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Posts posted by Suffinator

  1. If Charlem really wants to come off the watch list then he needs to refrain from the bottle - that is the medicine bottle; according to Charlem and his on-going ear issues.

    Next year, according to some reports Thailand could be listed as No.1 Human Rights Abuser; which doesn't surprise me in the least. Thais have no compassion for anyone who isn't Thai and the wealthy elite have not compassion for anyone, including their own citizens.

    US Government Urging Thailand to Stamp Out Slavery at Sea
  2. “We will choose the route that requires the least land to be expropriated and which best preserves Phuket’s beautiful landscape,” Governor Maitri said

    Beautiful? Chalong? Whatever you are smoking is illegal and you need to share it.

    Chalong lost it's natural beauty about 20 years ago. It's dirty, noisy, cables hanging everywhere, no building control and it's getting worse.

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  3. It's true; only Thais may sell land or real estate. Legally they can only sell land to Thais and foreigners are not permitted to own land. Like all laws here this is circumnavigated through the farce of the Thai Nominee company, which is also illegal.

    So, illegal foreign workers selling real estate illegally to foreigners who cannot legally own it. Yep, that would be LOS.

    You would have to have your brain removed before buying any type of real estate in Thailand - rent it and don't worry about it. Buy it and face the real prospect of having it confiscated. Why would you waste your money... ah yes that would come down to the old saying; 'A fool and their money is soon parted.'

    Thai Government to Investigate All Phuket Property Ownership Titles
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  4. It is not implausible for the Thais to attract high-quality tourists with mega bucks. First thing that needs doing is to cut our corruption and scams... Oh ok it is implausible - let's move on.

    Whoever came up with the saying that you can't teach and old dog new tricks would have had Thailand in mind. All the signs are there; media provides raw coverage and yet despite the obvious the Thais simply ignore the facts and continue with what they know... scams and corruption. - Typical example -

    Thai Officials Scared of Arresting Powerful Figures Involved in Land Corruption on Phuket
  5. Got a friend of mine whose girlfriend continuously scams him and works in the bar as soon as his back is turned. He's kicked her out countless times and yet he's just announced he's buying a 30 million baht villa that will go in her name.

    What is it with Thailand? How can a guy walk in and be fleeced so easily. With all the horror stories you might think that foreign men might approach Thai girls in the manner in which they should be treated; that is drag it out of the bar, used it, pay it and kick it out.

    How does a Thai girl spell LOVE? M.O.N.E.Y

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