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Posts posted by NongKhaiKid

  1. 21 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

    Admiral Saksit Cherdboonmuang said yesterday in his capacity as chair of the National Legislative Assembly’s (NLA) ad-hoc committee on how to fight the deeply-entrenched patronage system.



    Guessing the irony is lost on him?


    (wondering how he got appointed to the NLA? election? merit?)



    I'm sure the irony will be lost on him as he's a person of privilege, of entitlement so he and those like him talk of rules to affect others not themselves.

  2. It's difficult to say much without sounding heart hearted but the media doesn't help any feeling of good will with their sob story, fluff pieces which ignore the truth and are so slanted.

    Last week the BBC did a report on some who had survived tragedy and interviewed one in Britain, the story ended with the presenter saying " putting aside the legality or otherwise how these migrants get into the country. "


    That's right, don't let the fact that people enter a country(ies) illegally etc get in the way of a tear jerker.

    What the BBC and others don't seem to realise they're just fueling resentment not evoking sympathy.

  3. 11 hours ago, seahorse said:

    Calm down. He's not going to take your favourite drug away. He's saying not to promote the consumption of alcohol. That seems to leave it up to the individual as to whether to drink or not.

    As long as the law is applied fairly I don't see the problem. There is too much alcohol consumption.

    World Health Organization report on alcohol


    Thailand is a country with a Buddhist tradition. The fifth precept tells us not to be heedless of others. Intoxication leads to heedlessness. When we're intoxicated, we do not think clearly and our moral judgments are hampered.

    Thailand's Buddhist tradition is very flexible.

  4. 8 hours ago, phantomfiddler said:


    I must be missing something (a common occurrence) but where does it say that he only put in 15 minutes for the week ? I got the muddled impression he played table tennis for 15 minutes. He could have run a marathon an hour later for all we know from the original post.

    IF he'd run a marathon you can rest assured we'd all know about it from the banner headlines.

  5. A German lady interviewed on television said Merkel was a great humanitarian and was right a year ago to announce her open door policy because who could know this sort of thing would happen ?

    With all that was going on last year and before that this sort of thing was a great possibility but wasn't taken account of.

    Not a case of being wise after the event but more being aware and cautious before.

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