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Posts posted by jamhar

  1. They've already practiced illuminating our comsats with lasers, And they have probably have antisat missile capability (comsats are sitting ducks).

    So they can blind us anytime.

    using the NK's they could combined forces and take SK peninsula in 24 to 48 hours. And there nothing we can do without using nukes, if they take out our carriers.

    Then japan is only 100-200 miles across the sea. And we cant see anything they are doing.

    Hard to plan air strikes from thousand of miles away without eyes on target.

    I'm just playing the devils advocate. I'd be surprised if the Japanese haven't already seen this possible scenario.

    Thats why they need to beef up their defensive capability. And we need the long range carrier drones to stay out of the ASBM range.

    Just the way I see it.

  2. What Putin really meant was for Snowden to stop making all the information public, just give it to him so he knows what the US govt is doing, but the US govt doesn't know exactly the information he has. Putin wants it on the quiet.

    What Snowden did was say no. He wants it public for everyone, not to be used against the US. He wants the US to know that the world knows what it has been doing, that's why he has only given info to the newspapers.

    That is not the workings of a spy or a traitor. That is just a man that wants the public to know what is going on.

    Again, I don't care if it was Charles Manson or Adolf giving this information, this has nothing to do with the person giving the info, it has to do with what the US govt is doing.

    But now he says "yes" to Putin,

    So now hes a traitor?

    Or it could be that all the info is already out. Or, the US govt has forced him into that position.

    Oh so now he went from "patriot" to I was forced to be a turncoat?blink.png

    Doesn't wash.

    He could still make a run for South America. Yes its dangerous. It was dangerous when he started all this.

    Hell why not make a run to North Korea from HK? the NK's would take him for sure.

  3. What Putin really meant was for Snowden to stop making all the information public, just give it to him so he knows what the US govt is doing, but the US govt doesn't know exactly the information he has. Putin wants it on the quiet.

    What Snowden did was say no. He wants it public for everyone, not to be used against the US. He wants the US to know that the world knows what it has been doing, that's why he has only given info to the newspapers.

    That is not the workings of a spy or a traitor. That is just a man that wants the public to know what is going on.

    Again, I don't care if it was Charles Manson or Adolf giving this information, this has nothing to do with the person giving the info, it has to do with what the US govt is doing.

    But now he says "yes" to Putin,

    So now hes a traitor?

  4. Interesting take on Snowden possibly going to Venezuela

    If Snowden Takes Asylum In Venezuela, It Would Be A Staggering Act Of Hypocrisy

    We don't know if Snowden will end up in Venezuela, but for the sake of his credibility, let's hope not — it would be a staggeringly hypocritical move.

    Former President Hugo Chavez, who ruled the country from 1999 until his death earlier this year, created the kind of big brother police state that most Americans will never have to endure.

    For a taste of that, check out an article over at Boing Boing by Isabel Lara, a D.C. resident with dual U.S.-Venezuelan citizenship. Lara describes how a 2009 phone call to her mother, Maruja Tarre, was broadcast on state television because her mother was a critic of the Chavez government. The phone call was aired under the title "Anger, Grief and Frustration in Opposition Provoked by Failure of Anti Chavez Demonstration."

    Link on If-Snowden-Takes-Asylum-In-Venezuela

  5. I couldn't go to South America because the horrible Americans wouldn't let me .

    He does sound like he's whining a bitblink.png

    I think hes surprised at how much he is being hunted.

    I'll give him a pass on that, since its his first time being a traitor.

    I really would not recommend coming to the Americas, unless he can get into cuba safely

    South America is not safe. A 10 million reward for his capture should do it.

    Make it 25 million, and the government might turn him over.w00t.gif

  6. That missile is nothing more than a rumor. If it exists, it is and ICBM, just another acronym for its launching platform, same as ICBM's launched from deep water subs.

    And the US can detect it and shoot it down, if it exists.

    I think the latest Anti ICBM missile tests have had a 50% success rate.

    And i also think our missile guys are thinking that we can probably build something like that

    so they can probably also, esp since they are spending more R&D on missiles than the US are.

    Dude, i'm with you in thinking that the US could handle it. But its not safe to underestimate the opposition.

    Thats all i'm trying to say.

  7. Also, even if someone had such a thing and if it worked which it wouldn't, we have to assume there's a real war. China isn't going to start that. They simply don't have the hardware or technology to compete.

    So why are you so worried about nukes and military budgets? You really have to decide which way you swing

    Because China and Russia have nukes, Someone has to have even better nukes - more accurate, can be launched from deep under water from a sub that can't be seen, etc. as a deterrent.

    The reason China won't start a war is because they'd get wiped off the map. So would Russia. That's why the budget.

    That assumes it goes nuclear.

    If it stays conventional, AND the conflict is in the Asian theater.

    The logistics support of the US forces would be a piss poor situation.

    and the billion Chinese would have the edge, both in numbers and logistics.

    Regardless, you have to plan for various scenarios.

  8. This is an unseen, untested, news rumor which in theory wouldn't work. It's an ICBM, so the story goes. How do you hit a moving target with an ICBM while trying to defeat the US's ability to shoot down ICBMs? It's a non issue.

    It's a "game changer" for news outlets hungry for a story.

    Also, even if someone had such a thing and if it worked which it wouldn't, we have to assume there's a real war. China isn't going to start that. They simply don't have the hardware or technology to compete.

    Japan will, for many years to come, rely on the US for protection. Their military is tiny when compared to China or the US.

    NS, I dont know if the US military can take the chance that its just a story.

    You cant put 5000men and women, plus 2-3 billion dollars at risk like that.

    Also its not an ICBM, Inter Continental, rather its an ASBM Anti Ship Ballistic Missile.

    I recall it would have a max range of 1000 miles to maintain the accuracy needed to hit a moving target like a carrier

    The problem is that it can have a velocity of Mach10. Meaning it can cover the 1000 miles in ~20 minutes.

    At Mach10, almost impossible catch up to it, and it would be one hell of a lucky shot to hit it head on.

    You'd be lucky to know it was even launched in time to take any measures at all.

    Which is why that new carrier based drone is critical. With a range of 2000Miles,

    it gives the carrier the ability to strike, while staying out of the ASBM range.

  9. Interesting Article on why the autothrottle did or didnt do what the pilots expected.

    Asiana 214 - Why the NTSB’s Focus On Autothrottles

    "Each time the automation mode is changed there is the possibility that what the autothrottles will be trying to do will also be changed. It turns out that one of the things the autothrottles will do in certain modes is an automatic application of power to rescue the jet from a critically slow airspeed condition. It also turns out that here are also a number autothrottle functions that are influenced by the height of the aircraft above the ground - such as power reduction at 100 feet for touchdown during an automatic landing. But in a case where this is the desired function the logic of the automation cannot also be to add power rescue the aircraft from a slow condition when this is a natural and desired precursor to a landing. So in this case the programming of the autoland function establishes a logic in the automation that is different from other ways it would behave autoland is not programmed."

    Link article on asiana214 autothrottle


    Just to clear up some inconsistencies from above the auto throttle on this aircraft will go to idle between 25ft and 50 ft during an auto land. The aircraft flare manoeuvre begins at 50ft during an auto land which differs slightly from the recommended technique when landing manually where is states to flare between 20ft and 30ft. These figures are in the Boeing flight crew operating manual and is what is taught to pilots new to the aircraft.

    Thanks Khaosai,

    The plane was already too low and slow at 100ft altitude and 9 second before crash, so the conditions at 50ft is immaterial since around that time stall indicators were going off, no?

    I thought the critical question, was "how could 2 trained pilots think autothrottle was going to maintain 137 when it didnt"? "And why on earth didnt they check airspeed, prior to landing?" and lastly How can 4 trained pilots not see on a clear day, that they were too low, too slow and approaching stall speed?"

    I thought the run down, of the program-ability of the autothrottle, and the conditional nature of autothrottle, and lastly, the priority nature of autothrottle was very compelling. I could see how during landing, if you didnt understand the conditional priorities of the autothrottle settings that were selected, you could think it was doing one thing, but it was doing another.

    Disclaimer, I'm in no way a pilot, just an engineer. But having written much code when needed, you really have to understand your priority and conditional statements to know how your software will perform in an unknown environment.

  10. I'm still amazed that Snowden has not been spotted or heard from except by that columnist.


    It has been said from the start this would be about the info not him.

    Then he has done what he wanted to do

    and its time to pay the piper whistling.gif

    Regarding a Snowden Sighting.

    2 rights officials in Russia plan to meet Snowden

    MOSCOW (AP) — Two prominent Russian human rights officials say they plan to meet on Friday with Edward Snowden, the leaker of U.S. National Security Agency secrets, after receiving an invitation calling them to Moscow's Sheremetyevo international airport.

    Snowden is believed to have been stuck in the airport's transit zone since arriving from Hong Kong on June 23, as he negotiates for asylum in another country.

    Sergei Nikitin, head of Amnesty International's Russia office, told The Associated Press he will go to the meeting, but declined to give details. Tatiana Lokshina, deputy head of the Russian office of Human Rights Watch, was quoted by the news agency Interfax as saying she also would go.

    On Facebook, Lokshina posted the text of an email purportedly from Snowden that she received Thursday. The text says Snowden wants to make "a brief statement and discussion regarding the next steps forward in my situation."


    Russian news reports said the invitation was also sent to local officials of Transparency International, an organization that tracks corruption in governments and industries, and the U.N. refugee agency. Those organizations could not immediately be reached for comment.



    Snowden has not been seen in public since arriving in Moscow from Hong Kong, where he had fled before his leaks about American Internet surveillance were made public. Russia has said it cannot extradite him because by remaining in the transit zone he is technically outside Russian territory.

    Link to AP story on 2-rights-officials-russia-plan-meet-snowden

  11. Interesting Article on why the autothrottle did or didnt do what the pilots expected.

    Asiana 214 - Why the NTSB’s Focus On Autothrottles

    "Each time the automation mode is changed there is the possibility that what the autothrottles will be trying to do will also be changed. It turns out that one of the things the autothrottles will do in certain modes is an automatic application of power to rescue the jet from a critically slow airspeed condition. It also turns out that here are also a number autothrottle functions that are influenced by the height of the aircraft above the ground - such as power reduction at 100 feet for touchdown during an automatic landing. But in a case where this is the desired function the logic of the automation cannot also be to add power rescue the aircraft from a slow condition when this is a natural and desired precursor to a landing. So in this case the programming of the autoland function establishes a logic in the automation that is different from other ways it would behave autoland is not programmed."

    Link article on asiana214 autothrottle

  12. The U.S. sees Japan as the UK of the East, a totally trustworthy island ally off the continental mainland, separate and distinct from the continent, connected to the Pacific Ocean, cooperating with the U.S. and other US allies 100%. PM Abe sees the same thing.

    I would have to agree Pub.

    But i would add SKorea in that mix.

    The US and Japan have been doing joint marine/land exercises at Camp Pendleton this year near San Diego, to develop the Japanese Marines.

    The Japanese commander said in an interview that the goal was to develop a Japanese Marine Corp that has the capabilities of the US Marine Corp.

    Sounds like the Japanese are interested in protection some islands.whistling.gif

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