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Everything posted by Thorgal

  1. https://books.google.be/books/about/Des_juifs_dans_la_collaboration.html?id=WKRtAAAAMAAJ&redir_esc=y
  2. US Zionist organizations declared war on Germany in 1933, which caused tensions on German soil between Nazi's and ethnic German Jews. The WW2 war started six years later in 1939. None of my posts suggests that US Jews (US Zionist organization) started the war in 1939, but declared war to Germany in 1933 instead. There's a difference in making war and declaring a war. Your distortion has been noticed. Please point out my neo-Nazi opinions in my posts. Your distortion has been noticed. Ethnic German Jewish refugees were deported to concentration camps through collaboration between French Jewish and local organizations and the German occupier. Denying this is pure revisionism. Your distortion has been noticed. I didn't receive yet any backup with historical facts that my posts were false. Again, can you provide any decent (non distorted) backup related to OP?
  3. My posts can't make a revisionist because I'm replying to negationists that contradict the statements of Abbas in OP My posts can't make me a Nazi because I've no political affiliation or preference. My posts can't make me Holocaust denier because I didn't treated the subject. I don't visit neo Nazi sites. The last Nazi-thing that I've seen on my laptop screen was an Ukrainian Azov soldier with SS patches who died in the trenches near Bachmut under command of (oh no) Zelensky...
  4. How easy you can be labeled as a Nazi, a Holocaust denier, a revisionist, etc... even if you provide constantly historical facts, books from Jewish authors, etc... Most of this subjects I've discussed, studied and exchanged with French and German native Jews without being labeled as "we've got one"...
  5. You didn't back up that my facts were false, with respect to "intellectual honesty" with any of your "links".
  6. I've provided you facts and my source (the book) all according forum rules. You didn't back up that my facts were false with any of your "links". I miss here some intellectual challenge.
  7. Read from my first post again : 1. Nazi's and German Zionist movement worked together on a non-religious basis to bring back Jews to Palestine from 1930 till 1938 under the Havaara pact . This was witnessed by the parents of Abbas. 2. Other Zionist entities in the world started to wage a war against Nazi Germany. Many pogroms started in Germany against ethnic German Jews. These Nazi pogroms were not fueled on religious basis. 3. Other Zionist entities, like the French Judenrät collaborated against ethnic German Jews. Again, these collaborations were not based on religious grounds because the French Jewish collaboration was rewarded by not being deported to concentration camps. So, nobody could prove me till now that Abbas is wrong by saying that the Holocaust didn't started on religious grounds. There were mutual agreements and collaborations between Nazi's and the Zionist movements. I'm asking historical questions. Not hysterical ones to provide links...
  8. Please stay on topic. The collaboration from the French Judenräte with the Nazi's is a historical fact. This collaboration against the German Jews was not based on religious grounds like Abbas was saying in the OP.
  9. Your primary questions have been answered and your next questions are off topic.
  10. The book is available on Amazon and description of the book is in line with my posts.
  11. 1. Juvenile court doesn't exist in Occupied Palestine. All court proceeding happen through military court. 2. Palestinian people have been systematically killed to allow Jewish settlements to expand. Thinking otherwise is pure revisionism...
  12. I expected such answer. The editor of the book was victim of a bomb blast. The book was never re-edited for that reason. The author was victim of multiple aggressions (beatings). The French Jewish collaborators were never tried by Nurmberg trials. On their own request they requested to be tried on Rabbinic law after the war. Please reply if you have any serious on topic questions.
  13. You have to read the book in French : "Des Juifs dans la Collaboration L'UGIF 1941-1944" from Maurice Rajsfus (author). His parents were non-French Jews and deported through collaboration to concentration camps and died. If you're really interested in the subject : check out the massive pogrom of Vel d'Hiv (velodrome in Paris) which was part of the French-Nazi collaboration against German Jews
  14. During the Nazi occupation in France the French government agreed for collaboration with the Nazi's to persecute the German and Polish refugee Jews in France. The French Jewish organization UJIF worked together in that collaboration with the Nazi's to denounce German and Polish refugee hidden Jews in France so that they won't be persecuted themselves by the Nazi's.
  15. My quote was : "There was no religious persecution in that time." This quote is in relation with the OP that explains that Abbas declared that the Holocaust didn't start for religious motives. Assuming that I've said that there were no persecutions to Jews in that time in Germany is wrong. Assuming that the Nazi party didn't work together with the German Zionist movement is wrong. Assuming that the Nazi party targeted only religious Jews is wrong. Assuming that I'm a revisionist, Nazi, and/or Holocaust denier is wrong. I continue to provide historical facts, I'm still on topic and I'm posting non-personal content.
  16. In one of the correspondence between the German Zionist movement and the Nazi party in 1933 (so during the persecution) the German Jewish leadership declared that they understood the Nazi racial supremacist motives of the Nazi party. Furthermore the German Jewish leadership communicated to the Nazi party also their own wish and own importance to forbid mixed marriages between Jews and non-Jews.
  17. Theodore Herzl wrote from 1885 till 1904 some +/- 2000 pages of his findings and inspirations in booklets. In one of these booklet he mentions that antisemitism will help create the State of Israel... Explaining historical facts doesn't make me a revisionist, a holocaust denier, a nazi, etc...
  18. Well, the announcement of the collaboration between the German Zionist movement and the Nazi party was announced in "der Angriff", a journal under control of nobody less than Joseph Goebbels. The German Ministry of Agriculture was against the decision of the Nazi leadership to provide the German Jews an education certificate of compliancy from the Ministry of Agriculture. The debates were so fierce and counterproductive that Himmler (SS highest authority) himself had to back off the Ministry of Agriculture. There was no religious persecution in that time.
  19. Sorry, I'm not into that anti-semitic, revisionist, holocaust denier thing. I provide historical facts.
  20. I'm talking about the article of the news paper (Judea declares war to Germany). German Jews were willing to work together with the Nazi party to work together for the emigration of German Jews to Palestine. Some 80.000 Jews received a German certificate of education in artisan, agriculture or horticulture between 1930 and 1938. Those 80.000 Jews were the future cornerstone of the Israeli Kibbutz. The Haganah (Jewish Defense/Intel) worked closely together with the Nazi Gestapo to coordinate emigration of Jewish refugees to Palestine. They used Greek ships to bypass British blockades. The offices of the Haganah were situated in Paris and Vienna. The office of the Haganah in Paris was actually in front, at the other side of the street in Paris of the main Gestapo center. Both representatives met each other regularly for arranger the expedition of refugees to Palestine.
  21. There are many modified versions available on the internet. Original, limited genuine ones are still availably in some US en EU museums/libraries.
  22. No, they first organized a conference in France (Evian) and invited most EU countries and Jewish organizations to solve the problem of Jewish refugees to bring them "back" to Palestine. Future Istraeli Prime Minister Golda Meyer(son) was there... The British Empire still imposed a "blockade' on Jewish immigrants in Palestine coming from Europe and most EU countries didn't bring in those German Jewish refugees for asylum.
  23. No, the bilateral agreements between German Jews and the Nazi party were respected till 1938. Jewish organizations from UK, US, Poland and now Russia were actually opposed to these agreements through demonstrations, lobbying, and being active in the resistance. So yes, from the historical perspective of Abbas there was no racial and/or religious trigger to stop the Havaara agreement due to political and military opposition and influence. Please note that these Jewish entities around the world were not always working together with the same agenda.
  24. Google : "Judea declares war on Germany" + demonstrations in the US and the forthcoming economic sanctions against Germany
  25. Abbas is 86 today, so his parents must have seen between 1930 and 1938 many ships coming to shore in Palestine with Jews coming from Germany under the Havaara agreement between the Nazi party and the Zionist movement. Those +/- 350.000 German/Czechoslovakian Jews were not expelled from Germany by the Nazi party. The Havaara agreement ended promptly in 1939 when US Jews declared war to Nazi Germany.
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