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Everything posted by Thorgal

  1. As per forum rules you didn't provide any credible link. As per Jewish tradition there wasn't a funeral or national mourning within 24 hours. I've discussed this with Jewish friends online and they pointed me this particularity.
  2. Orthodox Jews are protesting in Jerusalem and replacing all Israeli flags with Palestinian flags. I think I'm not the only one that didn't see facts confirmed as promoted by a select group without unbiased and consistent proof...
  3. Her husband is Jewish and she thus guaranteed owns membership of the Hasbara fellowship... Quote from link : Part of the reason for her anger is that her husband, Rael, is Jewish. “The Jewish community is our community,” she said. “My husband is a proud Jew and Zionist. https://www.thejc.com/news/politics/police-must-understand-that-jews-do-count-says-braverman-4Q7armNPfrgXcW2P2VIv65 Was there no independent investigation in the kibbutz?
  4. Jihadi John is off topic. So there's no unbiased source available to confirm your claims as per forum rules.
  5. Can you provide credible links to the rapings, beheadings and dragging them behind a 4x4?
  6. 2 airfields have been bombed by IAF this week...Aleppo + Damascus https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/syria-state-tv-says-israeli-attack-targets-aleppo-damascus-airports-2023-10-12/
  7. How many Hamas militants participated in the assaults and hostage operations? 1.000? Bringing in an Aircraft carrier with its supporting vessels is quite a lot for 1.000 flip flop militants. A second US Aircraft carrier is on it's way too. https://abc7news.com/israel-palestine-conflict-five-things-to-know-hamas-war-attacks-gaza-strip-airstrike/13879501/
  8. So all Palestinians will be bombed out of Gaza. Talmudic intake on this siege will be with one conditional exit to escape. IDF ground troops will enter Gaza only after full evacuation. Within 5 years you will see Israeli offshore platforms at the shore line of Gaza. There was never a real plan to clear Hamas militia out of Gaza. BiBi will finally have his political opposition in his pocket and will elevate himself to Messianic proportions...
  9. I think the IDF needs more US military aid isn't it? Hamas just proved with their flip flop combat tactics that US military budget was under-rated.
  10. Not a single word about the Israeli 75 years of colonization of Gaza and the West Bank. Not a single word about the weekly protests of Israeli people against the Netanyahu government. Not a single word about the lack of intel and preparation of the IDF when the attack was executed.
  11. Only Israeli newspaper Haaretz dares to say that the Israeli government is at the origin of this attack. US and EU representatives will indeed say that Israel is in a plot of Iran, antisemitism, etc... Telling otherwise is political suicide.
  12. It's visible in some Hamas footage of the attacks that there are 2 groups within Hamas : one is pure a military (making prisoners) one and another one is more as per Daesh practices (executions). That doesn't mean that you have to implement a collective punishment to 2.300.000 citizens.
  13. Hamas is continuing like this morning to send DIY rockets to Israel, this time to Tel Aviv. Ashkelon is empty. video_2023-10-07_19-50-48.mp4 video_2023-10-07_19-50-33.mp4
  14. So it's confirmed that the 2nd largest power station in Israel has been damaged today by Hamas rockets. No presumed false pictures of 2014...Thanks !
  15. Don't count Syria, Lebanon and Jordan. Syria has been pounded so many times by IAF. Lebanon has Hezbollah and will not hesitate to infiltrate from the North. Jordan has some +/-3.000.000 Palestinian refugees from the Nakbah. Some even almost declare that the West Bank Palestinian will distantiate themselves from the Gaza attacks on Israeli citizens and soldiers. I don't think so.
  16. Apparently part of the Palestinian plan (seen on footage) is to transfer as many Israelis as possible to Gaza to prevent air strikes and further bargaining.
  17. The general in question is perhaps serving in the North, but around Sabbath and the 50th anniversary of Yum Kippur it's most likely he joins his relatives in the week-end like many other Israeli's.
  18. Is this the Rutenberg power station or not?
  19. No pun intended, but from the direct footage I saw it's unfortunately a plain genocide. I've mostly critics to the Israeli government, but seeing Israeli children and families being executed with taking selfies by Palestinian killers is plain barbaric.
  20. When the Hamas militants of Gaza will reach the Hamas factions of the West Bank you have a different situation. It can spread in uncontrollable urban warfare in all directions over the Israeli territories. If additional Hezbollah militia is coming from the north you know now already that you're outnumbered with your IDF military personnel.
  21. The 13 civil Israeli places were overrun by Hamas militants at this moment. There's no more IDF and Israeli police & civilians in these settlements. I hope the Israeli citizens could fee in time this morning. From what's available online (see previous post) it's not always the case. Not many hostages were taken... The map of Hamas rocket targets is not the same.
  22. 13 Israeli localities have been overrun :
  23. The Kibbutz of Nahal has been overrun by Hamas militants. Rockets have been fired and damaged the electric power station of Rutenberg. A police station and IDF military base has been overrun too. Hamas claims to have captured IDF general Nimrod Aloni.
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