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Everything posted by youngexpat

  1. there you go passing judgement again. what is wrong with smoking to get high? why would i need any other reason? It's my life not yours. i don't need to justify my consumption with medical reasons.
  2. the key words in that chart are "median" and "retail". median would indicate that their is marijuana being sold for both higher and lower prices than the median so again 2$ was my experience and is quite believable retail signifies the price that end users like myself are paying not what wholesale buyers are paying
  3. to put a finer point for you indoor is grown using artificial light. all due respect to uncle "whomever" but the science is clear that naturally grown marijuana is not as potent as that grown under artificial light the growers in mendocino and humboldt are probably having a hard time finding buyers for their outdoor grows sorry i didn't take a picture of my receipt but here is a chart taken from https://www.oregon.gov/olcc/Docs/reports/2023-Supply-and-Demand-Report.pdf as you can see if the median retail is 4$ my claim of 2$ is quite believable all this is besides the point that in a mature economy, like the one in oregon, prices are substantially lower
  4. On a recent visit to Portland Oregon the dispensary had large swathes of buds available for 2$ (70baht) per gram and that is inclusive of testing packaging and most significantly taxes. there is a massive difference in quality/potency between indoor and outdoor grows. Outdoor is not really considered salable, unfortunate as i would personally prefer it on a price basis if it wasn't bricked.
  5. Many of the smartest people i have ever known enjoyed their recreational drugs. Self rightious posters who think users are somehow inferior mentally really have it wrong. Just glad i got to have my fun before the advent of fentanyl. I wouldnt touch unknown substances in this day and age
  6. The level of trans intolerance on a thailand internet forum always blows my mind. If you live here and have never been friends with a ladyboy you need to get out more. Ironically referring to trans women as she/her has always seemd natural to me but they/them/third person pronouns make a lot less sense to me. But i'm happy to let people pick whatever lane makes a them happy.
  7. btc IS bad for the environment. Utilizing flare gas instead of just tossing it out is a good idea but the energy produced doesn't really need to be used for bitcoin mining. Kudos to btc for creating a profit structure for the idea to be made reality but it doesn't change the fact that proof of work is a really crap system for securing a blockchain Btc ossified too early and now the cult won't let it change.
  8. can't you just add pages to your passport? I'm US and had the consulate drop 20 extra pages on my last passport as it was full.
  9. don't know how they are defining stew. In my world a stew is slow cooked so not a curry like panang
  10. plenty in pattaya or phuket. Bali too apparently
  11. you can buy stablecoins but transfer them to your own wallet on chain don't keep anything on an exchange.
  12. treat an exchange like a public bathroom. do your business and get out. not your keys and all
  13. a press conference with his defense attorney. your evidence is conclusive. Case closed
  14. seems pretty on brand to me too
  15. make sure you specify whole or ground for certain items like chilli cinnamon and pepper etc.
  16. https://regencyspices.hk/ Hong kong based company. will ship to you. really top shelf products i used them for years and years in hk.
  17. not to say that we shouldn't spend time coming up with other theories
  18. The hulls of the grain cause it to spoil faster white rice and white flour is milled to improve shelf stability which is why it is less expensive. and ubiquitous
  19. i would say a case could be made that gentler handling would keep more of the tricomes intact and so yes it might in fact be stronger. however weed is also nicer to interact with physically when it isn't compressed. packing a bowl is nicer. grinding is easier or altogether unnecessary. aesthetics are just gravy.
  20. i found 20/gram which is probably the same as your finding at 15 but i would have payed a premium for the exact same stuff if it had been handled nicely and never compressed. i'm not price sensitive between 20 and 30 a gram but 250 /gram and up is ridiculous in the context of the thai economy fortunately my backyard will probably keep me out of the shops indefinitely.
  21. when are shops going to start selling cheap outdoor? i would have been very happy buying something like this for 30 baht a gram. i don't give a <deleted> about what strain. If they could just make sure to kill off the males and manicure the buds i would be very happy.
  22. the overarching point to any discussion about this issue is simply. the overall negative effects both physical and societal are dramatically greater from alcohol. So once you have banned that come back and have a talk with us potheads. Any pretense of concern over the health of the general populace is disingenuous if you don't start with alcohol.
  23. Hi Issan residents, Living in Isaan & have a car. Can any locals please suggest... Picturesque highways? Off-the-beaten-track places? Anything else I should know? Khupun nakaa! i would like to try to do more research here myself but it seems the search function only goes back one year which given covid etc there are not very many posts in the issan forum. i.e a search for restaurant in the title in the issan forum turns up 2 results. ouch
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