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Posts posted by jamhar

  1. The Apache's commander doesn't usually fly the Apache, although he can if necessary - he commands and operates the weapons systems, etc, from the front seat while the primary pilot sits in the back seat.

    Very unusually the commander may sit in the back seat to pilot the Apache leaving a weaker pilot in the front "commander's" seat; during his tour in Afghanistan Captain Wales flew only in the front seat with the commander in the back seat doing the flying. Draw your own conclusions.

    I'm assuming you were the commander, since only the commander and Harry would know who was actually doing the flying.

    And does any of this matter if you're shot down?blink.png

  2. You know what we Americans think of monarchsblink.png

    But dude is in his 20's and is now a qualified Apache pilot and gunner.

    As well as being third in line for the throne.

    The phrase "Says little, Does alot" comes to mind.

    At his age, my recollection was "to surf and try to get laid more"....... in that orderwhistling.gif

    (hey I'm from SoCal, what did you expect??)

    Not bad Prince Harry, not bad at allwai.gif

    • Like 1
  3. What are the Las Vegas odds on him ACTUALLY making it to Caracas?



    Which country will Edward Snowden enter next?

    • 2/1 Venezuela
    • 5/1 Bolivia
    • 5/1 Ecuador
    • 5/1 Cuba
    • 6/1 United States
    • 9/1 Nicaragua
    • 12/1 Germany
    • 15/1 Iceland
    • 16/1 Norway
    • 18/1 Russia

    After Russia the numbers start getting even more lopsided.


    As one who doesn't wager, this is only a matter of interest to me, to see what others think and believe.

    OK Pub, JT

    You got me interested in this topic againw00t.gif

    Where can I bet?whistling.gif

  4. The aircraft hit the low seawall which separates the airport from the waters of San Francisco Bay. Images of the debris field indicate the 777 made an initial impact to the right of the centerline, losing its tail section and parts of the landing gear before sliding down the runway and slewing off into the grass to the south of the normal touchdown area. Eyewitnesses report the 777 struck the wall ahead of the displaced threshold area in a nose high attitude, causing the entire empennage to detach aft of the pressure bulkhead. The vertical and horizontal tail were scattered in the displaced threshold area, just ahead of major sections of the landing gear.

    That's far from saying what caused it. Coming up short can be caused by a lot of things, and then toss in the curve ball that they were apparently to the right of the center line. I have no idea what caused it.

    Agreed NS,

    But thats why i like it. What happened we can recreate. The "whys" will take much longer.

    Speculation is inevitable but premature conclusions can destroy lives and companies with no cause.

    Sympathies to the families of the ones lost, and to those injured.

  5. When in doubt better fly with airbus.

    good that almost all get out alive.

    on other places in the net i saw photos of those who just escaped. comments pointed out that some of them seemed to had the time to take their luggage with them.

    See? we disagree almost absolutely cheesy.gif

    Gimme a Boeing anyday.

    But lets face it, i take the shortest trip, in time, and plane changes

    regardless of manufacturer

    but all things the same, Boeing for me.

  6. A quick rehash…The US decided to attack Afghanistan as Al Qaeda was being provided protection by the Taliban government. Al Qaeda were defeated in Afghanistan, but were able to move across the border to Pakistan due to some very poor decisions by the US military and Rumsfeld. We all know the US did not follow up by attacking Pakistan for providing protection for Al Qaeda operatives. The whole drone issue has been authorised by US law for attacks on another nations sovereign territory, not based upon international conventions governing the conduct of war, so an arbitrary decision by the US. In a similar fashion the legal reasoning by the US for justification of torture, again in contraction to international conventions for the conduct of nations.

    It is regrettable US Administrations are ignoring well established international conventions & in the longer term will be to the detriment for the safety of US citizens.

    Maybe, its a complicated relationship for sure

    Regarding the tactical decisions by the military, i have no idea. Its war, shit happens. learn from the mistakes, and move on.

    Regarding the drone attacks


    or maybe the $1.5B the Pakistani military is getting every year, and the similar amount the civilian government is getting

    could be on the conditions are they look away at the drone attacks but can complain publicly afterwards.

    and maybe the recent Pakistani court decision on drones is a message that Pakistan is unhappy with the proposed

    cuts in financial aid scheduled for Pakistan for 2014.

    Its all conjecture.

    but the effectiveness of the drone attacks vs manned attacks is a fact.

    • Like 1
  7. If its cable Internet access you want

    and you split at the coax, you will need a separate cable modem and pay.

    If you're trying to get it free, then its best to tap after the cable modem, and at the wired/wireless router/switch.

    If you want a secure access, you can run a cat5 cable (commonly called an Ethernet cable) from her router/switch to a switch in your house and maintain bandwidth and security.

    And they have low loss, 30M and longer Cat5 cables.

  8. It just occurred to me that this RBT (rat bastard traitor) may have mistimed his act.

    I was wondering why Putin has been so hostile against the RBT

    I'm thinking that with Sochi coming up,

    Putin needs as little flack possible

    to deal with all the internal terrorist threats

    and needs somewhat of a decent relationship with the US

    Another time, and I think Putin would given the RBT asylum.

    Any thoughts?

    • Like 2
  9. Jamar is right, the number of attacks on the USA these militants were responsible is ZERO.

    You misspelled my name.

    not complaining,,,, just say'nwhistling.gif

    As i have stated before, after 9/11, the US decided to take the fight to them

    If you're actively planning, aiding in planning, an attack on us soil, we will come for you.

    If you're actively planning, or aid in planning, an attack on us citizens abroad, we will come for you.

    I'm assuming they fit one of the two conditions.

    These are just my assumption. I'm just an engineer and a us citizen

    PS, antfish, before things get too heated.....

    I do read your posts. We disagree, absolutely, but i respect and value your posts

    Lord knows i've made my share of mistakeswhistling.gif So its good to read opposing views,

    just to double check that i'm on the track that i want to be on.

    I rarely know with certainty if i'm right or wrong,

    i'm just a guy happy to make a somewhat informed opinion or decision.

    Ummm No group hug needed at this timewai.gif

    • Like 1
  10. Take a pick, who do you prefer to believe?

    I believe the Taliban

    I dont think i ever heard them say, "please stop the F16 bombings!"whistling.gif

    This is the data for Pakistan from the link I provided

    the numbers are inline with the "3000 Pakistani killed" quote from antfish above

    Total drone strikes

    accumulated data

    Drone Strikes


    Total killed

    2021- 3350







    Drone Strikes 2012


    total killed








    From where i sit, the data looks pretty good. At least for argument for UAV's vs Manned flights.

  11. A study conducted by a US military adviser has found that drone strikes in Afghanistan during a year of the protracted conflict caused 10 times more civilian casualties than strikes by manned fighter aircraft.

    The new study, referred to in an official US military journal, contradicts claims by US officials that the robotic planes are more precise than their manned counterparts.


    I hate to bring up an old post but whistling.gif

    I recall reading this article in the guardian

    And the claims that it made

    I think the article repeated the claim 3 or 4 times

    but never supplied the data, which I thought odd at the time

    So i did a little digging, not much mind you

    found this data

    Drone effectiveness data

    Now i dont know the authors from adam, so I'm cautious

    but the numbers are more inline with what i would expect.

    Does anyone know where the Guardian got its data from?

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