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Posts posted by Foexie

  1. The man was asleep so why take the risk of wake him up by take his "weapon"?


    He needed to call the police anyway for reporting a burglary so why not call them immediatly?! Think they would be happy enough to catch the guy.


    Only thing he needed to do was to wait near the room with something to hit him in case he would wake up.


    Guess he also did see to many kungFu movies or MMA but doing the head lock wrong.


    I would try hold him in an arm lock and believe me he won't move an inch.


    Guess a man's life could have been saved. The burglar didn't need to die. Fact that he fell asleep on the bed could be because he was so drunk he maybe did enter the wrong house.


    It would be a much different story if he was attacked by him. Then all options are open to take him out.

  2. 4 hours ago, Jeremy50 said:

    Or why would a ladyboy find a gay man attractive? They wouldn't, they would think it absurd.

    You are right.


    I know somebody in my close acquaintances group She is straith 100% and since a while "dating" a LB.

    And from what i hear from her family "he" is very succesfull with women. He cheats on her with alot of women and it is not in a lesbian way.

  3. Sure it can be even cheaper. Depends on what you wanna safe.


    Last year my friends cousin and friend did wanna go to Thailand the cheapest way. I remember they came back with Ukranian ( think go with Southern China) but instead the 11h my friend Always flew think they "flew" 19h.


    And to give you an example what i just found. UK-BKK-UK for just 307.67£. Up to you if you want to take this.


    ps if an admin can change this .doc into the printscreen directly would be nice :-). Have no idea how to do it myself.



  4. This is going on in West Africa for many years. And already alot more oil been spoiled and grounds being poluted.


    Some damaging the pipelines as protest against Western companies "stealing" the oil without giving back to the peoples ( money, jobs, …).


    Many just steal the oil and diesel for selling it again.


    Have seen how they do it and it is terrible. For the nature but also for themself. They don't care. They just so desperate.



  5. 23 hours ago, pastprime said:

    Dog hit by car,one side sliced open tail,in half obv beside itself pain/suffering,  as expected from Thai folk,ignore it ,it goes away.

        guess it would have done,but after struggle managed to get hold,no small dog either, almost home with it collapsed bike on side ,leg trapped but still hold of dog....here is the gist ,a dozen Thais watched,looked,nothing,no help ,even for me trapped. Took half hour to untangle,still held onto dog,and limped home,bloodied and bitten/bashed...even tho quite nice dog I'm having it PTS in the morning ,vet I use does it for 500 baht....its the total lack of compassion,just plain dumb maybe better expression from Thai people      rant over

    Did you get treatment for your stroke also??? Not easy to read and understand this post before i did have my 2 morning expressos

    • Like 1
  6. I have no idea if it is possible for you but i would try to hose him a few days.


    Get up a few mornings, take your waterhose and turn it on him or the tree. Hopefully he will get bored and look for another tree.

  7. 10 hours ago, rooster59 said:

    For more than a week, protesters clad in the fluorescent yellow jackets that all motorists in France must have in their cars have blocked highways across the country with burning barricades and convoys of slow-moving trucks, obstructing access to fuel depots, shopping centres and some factories.

    First of all they annoy the wrong peoples.


    Why they need to hurt those who need their cars and trucks for their job? Or why annoy me and block my way to the shopping mall?!


    Go protest near the office of Macron or every minister and block them for going outside.


    Secondly i respect those who protest nonviolently but they should act hard against those morons who only wanna fight against the police. destroying stores and more things.


    In the south of Belgium we also have those idiots. They feel bonded with France so they start to protest here too. And yes we also have groups comming from other places i Belgium just for destroying things and have a war with the police.


    They can easely been recognised because they all wear things on their heads (scarfs, helmets, mask,...) so they can't be recognised on vdo or pics. And the police hardly do something excepts doing small raids and use teargas and water cannons.


    They can all easely be arrested because the law here forbits wearing things like burka's or anything what makes it impossible for the police to recognise you in public.


    And also yesterday there was a person who died because the ambulance was hold up for 15 minutes before they did let them drive on. Nice to tell that to the family!



    • Like 2
  8. 1 hour ago, blazes said:

    Same cronies as POTUS, but vast difference in approval ratings!!  What?

    41% for Trump; 21% for Macron.  Thereabouts.  

    Maybe those 41% are just sheeps blinded by his smooth talks and deversions from the real things.


    From what i found online the prices in the US for diesel went up 16% the last year and the price of gas is almost as high as in 2014 and they expect to still go up every month.


    So if that isn't enough for them to start protesting too what will be needed then?

  9. I have no idea why those peoples Always have those problems. 


    I Always have 2!!!!!!! full Insurances: 1 peronal and 1 from my work. They pay every baht ( or whatever) for me and if needed they will bring me home for free from any place in the world.


    This all costs me less then 5000bht/year. Why being so stupid, ignorant or whatever just not pay a little extra for that for never have that kind of problems?

    I have been sick a few times when i was in Thailand with bills between 3000 and 6000 bht. Even that was insured.

  10. On ‎11‎/‎22‎/‎2018 at 4:52 AM, ezzra said:

    Behind most pretty woman con artists, if you get to actually see them, there's usually an African guy/s in cahoots with local, equally bad local women, and those guys are masterful in impersonating and posing as anyone your heart desires from men of distinctions to the prettier woman just to bilk you out of your money...

    You really don't need to search or look for it that far.


    Years ago i lend money to my, at that time, best friend i already knew for years. He never did pay me back one cent. Luckly for me his mom found out (he was an aduld already) and she payed me back.



  11. In my country they are very rare but i did see one who had those on his car and in the dark he was really noticed among the other who were breaking.


    I also noticed that on tanker trucks these are already more and more used but still rare.


    I can imagine that when all the cars have those you will get insane from the constantly blinking of those lights in a traffic jam or so.


    I have more problems in Thailand when they drive around with those Rainbow coloured lights (or no lights at all ????).



  12. 9 hours ago, webfact said:

    "I don’t want to hear the tape, no reason for me to hear the tape," Trump said in an interview with "Fox News Sunday."

    A huge reason for him not to wanna listen to it!


    Like this he can deny everything: "i see or hear no proof that SA was involved so i no need to punish them".


    You can be sure that, if this is something he could use against anybody who wanna be the next president in 2020 or not fit in his plans, he will listen to it and probably use it as a lullaby every night.

  13. 5 bht a bag will not help at all.


    First of all they need to give the customers an option like re-usable bags because how the hell will you carry your groceries home on your motorbike or bus?


    Secondly 5 bht is to cheap anyway. I see it here in my city. Stores sell re-usable bags for 40bht or so and they sell like candy to .... foreigners who work here.

    Every week i see they come to the stores with busses and every week i see those bags from that/those store(s) (and there is just one of them/those in the neighbourhood) been trown out the window used as garbage bag.


    So if even "expensive" bags not work here to be re-used how will cheap bags work in Thailand?


    To give you an idea: on world clean-up day this year, in my little country alone, over 32000 volunteers collected more then 13000 garbage bags of 60l in 8h.


    And last year the bill from collecting road trash here was over 60 million euro.


    They only thing what will help is what they already do in some African !!!! countries: ban those plastic bags and fine those who sell, give and/or use them.


    @ Tweedle dee: you are so right but you have to start somewhere. Btw the cotton buds i use already for years are wooden and when i drink from a bottle, can or glass i never use a straw.



    • Like 2
  14. Hi Jph,


    I'm sorry but i can't recommend the tour you wanna do in just that short time. I have done that partialy this year and you will miss out so much more then some say inhere. I used 12 days driving from CM to CR over MS and MHS, Chiang Dao and Fang and still not see everything.


    First of all the ride to MHS takes between 5 and 6h (and believe me it will take you that long even when you look only at the distance and you can't believe it). So even you wanna do it in steps going there, the last day you will need to drive back all the way.


    I would suggest spend this time in Chiang Rai. If you can change the flights and fly there straigh away just do it or take the ride  between CM and CR ( just about 1.5-2h).

    And even 3 days is already short for CR only i think you will see and enjoy alot more.

    • Like 1
  15. I start to have a weird feeling about this. And make me have to many questions.


    You can not get in somebodies mind at the moment but i wonder what the man had been thinking when he did what is been writen.


    "Ooh damn i don't want to live anymore. Ok i will first try cut myself in my arms and neck.  Darn that didn't work.

    Ok let me use my home made shooting device. "Bang". Sh***t didn't worked either.

    Ok what is left? Oh a rope because i just don't wanna jump from the building. "


    And then there is the thing that he was kept alive with tubes for food and air?

    I have seen it before. Peoples who are in that stage they are already (very) weaken.

    So how could he still have the strenght to climb up there and bring all the stuff up to the roof.

    It looks impossible to do all that in 1 time. So with his condition?!


    And making the "gun" and get the stuff he needed did also required shopping and building of the thing. So nobody have seen him do that and hide the things?


    So he did all that too having tubes in his body?


    And his wife went to CM? The man was, most likely, dying and certainly needed care.

    So if she didn't see any of this and didn't (need to) worry so much about his health she probably already went there a while before he even had made up his plans and/or his condition was poor.


    Can't imagine he did all that alone. Wouldn't be surpriced they found sedatives or something in his blood if they would check.


    Maybe it is just more simple then all those questions what keep comming in my mind now.


    Hope he find his peace and happiness now. R.I.P.


    • Confused 1
  16. What is the issue of those embassies? They try to make some kind of statement or protest?


    Guess i missed something because i don't have a clue why now they can't  give those papers anymore.


    Does the Thai governement now asks for such special requirements the embassies could get in trouble when they do something wrong? Or do they ask such more effort about something they just can't give or do it?



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