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Posts posted by Suffinator

  1. Don't hold your breath (no pun intended). These goons will simply question the companies, have their palms greased and all will be right with the world; apart from the sea-life which will continue to suffer at the hands of the corrupt officials. Last time I went diving in Thailand I vowed it was my last. There is simply bugger all to see due to illegal trawling.

  2. That's not all that's in the Queen's Speech. Apparently the coalition Government intends to put a stop to Welfare abuse by those entering the country and who have never paid taxes. These measure including housing, health care and welfare restrictions. About bloody time if you as me - http://meebal.com/now-the-lib-dems-tell-immigrants-that-housing-and-health-care-is-only-available-if-they-have-paid-taxes/

  3. I wonder if the Government would like to open an FB page to name and shame all the corrupt officials, violent tuk tuk drivers, jetski scams, land scam - I'm sure it would be a far more popular page than having a witch hunt for a few foreigners.

    Of course cleaning up their own act is not in the mix as without all the corruption and scams they wouldn't be able to make any money.

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