is this a metaphor they use? Or a real black spot on the x-rays or scan?


    If so i guess it's more like bonecancer. I new somebody who had also a black spot on his thigh bone and he did have emergency surgery to remove that part of the bone.


    Whish him the best and a very fast recovery so he can enjoy life again.

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