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Everything posted by Thorgal

  1. I agree with you completely. My country is on the wrong side of the history because my government decided to supply arms and money to Ukraine in a war that is not ours. Some kids in my country can't afford a lunch at school. University students can't pay their school fees. Elder people (retirement) can't pay their rent, food, etc... End the list is longer, but you get my point that we have our financial priorities for our own people instead of foreign conflicts with huge economic backlashes (energy prices after Nord stream 1/2 skyrocketed)
  2. No, trying to understand people when they ask me questions...
  3. I've nothing personal against Victoria Nuland. To understand this conflict you have to research on the Bretton Woods agreement first. There's also the (Halford John) Mackinder Heartland theory that seems to be deployed the last 10 years. I read as well only unbiased Western as unbiased Russian media to better understand what's happening in reality. That's not a crime I think...
  4. I am aware that Russophobia is not yet categorized as per latest DSM5 within cluster B, between schizophrenia and ASPD with frequent repetitive delusional episodes.
  5. They won't come soon. They now for centuries that there's no intelligent life on this planet.
  6. The first referendum of Donbas was organized in 2014. Even Russia (Putin) was not in favor as it's not in line with the Minsk accords and the Ukrainian governing laws. After the start of the Russian special military operation (2022) there was a need to re-organize the new referendum/elections to be able to work together between Donbas/Kherson/Zaporizhzhia regions and the Russian government. Schools and churches were opened again, buildings were renovated, electricity, gas and water was again available thanks to Russian intervention, except that the Ukrainian (+8 years) shelling was is not yet stopped (even constitutionally). Most UN countries were against these latest referendums due to the unlawful character with respect to Ukrainians' Constitutional laws. Zelensky was asked to participate in these elections. He refused to participate in the negotiations for the local elections...
  7. Well I know. It started in 2013 before Maidan coup with neocons like Victoria (Nudelman) Nuland and her husband Robert Kagan (9/11), another US neocon legacy. Toppling Tartus (Syria) and Sebastopol prior to 2013 was not a smart idea...if you understand geopolitics in the region and the forced de-unification of the EU and Russia (Nord stream 1/2).
  8. War: a massacre of people who don't know each other for the profit of people who know each other but don't massacre each other. ...(Pierre Valéry)
  9. The ones that Fauci can't bring into the US...
  10. Again : Yulia Gorbunova (HRW) and Kiev Post Newspaper, another apparatchik from the Ukranian emergency gouvernment. Miroslav Jenča (UN) Slovakian another apparatchik from the UN anti-Russian coalition. No UN resolution has been signed yet.
  11. Believe me, in their target de demilitarize Ukraine, they did find WMD's... And Biden is gonna send some 325KUSD more !
  12. I'm not trolling ; international laws apply for waging war. If it's a special military operation like NATO bombing 70 days Serbia or Lybia...
  13. It's not a war. It's a Special Military Operation.
  14. Countries tmo excluded from rigged elections : Palau and Micronesia Countries tmo highly possible with rigged elections : all others
  15. Galina Luhova is a full time apparatchik from the Ukranian emergency government. Don't ask yourself why more and more Ukrainian women will be forced to occupy senior military positions...
  16. Nobody can prove that it was rigged. I've noticed that in some countries it's a must and acceptable, while in other countries it's rigged and thus forbidden.
  17. exactly, after the Ukrainian neo-nazis were defeated and/or fled the region it's obvious that the Russians took control to start elections.
  18. Crimea : 97% voted YES Luhansk, Donetsk, Zaporizije, Kherson : 70% voted YES
  19. The elections were held democratically and the people decided to be part of Nova Rossia. Which logic allows you to think that you have the right to monitor local elections and supply in the same time weapons to kill the voters and their families...strange way of forcing democracy principles here...
  20. I agree if you consider ethnic Russian people from Donbas and Lugansk as defenders since 2014...
  21. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1933_anti-Nazi_boycott
  22. Well, you confirm again the non-religious motives. Thanks !
  23. Thanks, you finally confirm my point. The Holocaust was not based to eradicate the Jewish religion like Abbas explained in OP.
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