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Posts posted by Suffinator

  1. It's like the bastards who murdered Daniel Pelka. Dies just two days before his 5th Birthday; this was in the UK. The editor of meebal.com didn't hold back and followed up with more revelations this morning.

    If your interested here's the initial story -

    Mother and Stepfather Guilty of Murdering Daniel Pelka

    and here's the editors follow up

    Stepfather of Daniel Pelka Jailed Three Times But Never Deported
  2. As usual little concern for the environment and more for the loss of income. It's why tourism is dying in Thailand and will continue to do so. I'm not sure these knuckleheads will ever truly understand what the tourists want. On that note it doesn't seem to be an important factor providing the money keeps flowing.

  3. Foreign tourists have to understand about Thai culture.... you mean there are lessons to help learn how to lie, steal, scam, carry illegal weapons, engage in violence when you don't get your own way, engaging and profiteering from corrupt practices? wow that's one hell of a culture you've go there.sick.gif

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