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Posts posted by duanebigsby

  1. 6 minutes ago, My Thai Life said:

    All nice assertions (apart from the expletive), but they have nothing to do with my post. They are non sequiturs.


    I don't hate farangs. I am one. I just happen to be one whose role in education doesn't involve "teaching" in government schools. This gives me a more impartial view. 


    I never said you hated farangs.

    I said you hated any farang teaching English in Thailand.

    You consistently mock them as not being real "teachers."

    I don't understand why you think you're more impartial than everyone else.

  2. 18 minutes ago, My Thai Life said:

    Where to start with this comment.


    > There is no Thai English curriculum. There is a modern (or foreign) languages curriculum. It is a high level statement produced by some farang consultants quite a long while back. It is equally applicable to Chinese, Arabic, and other foreign languages taught in Thailand. It has no specific relevance to English or any other foreign language.


    > Why should the Thai "curriculum" (see point 1 above) be geared to spoken English, rather than say academic or written English - the latter will obviously help them more in their academic careers; oh yes, to justify farangs "teaching" in government schools!

    BS You need to learn speaking at the same time as writing and reading. Grammar should be last on the list.

    How many Thai students can write a decent sentence, but can't for the life of them speak it?

    Every post about teaching you point out how you hate farang English teachers, 

    Good grief.

  3. On 8/26/2018 at 10:13 AM, manarak said:

    I voted NO




    I think false information should be removed.



    I take exception at the wording of the question: "deemed to be false".

    I'm not a native English speaker, but I understand "deemed" as meaning "estimated, judged, etc.", but it does not mean "proven".


    I think only information that is PROVEN to be false should be removed. Any other information is an OPINION.


    People removing opinions are censors infringing on free speech.



    and... just give it some more thought: how many passages of the Bible or the Qu'ran will have to be removed?

    All of them, Bible or Qu'ran will need to be removed under his definition.

  4. 3 minutes ago, pr9spk said:

    Possibly, in which case I apologise. My humour isn't for everyone.


    I'll be the first to admit that I'm not very funny. My wife will be second in line.

    I took no offense and I'm not any angry person. Cheers to you and the wife.

    Maybe I misread it.

    • Like 1
  5. 1 minute ago, pr9spk said:

    So why on Earth are you wasting your time on this thread? It's clear that there are some real low-brow morons on here who can't take a joke.

    It's obvious you are referring to me, as I was the last one who didn't  see any humour in it.

    Perhaps your jokes are simply poorly worded and not really funny.

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  6. Wow! Has this post ever derailed. Gone from "I've decided to leave Thailand" to Thai women are dumber than a bag of hammers, to capitalism and hi-so's.

    I agree with OP that there may be a time to leave for some people. Good luck.


    Some criticized him as if it is a failure for people who decide to go home.

    Nothing wrong with deciding to change. So many valid reasons to do so.

    I like it here for the time being, but if I no longer can outweigh the pros and cons, I'ld be happy to return home.

    I disagreed with the parting shot he took re: Thai women can't hold a stick to Canadian women looks wise.

    Seemed unnecessary and a bit juvenile.


    • Like 2
  7. Just now, theguyfromanotherforum said:


    This is another lie that people just keep repeating.


    Nowhere in this thread did I bash Thailand. People bashed me starting on the second post because I am of opinion that I am better off in Canada. 


    I see the government's return to happiness propaganda actually works better on Farang than Thai.




    You're right I apologize. I unfairly lumped you in with gaff.

    I've always maintained go where you are happy. If unhappy in Thailand, leaving was the smart decision. I'm still happy here but will go if it's not good for me in the future. Again, apologies.

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  8. 4 minutes ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:


    Yes, agreed. Canada has no economy left except immigration. And they have a lot to offer to Asian immigrants like top Universities, clean environment, low crime and quality housing.


    And people like The manic who are caught with their pants down can keep complaining from Thailand about hard working immigrants (most of them arrive with a ton of cash these days) who will keep working even harder to acquire top properties in Canada and keep the economy and his disability government pension going.



    I agree totally. Most immigrants make a heart felt decision  to leave their own countries for a better life. They start from scratch and it's hard work.

    People like manic assume they;re sucking the welfare teat and ridicule immigration on social media.


  9. 5 minutes ago, The manic said:

    I find your definition of immigrant, simplistic, reductive and self seeking. It is not nuanced. As he is not seeking Thai citizenship,or a Thai passport he is in no way an immigrant. He is bringing money in. He has not paid criminal people traffickers. He has not destroyed his travel dicuments.The millions invading Europe are hoovering up welfare, health services, educational service, housing etc. He has not broken the law to get to Thailand. He is not seeking political  asylum deserved or otherwise. He is not an immigrant. He has no permanent right of residence. He is a long term visitor.

    The vast majority of immigrants aren't doing what you suggest.

    • Haha 1
  10. 2 minutes ago, The manic said:

    I find your definition of immigrant, simplistic, reductive and self seeking. It is not nuanced. As he is not seeking Thai citizenship,or a Thai passport he is in no way an immigrant. He is bringing money in. He has not paid criminal people traffickers. He has not destroyed his travel dicuments.The millions invading Europe are hoovering up welfare, health services, educational service, housing etc. He has not broken the law to get to Thailand. He is not seeking political  asylum deserved or otherwise. He is not an immigrant. He has no permanent right of residence. He is a long term visitor.

    That is absolute scaremongering bullshit.

    • Sad 1
  11. 16 minutes ago, The manic said:

    He is not an immigrant in Thailand.  He receives no welfare, housing, voting rights, rights to hold political office and does not receive citizen ship as do the parasites who are invading the West through stealth, falsehood and immigration.

    Anybody who moves from one country to another long term is an immigrant regardless of welfare, housing, etc anything else you mention.


  12. 3 minutes ago, The manic said:

    He is not an immigrant in Thailand.  He receives no welfare, housing, voting rights, rights to hold political office and does not receive citizen ship as do the parasites who are invading the West through stealth, falsehood and immigration.

    BS. Blaming people who come to our home countries seeking a better life for sucking the welfare teat is misplaced.

    The vast majority of immigrants find  a decent job and start contributing to society.


    He is an immigrant. He moved from his home country to live in another.

  13. Just now, Kelsall said:

    Aaargh, Matey’s, a bountiful haul indeed!  Five Rimping plastic bags (they had to double-bag one of them), beautiful and destined not only for transport, but to also be my trash bags later on.  No need to ask for them; they were handing them out to everyone, no questions asked.


    I knew I was in the right store when I approached and saw a Thai woman leaving, her young son carrying the one bag of purchased items.  They were happy, and I was happy.  The convenience of the first world in wonderful Thailand!


    No, the first world has condemned such behaviour.

    • Like 1
  14. 1 minute ago, Kelsall said:

    Your attempt to trigger me has failed. 

    Why the name calling?  I'm sure you wouldn't like it if someone called you a De******** or the dreaded "S" word.

    I think name calling is against forum rules, but you are obstinate in standing up for your right to be the problem. If everyone has your mindset then pollution and waste will continue. You act as if you really want an ugly, polluted. contaminated environment.

    • Thanks 1
  15. 11 hours ago, Gudge said:

    The video in post # 80 is very true. I am a Canadian and have been spending 6 months in Thailand and 6 months in Canada for many years but am now starting to consider staying in Thailand permanently. I love Canada but since Jihad Justine Trudope was elected he is finishing what Pierre Trudeau started, destroying Canada. He is giving away Billions of dollars to countries that want to kill us, welcoming illegal economic refugee border crossers with open arms giving them free housing, medical, money and destroying anything that points out our past. All he has done since elected is dance in every gay pride parade, openly invite refugees into Canada for the free benifets while denying any increase in benifets to veterans or seniors that built this country and trying to turn Canada into another Muslim caliphate and impliment Sharia law which is funny because they throw people of his persuasion off rooftops. If one of our neglected vets don't take him out or he gets re-elected then as I love Canada sad to say I think I will have to stay in Thailand as I don't wish to live in Canastan

    That's just anti-immigrant racist drivel.

    You are now an immigrant to Thailand. If Thai people have the same attitude towards you how are you going to respond?

    • Like 1
  16. 18 hours ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:

    Ahh... just woke up, poured some cold tasty tap water and will be reading 7 pages of amusements. I'm sure I won't be disappointed.

    I applaud your decision to go back. 2 years ago after living 4 years here I left Thailand for health care in Canada. Before I moved here-Chiang Rai- I had been living in insanely expensive Vancouver. I went back for ten months but stayed in small town Okanagan area. I loved it! I'm back in Thailand now, but if the lustre wears off I'm fully prepared to do what you did. I'll never live in Vancouver again but I'd be quite happy in a small town in Canada.

    • Like 1
  17. 23 hours ago, Hummin said:

    Respect your choice!


    Im not sure I will stick around here in Thailand in 10 years, not even 5, but I try, as I see the adventages it gives me as so long. I have other options and really do not feel stuck yet. But, yes, clean air, cold air, snow, mountains, skiing, clean water, fresh cold water seafood, cheap wine, bread, and so much more as good clean public toilets with quality paper inside and soap. 


    Enjoy ?

    Public toilets? Try walking around in any Canadian city while needing a washroom.

    There are very few public toilets. Non existent. coffee shops and restaurants want you to buy something first. Here any temple or coffee shop has toilets to use. Petrol stations in Canada you have to beg someone for a key, here they're open. I haven't used toilet paper since discovering the bum gun.

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