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Posts posted by Suffinator

  1. All stakeholders be it political parties, the Constitution Drafting Committee and the National Council for Peace and Order are free to present their proposals for reform, he said, adding however that it is not necessary for the government to make any proposals now but would do so later on.

    No mention of the Thai people being part of the 'stakeholders' ... Oh silly me, and there I was thinking this was a democracy. The longer this farce goes on the less likely it will be that there will ever be an open democratic election. What the General did was effectively commit and act of treason ... any democratic country would have subjected him to a criminal trial. TIT

    • Like 2
  2. Saw someone taking a picture of their cup of coffee this morning at breakfast in the hotel I'm at.

    Just a cup of coffee they poured themselves from the buffet.

    Can they enter it?

    I'm not saying this whole taking pictures of every single thing you eat or drink has gone too far, but seriously......

    Forgive them.........small things amuse small minds.

    Not a quotation that should be used ... do you know the rest of it? Let me enlighten you...

    Simple things please simply minds ... yes whilst bigger fools look on in sympathy for themselves.

  3. There will be no democracy for Thailand in the near future I fear, his Junta will make sure of that. I hope all you that supported this coup are pleased with yourselves, Thailand is going down the Myanmar road. There will be a crackdown on Expats soon, mark my words.

    There is no democracy ... the very foundation of democracy is the ability to express your views openly; this is not something the Junta wants for it doesn't allow them to control by what is little more than fear.

    Thailand could well be heading for civil war and foreigners will become a target. My advice would be to get out while you can.

    I'm very happy I left and now watch from afar.

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  4. Counting the cost of doing business in a corrupt society. The truth is there is no truth and nearly all in authority are on the take and will do anything to get their hands on large sums of money.

    The Pullman wants fairness but unfortunately that's not what corruption offers. It could be argued that Pullman purchased the land legally and in good faith ... on the issue of fairness it could also be questioned whether they paid the Land Department officials to doctor the deeds and were therefore complicit.

    Who knows the truth ... a few for sure but they won't tell.

  5. The Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha presided over the opening ceremony of the ‘Bring Happiness Back to the Youth’ science fair at the Science Center for Education today in Bangkok.

    Scary ... sounding more like the Hitler Youth movement everyday. Give people their rightful freedom and allow them to free express themselves ... any thing less is oppressive.

    Thailand needs to lay down the national strategy for science, technology, and innovation. We need to create more science professionals and employ more bright minds in the education system, said the Prime Minister.

    And how do you create more professionals, from the existing gene pool? As someone pointed out already such subjects require critical thinking and the ability to accept failure without giving up ... it's just not the Thai way.

    He pointed that morals and ethics should be upheld in the young generation, complying to the Children’s day motto ‘Knowledge and Morality Lead to the Future’, as well as respecting the nation’s main institutions.

    More propaganda from the elite. Freedom is the only route to knowledge and morality for then you will understand and see society in its true colours.

    For this occasion, the Prime Minister also showed his intention that he is willing to do anything to keep the nation safe, and said that the country has seen positive changes in the past six months after he has been Prime Minister.

    Safe and under control for the benefit of the elite ruling class ... sick.

    I can't wait to see what they've done with the FBA ... if it follows the pattern of protectionist nationalism Thailand is about to go belly up.

  6. Yes let's not allow people to openly express their views by A) making such an act illegal and; B) making such an act a threat to national security.

    Thailand is slipping into the abyss of a draconian dictatorship where fear and poverty will keep the populace under control.

    With Thailand's abysmal record on human rights and corruption this move will only reinforce the west's perception that Thailand is moving in the wrong direction and will soon be subjected to sanctions. Still that shouldn't be a problem for Thailand after all they are convinced they can live isolated from the rest of the world ... yes that's despite the fact that 80% of GDP is exports and 10% is Tourism.

    I telephoned a Thai friend over the weekend and what he had to say is probably the real truth ... something that the forum admin cannot allow to be printed.

    The truth will set you free ... in Thailand however the truth will get you locked up or killed.

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  7. Unlike some other countries, at least Thailand is not using terrorism as a way to bread fear in the population so government can gain more control and insight into their lives.

    That's right ... instead they use poverty and ignorance to ensure fear of anyone above them with money.

    Three elements bring a population under control of the government ... 1. Poverty, 2. Ignorance and 3. Despondency / Fear .... the Thai gov has no need to use terrorism as a mode to control what people think and do.

  8. Quite simply those who are above the law do not want the truth to be told, so how are you going to make it happen?

    Well what would be a real step in the right direction, if the Canadian Authorities, namely the Embassy did something about it. They have a duty to their citizens, but sadly, as i many cases, the Embassy does nothing !!!

    Once again someone asking their Government to take action ... they only deal in diplomacy and rarely speak the truth ... their primary job is to ensure money flows.

    If you want change then look in the mirror, stop talking about it and do something about it ... leave in protest, tell all your friends not to come to Thailand. Government never holds the power ... the people do.

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