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Posts posted by Suffinator

  1. Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha asserted yesterday that his government was not dictatorial although he admitted that it "may not be 100 per cent democratic".

    100% delusional - what does he think he has created?

    "Did I do anything wrong? Have I done any damage or wasn't the situation already bad when I took over?" Prayut said.

    Effectively you committed treason and the damage done to democracy with people being arrested for expressing an opinion is wholly damaging to any society. Yes the situation wasn't good but ultimately it was the people who voted in the garbage and it should have been their job to vote them out.

    "I may not be 100 per cent democratic. But I want to ask if being 100 per cent democratic did anything good to the country? Find the answer for me," he added, appearing tense.

    Not 100% democratic ... try not even 0.000000001% - there is no democracy in a military take over and if you believe their is then you are delusional. Democracy is a painful process, look at the UK, Europe and the US - it often results in conflict but it doesn't give the military the right to intervene in the majority opinion.

    "I don't want to punish them [the students] so they were merely reprimanded, released and told not to do it again because it does not benefit anyone," Prayut said.

    Your authority is false and therefore you have NO rights to punish anyone with your tin-pot dictatorship - these kids where trying to remind you that they have a choice; something you wish to deny them for your own gain.

    Without question this guy is so far out of his depth he can barely tread water. He can thank his lucky stars I'm not the British PM for there would be no trade, no tourism and no investment until democracy was reinstated.

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  2. The ridulous thing is that one has to wonder what have the farangs taken away from thais anyway? The market? What? Why do they want to attack a goose laying golden eggs, paying taxes and employing people. Why?

    Thai at Heart ... because our progress and ability to think outside of the box and therefore prosper makes then look stupid. The issue will always come down to education and those at the top don't want the people educated because you cannot control them. It's easier, just as Paddy stated to just blame the foreigner for everything so as to hide the underlying truth that without foreigners and more importantly their investments Thailand would collapse both economically and socially.

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  3. Mr Kent, meanwhile, disclosed that British investors were already keen to invest more in Thailand. He said he appreciated the Thai government’s attention to tourist safety, assuring that more British travelers would be coming to the Kingdom.

    Another spineless idiot that the British taxpayer has to fund. When will Britain and it's ambassadors show some balls. After the murders of two of its citizens the last thing this moron should be saying is that he appreciates the gov's efforts on tourist safety when there is none. As for the investment what moron would invest in a country that doesn't allow you to own the very assets you paid for.

    The Gen can consider himself fortunate I'm not the British PM for I'd tell him straight and then shut the doors of tourism and investment firmly in his face.

    Yes diplomacy is the word for the weak and spineless.

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  4. There's a photo with the British ambassador with the coup leader general in today's news.

    Surely by now he must have something to say on the subject.

    I mean they have condemned the coup sent British police there to observe the murder of two British citizens and he's sitting down talking trade deals and it's all lovey dovey?

    Absolutely absurd !

    Whether you approve or not, life continues...business needs to be done..........

    I doubt any country would cease diplomatic relations over something like KT.....

    If there was any morality and integrity in the world then they should. Thailand can count it's lucky stars I'm not the British PM because I would close the door shut until there was justice for two of my murdered citizens.

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  5. Another very sad day for Thailand with people being unable to peacefully protest. What do you expect in a country where democracy is merely a word and that can be displaced with a military coup whenever those in power feel that power slipping away.

    I was certainly no fan of Thaskin but for a democracy to succeed in Thailand requires education so that the people truly understand what democracy is and who to achieve it.

    I wonder if the General will ever power for power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

  6. hmm obviously they didnt survey the longer term residents who have to trek to immigration and wait hours in line to report their address within 24 hours of every time changing. yes and to do that you need full details of the owner with id and signature or immigration wont accept the address change. try that when you have a cross cultural language barrier.

    immigration "you have lots of time for us to waste so come back again tomorrow" you "ok i'll ring you from cambodia/malaysia with the details, see ya"

    did i say snot? oh there is some snot in there somewhere. put it where you think possible not limited to one place of course.

    Do what I did ... leave. Seriously happier for the move to Malaysia with almost zero issues. I wouldn't come back to Thailand unless there was some serious changes and that's never going to happen whilst their nationalistic tendencies continue to rule over plain common sense.

    I'm not suggesting it should be an open door policy but why not offer a foreign national a 10 year visa that doesn't require a trip to immigration every 90 days. Think of the benefits such as having to show a bank account with say 1.5 or even 2 million baht in it. Demand would increase and the economy would be all the better for it.

    Common sense however doesn't rule in Thailand instead you have greed and corruption. Such a shame but it's their country and whilst it's being flushed down the toilet they appear happy enough about it.

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  7. Seriously you couldn't make this stuff up.

    Sellers peddling stolen / copy merchandise have to pay police and officials corrupt payments in order to carry on with their illegal activities and they have the balls to complain about it.

    Now there's martial law so that the criminals cannot publicly protest against the criminals running the country ... you have to just love the irony and anyone outside of Thailand reading this will only be left shaking their heads in disbelief.

    Of course those thinking about visiting Thailand will now have the knowledge that they are almost certainly going to be subjected to being sold stolen / copy goods and that the police and government are in full support of the illegal trade providing they get their cut.

    It's one of the reasons I left Thailand ... how any expat can possibly comment on this and remain in Thailand only to support such a regime with the money they spend is beyond me and when they are fleeced they have the audacity to moan about it. Seriously there are so many tropical places in the world to live so why would anyone choose to live in a society that is corrupt to the core and where it's acceptable to fleece foreigners at any level?

  8. Yet many Thais have posted messages and changed their profile photos on Facebook to express support for Poradet, whose behavior they are calling an appropriate punishment for the drunk driver.

    Thainess at its ugliest - they honestly think that this type of behaviour is acceptable. There's no hope for Thais in the modern world - recently some politician or other stated that Thailand could survive as a segregated country; maybe that would be the best thing, no expats or tourism fueling the economy; I wonder how long it would take before they whistled a different tune?

  9. If police fail to meet the new deadline, he said at the November 26 NHRC meeting he will propose that the commission lodge a complaint and take legal action against concerned police officers in accordance with the NHRC Act's Article 34.

    Which will result in a number of transfers to 'inactive' posts. What a joke!

    This whole case stinks and it'll be interesting to see the report from Scotland Yard in due course.

  10. Look at most military dictatorships and you'll see the last thing they want is for its citizens to openly criticize the regime plus of course allow people to peacefully demonstrate.

    There's only one thing the UN should be doing and that's slapping on sanctions - but the UN doesn't have the resolve to engage in such until things really get out of hand ... at what level sanctions are deemed necessary is beyond me but certainly any restrictions on the movement of people through martial law.

    Frankly it's a joke but so are the clowns running this failing economy.

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  11. Surely not ... didn't the RTP announce during the Koh Tao murders that a Thai would never commit such an heinous crime ... must be those Burmese masquerading as Thais.

    Let's hope the German guy pulls through. Crime where I live is almost nil but there again I now live in a reasonably civilized country where nationalism, narcissism, greed and corruption are not the main agenda for the citizens. Seriously you couldn't pay me enough to enter Thailand ... ever again.

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  12. Tourism and Sports Minister Kobkarn Wattanavrangkul revealed that the Cabinet has approved a tourism campaign for 2015 which will use the Thai way of life as the main selling point.

    The Thai way of life ... corruption, scams, murder, robberies, violence - look why don't the Thai Gov just pipe in Thai soaps to the west - that'll teach them the Thai way of life and how Thainess works.

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