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Posts posted by Thorgal

  1. 29 minutes ago, proton said:


    Islamaphobia is a made up word by muslims to demonise and shut down any critics of the religion and it's slave owning, child raping self confessed terrorist prophet who they get their violent ideas from. As for AJ it's good it some areas, but when it comes to this conflict about as reliable and trustworthy as RT commenting on the Russian invasion of Ukraine.


    OK let's continue to use Israeli  i24, IDF (Twitter), etc.

    And to keep the same liability based on the aircraft carriers in the region : Sky, CNN, Fox, 24 France, MSNBC, etc...

    • Confused 1
  2. 5 hours ago, ozimoron said:

    This will be my last comment on this board for a while longer.


    Anyone who can't see war crimes on both sides is a blind, racist bigot.


    You're welcome anytime to discuss this or any other topic ! Cheers.

  3. 23 minutes ago, ozimoron said:


    Let me get this right. One side is saying they want to kill as many Israelis as they can (as deplorable as that is) and the other side is actually doing it.


    Yes, you can see it like that. 


    But it's giving a sparkle of hope to see now from both sides new generations of people that want genuine peace and see themselves live together in full respect. I also hope that this time there will be a more decisive international influence for both to arrange their issues.


    The traditional labour (more constructive) Zionism from Ben Gurion, Golda Meyer, Itzak Rabin, etc...saw a decline in their colonial projects and a decline of their cohesion with Israeli population and Jews outside Israel and were unfortunately replaced by the more revisionist (radical) Zionism of Netanyahu, Ben Gvir, etc...and brought the Nile to the Euphrates expansionism and fundamentalist principles back.


    So we have from both side radical awful golems that helped  each other to be created and to further develop their misery on others - non combatant civilians -as you've said.



  4. 4 minutes ago, Wobblybob said:

    Hey Thorgal a reality check, them that start wars don't get to chose what weapons the other side uses! 


    Agree, but only for combatants on both sides.

    Non combatants can not be killed to target combatants on both sides.


    Israel has a long history of using excessive/disproportionated force to innocent non combatant civilians.

  5. 1 minute ago, Yellowtail said:

    I think it interesting that the so many of war-crime experts here accuse Israel at the same time of indiscriminate bombing, and of targeting civilian. How is that possible? Does not indiscriminate bombing negate targeting? 



    You don't use JDAM-Mk84 (2.000 Lbs - 16.000 USD) bombs to target a few Hamas individuals. This bomb has been designed to destroy tactical targets as buildings, bridges, tunnels, heavy equipment, etc...not for targeting only persons.



  6. 1 hour ago, Bkk Brian said:



    All UN, ambassadors, NGO's warned Israel for war crimes and crimes against humanity but they continue this disproportionated bombing campaign on Gaza civilians and pogroms in West Bank. 


    UN schools, press, medical personnel, etc have been killed. Decimation is not allowed as collective punishment either.


    Mk 84's JDAM (2.000 Lbs) has a GPS accuracy of +/- 3meters for 90 to 95% of them. ICC investigator can ask any time to receive Israeli military digital data/logs from each effective bombing to target Hamas militants. With this data they need to prove that civilian casualties have been avoided.


    It's mostly classified as disturbing or deflection if it can backfire as per international laws.


  7. 1 hour ago, Bkk Brian said:



    There's no military target as per article 53 of the IV Geneva Convention.


    https://ihl-databases.icrc.org/en/ihl-treaties/gciv-1949/article-53#:~:text=Any destruction by the Occupying,absolutely necessary by military operations.


    Quote from source :


    "Any destruction by the Occupying Power of real or personal property belonging individually or collectively to private persons, or to the State, or to other public authorities, or to social or cooperative organizations, is prohibited, except where such destruction is rendered absolutely necessary by military operations."

  8. 1 hour ago, Bkk Brian said:



    Quote from source:


    "Hamas and Israel have clashed intermittently over the past two decades, but the attack launched last October 7 by Hamas was unprecedented. International humanitarian law does not prevent Israeli from responding, but it must act proportionally. For this reason, the experts point to the airstrikes on the Al-Shifa hospital and Jabaliya refugee camp, in addition to the forced displacement of Gazans towards the south amid bombings, as possible war crimes."



  9. 2 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

    More lies from you, here are your claims again:




    Provide a link that contains evidence to a targeted strike that killed 100's of civilians, also when doing it please take note that the terrorists do not wear uniforms all the time and blend in with the civilains.


    After you've done that, you've still got your comparison to deliberately killing 6 million Jews to evidence


    This was posted earlier :



    Could contain:

  10. 5 minutes ago, Morch said:



    Yeah, I'm aware you intentionally did not mention Hamas as to create the impression everyone accepted it was only up to Israel.


    A meeting is not a 'unification'. And hot air is not effective 'solidarity'.


    When you have something of substance, please update.


    I will provide you perhaps an update of substance after you provide me finally your proof that I've posted Holocaust denier substance here on AN...LOL

  11. 3 minutes ago, Morch said:


    More made up nonsense.


    Hamas did not agree to a ceasefire, nor (to my knowledge) asked for one. Hamas did not agree to a hostage exchange deal as yet. I don't think world leaders are not aware of that.


    There is no 'reunification' between Sunni and Shias, other than in your mind. There is no effective 'solidarity' with the Palestinian from Arab/Muslim countries. A whole lot of talk, yes. As for your oil predictions - maybe in years to come, not anytime soon. Irrelevant to current affairs.



    1. Hamas did not agree to a ceasefire, nor (to my knowledge) asked for one. Hamas did not agree to a hostage exchange deal as yet. I don't think world leaders are not aware of that.


    Posted before : Many countries requested temporary/immediate cease fire + hostages exchange + long term peace negotiations.


    note : I didn't mention Hamas in my post. I discussed the PR damage of Israel vs other countries/partners. Again, not Hamas. LOL


    2. There is no 'reunification' between Sunni and Shias, other than in your mind.


    Never seen Ayatollah + Saudi king before when only their core business was oil & gas and how to approach the Palestinian problem in the region. LOL




    3. There is no effective 'solidarity' with the Palestinian from Arab/Muslim countries. A whole lot of talk, yes. As for your oil predictions - maybe in years to come, not anytime soon. Irrelevant to current affairs.


    No comment. LOL






  12. 8 minutes ago, Morch said:


    Even if one was to accept your nonsense at face value it wouldn't apply - Israel is not defending itself from non-combatants.

    Non-combatants die, as happens in each and every war.

    That's not even a lame deflection.


    Political and legal negationism and revisionism at its best...I hope I won't be there at the moment of disillusionment with crocodile tears...LOL

    • Agree 1
  13. 12 minutes ago, ozimoron said:


    Are they wrong? Does their status under PM, President or KIng render their opinion irrelevant?


    It's difficult to comment on the content of these EU politicians.


    It's more easy to comment on the messengers...to avoid the harsh reality...

    • Thanks 1
  14. 2 minutes ago, Yagoda said:

    Time for me to go full American war criminal here. Noone cares what Belgium thinks, not even the Belgians. Go make chocolate.


    Israel never made such a bad PR since its creation. As well domestically as internationally.


    EU can not carry the double standards between Russia and Israel for the same/similar war crimes. 

    Many countries requested temporary/immediate cease fire + hostages exchange + long term peace negotiations.


    Even US, Canada, UK and Australia can not backup too long the war crimes from Israel. The latest Iraqi response/attacks on US military bases in Iraq starts to be annoying.


    Reunification between Sunni and Shia entities within the Muslim world has never been strong and the Arab nations 'solidarity for the Palestinian cause has never been so extensive. The Arab petrol states are investing in alternative non-oil economies and will be less dependent on the protection of US & UK.


    Nobody ever stopped you to go full American war criminal. It's not a new concept. I prefer Swiss chocolate and pastry by the way.

    • Love It 1
  15. 11 minutes ago, Nick Carter icp said:


       The second person on charge of a minor European Country making a tweet doesn't make it a fact 

    Lots of people write nonsense on Twitter 


    I think Belgium, with other countries, want to go further to cut ties through EU diplomacy with potential war criminals of Israel.


    Twitter from governments is OK as per forum rules. Check out the IDF twitter links posted lately...double standards...once again...LOL

  16. 22 minutes ago, Morch said:



    Statements that similar attacks will be carried out.

    Over a 1000 casualties.



    East Jerusalem, West Bank and Gaza are all OPT (Occupied Palestinian Territories) as per international laws.


    The concept of self-defense can be allowed (in some cases) against occupying forces.


    The concept of self-defense from an occupying force in occupied territories against the non combatant occupied population is impossible.

  17. 1 minute ago, Jingthing said:

    What planer do you live in?

    Hamas doesn't want a two state solution. They are on record to want to crush Israel and murder all Jews.



    Israel was never on extermination alert since 7th of October 2023.


    Hamas militants started on 7th of October a colonial pogrom on Israeli citizens and soldiers to bring hostages back to Gaza. There was never a plan to re-conquer and murder all Jews in Israel + West bank with only +/-2.000 to 3.000 Hamas soldiers against an IDF army of +/- 400.000 to 500.000  soldiers.

  18. 4 minutes ago, ozimoron said:


    What? How is accusing war criminals of war crimes antisemitic?


    No pun intended Sir, (but I hope you will have a laugh), it's called an oxymoron.


    I think people here should respect your nickname instead...




    An oxymoron (plurals: oxymorons and oxymora) is a figure of speech that juxtaposes concepts with opposite meanings within a word or in a phrase that is a self-contradiction. As a rhetorical device, an oxymoron illustrates a point to communicate and reveal a paradox.[

  19. 7 minutes ago, Yagoda said:

    Do you have any reports that confirmed that the vehicle used for military purposes was in fact a civilian ambulance? Who has more of an incentive to lie? Those who fight for good or those who fight for evil? Those who is every bomb is electronically monitored, or those who blend in with the civilian population as a tactic, and sacrifice civilians as a goal? These questions are really rhetorical, since in your worldview, Jews are evil

    1. Do you have any reports that confirmed that the vehicle used for military purposes was in fact a civilian ambulance?


    There's AJ_EN video footage available of the civil ambulance that was attacked on 3rd of November in Gaza :

    There's a live AJ reporters team in Gaza.




    2. Who has more of an incentive to lie?


    Israel : they've lost domestically and internationally all credit due to their unlawful attacks on Gaza non combatant civilians 

    The Zionist unity in Israel is domestically more broken since 7th of October


    The opposite is true for the Palestinian cause domestically and internationally.


    3. Those who fight for good or those who fight for evil?


    I want ceasefire and peace for both. Both did huge and unbearable mistakes for long times. This needs to stop from both sides.

    Correct answer requires religious answer, but not allowed and/or off topic.


    4. These questions are really rhetorical, since in your worldview, Jews are evil


    These questions are not rhetorical to me because I've studied Judaism, Christianity and Islam without discrimination.


    • Like 2
  20. 11 minutes ago, Wobblybob said:

    Yes I do. But do you think that Hamas doesn't have it in them to do such a despicable crime, after all they are as pure as the driven snow in some of the posters on here.🥴


    Nov 3 (Reuters) - The Israeli military said on Friday that one of its aircraft hit an ambulance which soldiers assessed was being used by a Hamas unit close to their position in the battle zone.

    It said a number of Hamas fighters were killed in the strike and said it had information that Hamas used ambulances to transport fighters and weapons.




    From your Reuters quote I can only understand that the Reuters reporter/correspondent James McKenzie is not in Gaza and only repeats ("The Israeli military said..." + "It said...") what Israeli Army (IDF) said. It's fully in line with the X (Twitter) account of IDF.


    Thanks for your effort anyway. I don't trust this Reuters counterproof that ambulances are used as military vehicle for transporting weapons and military personnel. 


  21. 3 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

    Needs must.


    All over the world, ambulances are used to bring medical care to those in need. 

    But in Gaza, Hamas seized control of the ambulances and uses them as discrete taxis for their terrorists.

    Listen to a call where terrorists brag about their personal ambulance:



    Did you read the X(twitter) comments section : LOL + thanks


  22. 2 minutes ago, Wobblybob said:

    Israel are targeting ambulances that transport the Hamas terrorists and also to carry weapons for the terrorists, Hamas thought that was the safest way to get around and oh how wrong they were. But why do you want to believe a terrorist organisation it defies all logic. 


    Do you have any report and/or news outlet that confirmed that Hamas used the ambulances for military purposes in Gaza...? Thanks.

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