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stephen tracy

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Posts posted by stephen tracy

  1. 3 minutes ago, Justfine said:

    You're a teenager ranting at strangers on the net. When you grow up you will realise all these pc theories you have are nonsense.

    I'm a teenager? I know I look ok for my age but I'm still very flattered. Thanks. There's nothing "pc" about responding to ignorance. It's normal. That's how we invented the wheel and figured out that the earth isn't the center of the universe… that kind of thing. 

  2. 1 minute ago, Ks45672 said:

    Why should gays or ladyboys get privilege over the average straight person?? 


    You need to go back and live where you came from with your pc attitude problem because that shit is unnecessary here

    I don't really come from anywhere because I've been an expat since I was about 4 years old, so that really wouldn't work. What is absolutely unnecessary here - and anywhere - is ignorance and stupidity. And given that before I was 10, I probably lived in more places than you've ever counted on a Risk board, I'd say I'm better equipped to make that call. Now, I suggest you start preparing those surveys. 

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  3. 14 minutes ago, Ks45672 said:

    I would boycott any Starbucks that went out of its way to employ gays on the basis that its unfair to the rest of the population who might need a job


    If there is more than 10%  gay people working there, they can forget it



    I'm sure Starbucks will be terrified over losing your business. I suggest next time you visit a Starbucks, you take along a questionnaire to distribute to the staff before you order your coffee. Then you can make an informed decision. But why stop at Starbucks? I'd suggest you do the same before you book a flight anywhere, book a hotel, seek medical attention, order a beer in a bar, go shopping for clothes/groceries, get a haircut etc.  That way you can be absolutely sure - beyond any shadow of a doubt - that there will only be a 10 percent chance that any of the people working in the above-mentioned establishments/professions are gay. A very important life decision. 

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  4. 2 minutes ago, Justfine said:

    I'm right. You're ageist and can't accept biological facts.


    All you do is insult people who point out facts.


    When you eventually point out a fact, I'll free to insult you. Just out of curiosity, how can I possibly be ageist? You mean I don't like young people? Or is that another one of your "facts"? 

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  5. 1 minute ago, Justfine said:

    You are denying biology. 

    Ni I'm not, you are. To date, there is no evidence to suggest that gender identity is post-natal. What we do have is millions of people saying they feel as though they are (or were) trapped in the "wrong body" to the point where it was so unbearable they had to do something about it. I respect that decision, and do not view it as a "masquerade" as you cheaply suggest. 

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  6. 2 hours ago, Justfine said:

    Rubbish. People choose to be a tranny. They have a choice.

    If you're not a "tranny", how do you know that? Let me answer that for you: you don't. The knuckle-dragging, Neanderthal expat community is alive and well on TV. But when you look at a lot of the make expat community in Thailand, what do you really expect? Living proof that travel doesn't necessarily broaden the mind. 

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