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Posts posted by jamhar

  1. This may get ugly quickly.

    Much more of this press and it may start to tarnish the Thai image

    Not good for its tourist industry.

    I could see someone starting a boycott.

    On the plus side, you may get more neo nazi's visiting LOS blink.png

    It will be interesting to see how they'll be received in TL

    KFC Threatens Legal Action Against 'Hitler' Chicken Restaurant

    "Hitler" fried chicken better surrender its logo, because the Colonel's ready to fight.

    Kentucky Fried Chicken told The Huffington Post Friday it may take "legal action" against a fried chicken shop named Hitler that sports a storefront emblem very similar to KFC's, only with Adolf Hitler's head replacing Colonel Sanders.

    "We find it extremely distasteful and are considering legal action since it is an infringement of our brand trademark and has nothing to do with us," a spokesman for KFC parent Yum! told The Huffington Post in an email.



    huffingtonpost - hitler-fried-chicken article

    • Like 1
  2. I dont disagree mania

    And i have hopes also

    I hope Egypt finds it way to a stable govenment

    they could be a beacon for that area.

    Turkey already is, even with its recent protests

    sorta reminds me of the 60's in the US.

    Its good to see citizens feeling empowered and taking responsibility.

    But in the meantime, the fight continues.

    I'm worried about the defense budget also

    $700B?!! Thats way too much, but it is what it is

    until we can be sure the safety of the US is assured.

    But if there's an alternative,

    I, along with my wallet, am all ears!

  3. A bit simplistic but one must wonder which came first the chicken or the egg?

    It is not like Terrorism started from one side only & started on 9/11

    If one reads back a wider view will be given that many things possibly led up to 9/11

    It is in fact hard to disseminate all the info available & really make an

    unbiased decision, at least for me it is. Which sources does one trust?

    Both sides tell a story & it is up to each to read & decide

    As for the war remaining abroad It has always been that way from well before 9/11

    I think that is part of the cause & not a part of any solution.

    But those that become rich from it as always have no complaints. Supplying armies is big business

    & business in the US is very good for a long time now

    That it (war/attack ) came for a day on 9/11 to the US is a terrible thing yes. But others have lived a whole life that

    was filled with nothing but days like that & not completely of their own making.

    Cause & effect will continue until it is stopped.

    It is deciding true cause that is the hard part. The effect is a given.

    Simplistic? This is the internet, what were you expecting?

    Off topic but i'll listen and engage.

    I dont disagree with some of your thoughts. Terrorism existed long before 9/11

    But 9/11 was the major turning point from the US perspective.

    The US does profit from the sale of arms, so does Russia and may EU countries

    Soon China will probably be sellers if not already

    The US makes a lot of arms because we still have a large armed force,

    partly to maintaining the cold war military presence in Europe and Asia

    I dont know how much longer that will continue. That costs a lot to maintain.

    and lots of our allies want arms but do not have the infrastructure to make their own

    so they get it abroad. Some from us, some from others.

    I often see competition between France, UK, US and Russia for various arms sales.

    I dont know about your full chicken and the egg analogy

    if you have answers I'm ready to listen

    but until then, the war will continue.

    Hopefully not on US soil.

  4. Drones v. Tomahawk v. something dropped from the manned flight at altitude. Pretty clear which one is more precise and surgical.

    Call it what you want, but they are effective and get the job done. They also don't place American lives in harms way.

    Gutless is the appropriate description for those that drones target. Gutless is scheming or undertaking acts of terror and indiscriminate killing of women and children that have zero military value (night clubs, twin towers, marathons, schools, shopping malls, hotels, buses).

    Now if US dropped a tactical nuke on a village to get a couple of military targets without any regard to extensive collateral damage, that would he gutless. Incidentally, those in the drone's cross hairs would use a tactical nuke, if they had one, on US soil against women and children WITHOUT any military target.

    The USA has such an abysmal record regarding Iraq and Afghanistan ( and even the war in Vietnam is hardly anything to be proud of). How can anyone be sure the people they kill indiscriminately using drones have been correctly identified as being the guilty parties?

    "abysmal" Nice. We'll take it. ask the Taliban how they like it.

    How can we tell who we are hitting? just the way we knew when we used man air strikes.

    You probably forgot that the discussion was man strikes vs UAV strikes.

    and finally........We have a WINNER!!!

    IF you're digging deep enough to bring up Vietnam, I KNOW you're desperate! cheesy.gif

    Thank you , i'm going to sleep well tonight!

    No you changed the topic. The original topic was killing innocents with drone strikes.

    I was responding to Midas, not you

    I dont care about your "topic"

    I was just answering a point about drone vs manned flight targeting.

    Finally i was laughing at the poster trying to bring in a change of "subject" to the "topic"

  5. Really? I guess you think they are ok as long as the don't take place in your back yard and kill your children. You won't to wait very long before you will be watching the skies when you go outside.

    You bomb us, we bomb you back.

    Not to difficult to understand.

    Not worried about any drones over the US sky's, If that's what you're getting at.

    we already have police helicopters, drones are those with the pilots somewhere else.

  6. Edit: I thought to non-relevant complaint was about me lol

    Have we resorted to tattle telling? So we've regressed from secondary school to primary school?

    Next we'll be trying to climb back into the womb.blink.png

    PS, You dont need it, but you can purge any of my post anytime. I'm not that attached to any of them.

  7. The difference is that France, Germany et al. don't spend all their time telling the rest of the world how wonderful and democratic they are and how everyone else should follow their example.

    Thats the difference?

    We're in a war. I dont think we give a hoot what people think at the moment. We're trying to prevent attacks on US soil. Thats enough for us to focus on.

    Speaking of getting others to follow their examples,

    ask the Greeks and the Cypriots what they think of the Germans.whistling.gif

  8. Pub,

    Good god man, You do have the research gene in you. Impressive! wai.gif

    why don't you also link to reports about how the US did misuse intel and gave it to US companies in order to win international bids? your posts are one-sided, no balance.

    Might i suggest you do your own research....... just a thought.whistling.gif

    • Like 1
  9. So the loss of life of one American serviceman is a greater loss to the loss of many innocent civilians in Pakistan.Is that correct?

    You are loosing the battle.For every innocent civilian that the drones are killing you are creating more extremists.

    Diplomacy and tact will be the only solution in the long run.(the Europian Union has many faults but has lived in relative harmony for the past 60 + years).

    Some of the posters gloat over their miiltary might and where has it got them, nowhere.You cannot defeat idealism with military might.

    America and anglophile countries have set many good examples to the rest of the world but now their superiority complex has overidden rationality and common sense.

    Yes ,9/11 was a pathetic and gutless act but to change things the West need to show an example on how to better the world and this will not come through

    military might.

    We all need to work together. At the end of the day we all have something in common, the want of peace and happiness.

    Nice words RNS, but I'm not sure what you are advocating

    Are you advocating diplomacy? with whom exactly? From what i can gather, the fractional cells advocate "death to america"

    Where do you suggest diplomacy to start on that one? I'm all ears.

    I recall after 9/11 that our goal was to take to war to our foes, not have the battle occur on US soil

    On that objective, the war has be fairly successful, with a hiccup or two.

    Many lives lost, some ours lots of theirs

    Many civilian causalities, some ours, lots of theirs (nothing here to be proud of, just the facts)

    But that's war.

    So the war continues.

    now with drones so that we can reduce their civilian causalities and danger to our troops

    we are getting more efficient, that's what we do.

    If you have a silver bullet to stop this mess, please stand up and say somethng

    because this war is costing lives and dollars we dont need to be spending on this

    but until then, the war will continue, either on US soil, or abroad.

    i rather have it abroad than on US soil.

    • Like 2
  10. On the face of it, I would agree Z.

    but maybe, just maybe Kim jong un was just trying to consolidate power,

    and now with the treats from the PRC, along with all the saber rattling,

    he has enough to make some progress with the support of the military.

    I wouldn't do it with my $

    but if the So Koreans can afford it, this may be an olive branch

    with some of the tree attached to it.

    But i wouldnt do it.

    from my experience, the NK's only respond to power.

  11. Why would he want to marry the spy, Chapman? He's not a spy, he's a whistleblower. Lest we forget.

    Of course, it could help provide him with citizenship and a passport which he seems to need these days.

    She is kinda hot whistling.gif

    Hell, he went from "shoot them in the balls" to "i want to be one"

    So why not?

    His father called him a "Paul Revere"

    I had a different officer from the same era in mindtongue.png

    • Like 2
  12. The US has accurate missiles with ranges of up to 14 miles such as the Maverick. And remember, the higher they are fired from, the greater the range.



    "I any event they work, and they save allied lives."

    Dont want to get into a pissing contest to see who can agree more tongue.png

    Except to say that I did completely forget about the Maverick

    Altho there's been no reports of the Predator A, B or C being outfitted with mavericks.

    Maybe its warhead is overkill? (excuse the pun), and they want to limit civi damage as much as possible?

    Speaking of the Predator C, now theres a sexy UAV!



    AESA surveillance, 6500lb payload, (3500 payload internal) Thats a shitload of hellfires!

    internal turbofan, internal payload.... this UAV maybe difficult to see.

    400mph cruise, 18hr range, and 50kft ceiling all for $15M a copy

    The boys at GA have been busy! thumbsup.gif

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