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Posts posted by Suffinator

  1. 10 years ago, when I first hit these shores I got lost and asked a Policeman. He looked at me like I was dog sh**, grunted and they said; "How much you pay me?" I didn't take the conversation any further, that was my first and only lesson I needed in respect of how useful the Thai Police are.

    On that note, credit where credit is due. I took a walk to my local Villa Mart. On the way back the traffic was heavy and a Policeman came up and helped. He stopped the traffic, saluted me and said have a good day. I was more than a little shock, said thank you, to which he replied, in perfect English, "It's my pleasure sir."

    They are not all bad as we know and it is nice to know that someone will help you when needed.

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  2. I certainly wouldn't subject my child to the Thai education system and therefore I don't worry about it. The government is not really going to do anything, as you cannot control an educated populace. The sad reality is that those in power will ensure that those not are kept under control through the lack of education while they continue to rape the countries finances and all the while throw them a bone, such as the rice pledging scheme.

    AEC 2015 cancelled. AEC 2016 don't hold your breath.... ever.

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  3. I just watched the video on Meebal (dot com) and it's working just fine and as funny as hell. Why can't the Thais develop a sense of humor or if they don't like it then change things. I guess prostitution is a dirty subject but who wants to stop all the money the Thais make from it? Damned if you do and ridiculed if you don't.

  4. Not yet ready to compete with Foreigners? Is this guy serious? Thailand will never be ready. With almost no education and with even less common sense, how on earth can a Thai compete with foreigners. I write for meebal, as a few people know, and the amount of readers who ask me if I'm full of it is commonplace as they feel I must be making this up as no one can be that stupid. I do point out that a quick trip and stay in Thailand for a week will bring a crashing wave of realism to what is written about the Thais on the internet.

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  5. Why on earth would any foreigner want to do business in Thailand? Seriously Thailand is good for one thing and one thing only and after you've kick that out in the morning you really should leave it at that.

    As for investing money in business or property you need to have your head examined prior to this act of stupidity.

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  6. I've just read an 'Interpretation' piece that someone submitted to Meebal - it's hilarious but more closer to the truth. Seriously in 20 years of being here I've never figure out why any foreigner would be stupid enough to open a business that they can't own or buy property that they can't own. More money than sense obviously. If you really want a peaceful life then avoid Thailand altogether or just live and rent.

    The fact is, the Thai mentality towards the foreigner and anyone who tries to muscle in on their action is going to hit a brick wall.

  7. I know that we all like to have a dig, but seriously what other country in the world could provide this much free entertainment for the masses. I just love it and I love the way they are so openly corrupt. I actually write for an online new site, meebal, and sometimes I do write about the goings on here, unfortunately many of my readers ask me if I taking the pee or making stuff up.

    It is tragic that Thailand is so corrupt, but it is their country and if they want to flush it down the toilet that's their business. We have already seen the government pushing back AEC for another year and in my opinion I can't ever see them joining - they just don't have the educated population required and with their nationalist sense of being the greatest nation on earth the AEC can surely only bring disenchantment and despair for the masses.

    Anyway another dollar and another payment under the table - just gotta love it!

  8. Its a shame that Thailand is so self centered.

    As a farang, I know what it feels like not being wanted in Thailand.

    I hope the boat people find a better place to stay

    Why thailand should host them? There is nothing common between them. In fact, these rohingyans follow a religion that orders to kill all non-muslims, no questions asked.

    They belong to Bangladesh, where they come from. They should have fleed to Bangladesh, but they don't want to go back.

    That's the trouble with Thailand - always discriminating against others, hence the issues you have in the South. As one other pointed out here, Thailand is quick enough to hold it's hands out when they need help, such as the 2004 Tsunami, but forget easy and turn their backs on others when they need help. God help us, if we all had the same mentality as a Thai.

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  9. It makes you wonder how many tourists need to be murdered before respective governments really take action and put a stop to tourism. Only when tourism finally comes to an end, and the money stops flowing, will the Thai authorities actually do something about it.

    I just read an article on Meebal - At least one website is asking for the senseless murders to be stopped.

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