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Posts posted by jamhar

  1. Getting back on point, Actually Japan has a decent sized military. Ranked #9 in world by one ranking.

    The numbers vary depending on the source but using wiki

    Annual Defense Budget $55B
    Military Personnel 250K (active) 50K (reservist)
    Aircraft 791 F2 (F16 variant), F4s and F15s
    Navy Ships 139 ~40 Destroyers (various sizes) 16 subs (diesel/electrics), and various others

    Not enough to defend a far off contested island, as an example whistling.gif but enough to defend the primary islands, or at least a deterrence.

    Still way behind China who have an aircraft carrier (just one) but 11 nuke subs, and ~50 reg subs,

    naval vessels up to destroyer class, and the largest active military in the world.

    So if Japan wants to contest China for any maritime disagreements, their military budget maybe ramping up soon.

    The smart thing to do is to team up with SK, so they can get some economy of scale, to share the cost burden of R&D,

    and defending the common region but they have their own issues.

    Or they can do what they are doing now, which is to develop some things and buy the rest on the free market.

    Either way the spending will have to go up, or give up the outlying islands.

    (references from various sources, wiki, janes, ect)

  2. No sign autopilot, auto-throttles failed in San Francisco crash

    Asiana Airlines Boeing 777 is engulfed in smoke on the tarmac after a crash landing at San Francisco …

    SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - There is no sign of failure of the autopilot or other key automatic flight equipment on the Asiana plane that crashed in San Francisco last week, National Transportation Safety Board Chair Deborah Hersman said on Thursday.

    "There is no anomalous behavior of the autopilot, of the flight director, and of the auto-throttles, based on the FDR data reviewed to date," Hersman told a news conference, referring to the flight data recorder from the Boeing 777 which crashed on Saturday, killing two.


  3. Interesting possible spin....whistling.gif

    For NSA leaker Snowden, Venezuela or elsewhere?

    As fugitive National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden weighs his asylum options, he should be familiar with the name Luis Posada Carriles.

    Both Venezuela and Cuba want to get their hands on the 85-year-old Posada, accused of orchestrating the 1976 terrorist bombing of a Cuban airliner in which all 73 on board died.

    The U.S. government has for years refused a Venezuelan extradition request for Posada, a Cuban-born Venezuelan citizen who lives in the supportive Cuban exile community of South Florida that applauds his longtime mission to kill former Cuban President Fidel Castro.

    U.S. administrations back to the Nixon era have turned a blind eye to — and at times encouraged — Posada’s anti-communist militancy, partly to court the Cuban exile constituency that can sway swing-state Florida in presidential elections.

    But faced with the prospect of bringing former NSA contractor Snowden to justice and putting an end to the embarrassing disclosures of U.S. government surveillance, President Obama could make the political calculus that delivering Posada to Caracas would be a fair exchange.

    Link - LA TImes - snowden-venezuela-leaker-asylum story

    I personally dont see Obama making such a trade. But who knows...... This is a post cold war world.

  4. I did read his words

    But i am interested in how a person could go from what appears to be a strong vocal proponent of the NSA and complete Wikileaks opponent

    To joining the ranks of Wikileaks, and so anti NSA to run to China, then Russia, then to anyone and everyone asking for asylum.

    Thats the part I dont understand.

    If you have some clue how that happened, i'd love to hear it.

    I have a comprehension based on what I have read & believe.

    I cannot comprehend for you

    You are embellishing all kinds of things in this post & then ask me to prove it?

    It is not even reality why would I ? The comment he made that you want justified had nothing to do with Wiki or NSA etc.

    It was his feeling about the US being dragged into a Israel / Iran conflict & how this loose talk which was not true would by

    default drag the US into it.

    Your initial claim or question is how did Snowden go from saying they should be shot in the balls about leakers who were

    trying to start a nuclear preemptive strike against Iran & drag the US into it.

    If you cannot see a good reason for his sticking up at that point for the US then you obviously comprehend things differently than I.

    That is not a problem & not to say one is right or wrong....Just different

    Again I cannot comprehend for you or the same as you. That is not a problem just a fact

    PLEASE dont comprehend for me.whistling.gif

    Also ,please clarify if I’m wrong, but it sounds like you're saying that he was vehemently opposed to one form of a leaker on one subject

    but changed his mind regarding a different subject.

    I would respond that he worked for the NSA. Gathering electronic communications Intel is what they do. So i find it difficult to believe he didnt know what he was getting into.

    Maybe its the subject of domestic electronic intel gathering thats was the issue.

    It still does not pass the smell test IMO. Vast holes in the story, the way i understand it.

    First, he spills the beans on domestic electronic intel, supposedly as a patriot

    then to save is ass, he spills the beans on the US Chinese intel gathering operation.

    Then goes to Russia to repeat the process

    and now is singing away regarding the US Latin American operations, to gather the Latin American Support.

    Very odd behavior as a “patriot”.

    As a general disclaimer, I'm only here to gather information for myself. If you can help, great! If not, i'll just move along.

    There are people here that have opposing view that I get insight from.

    And to those while i disagree, I do appreciate the information they provide.

  5. Nice words. whistling.gif

    So tell me how you go went from "shoot them in the balls" to "where do i sign up?"

    If you mean how did he go....

    I would suggest reading his words in context to the event.

    That event in no way is the same as this event.

    I did read his words

    You referenced my "i dont get it" to criticize.

    I dont really give a rats ass about your criticism of me.

    This is the web, for all I know, you're a 13 year old with a pimple problem

    Or you could be a nobel laureate, who knows.

    But i am interested in how a person could go from what appears to be a strong vocal proponent of the NSA and complete Wikileaks opponent

    To joining the ranks of Wikileaks, and so anti NSA to run to China, then Russia, then to anyone and everyone asking for asylum.

    Thats the part I dont understand.

    If you have some clue how that happened, i'd love to hear it.

    Else please refer to line 3 whistling.gif

  6. I agree.

    If the roles were reversed, I would welcome him, make a copy of the hard drives,

    try to get him to cooperate, and if he resisted, boot him out gently.

    Then i'd have years to try and decrypt. Thats why you have supercomputers.

    If i can decrypt, then great!, if not, i've only marginally damaged economic and diplomatictic ties.

    Potential huge gain, marginal downside.

  7. I am sorry to say, but this guy is really not very bright. He's probably singing like a canary with electricity running through his gonads or sodium pentathol coursing through his veins. He has shown no restraint. The people he is dealing with know how to get information -- they may not torture in the strictest sense of the word, but he will talk.

    His restraint is because he is most likely not being allowed to talk to anyone. Has anyone seen him? Has he called his parents? Wikileaks hasn't said much.

    Could be Credo. I have not heard of any source saying that they have seen him. Wikileaks have submitted the asylum applications for him i believe.

    I dont know about not being very bright. Even smart people make mistakes. I consider myself somewhat bright, yet i married my ex blink.png <deleted> was i thinking?whistling.gif lol

    But i'm amazed at Snowdens missteps. How can you go from "shoot them in the balls", to "sign me up!"blink.png

    Maybe there were missteps by his superiors or NSA in not recognizing him earlier.

    On the surface, everything is status quo at the NSA and its contractors, but i bet theres significant fallout internally.

    Snowden: I never gave any information to Chinese or Russian governments

    As a new poll shows widespread American approval for him, the NSA whistleblower vehemently denies media claims


    Also regarding the link of Snowdens interview. Thank you for the link.

    I found it odd that "i gave no information" was the only reference to an interview that occured on Tues's and Wed's.

    Maybe Snowden requested released information to be limited until he arrived at his destination, when ever that occured.

    Its still develpoping situation so I'm with Credo. We'll see what happens.

  8. I wondered how long it would take for Japan (and Germany) to come out of the post ww2 pacifist stance and start developing their military.

    I guess its japan to come to that realization first. With some of the japanese public wanting to kick out the US military, and not having a sufficient military to fill that void. they are between a rock and a hard place. And they are also pinched between the Chinese playing bad cop, and the NK's playing the insane cop.

    If i were in the Japanese position, i would be looking to jump start strengthening my defensive capabilities ASAP, as they are.

    Given the revelation regarding the Chinese missiles program, I’d start quickly, AND with amplitude.

    Link - china-has-worlds-most-active-missile-programs-US-says

    • Like 1
  9. What was supected, is now admitted. The latest revelations makes for interesting reading.

    U.S., Pakistan have ‘understanding’ about drone strikes: ISI chief

    "There was never a written agreement between Washington and Islamabad on the use of U.S. drones to kill suspected terrorists in Pakistan’s lawless tribal belt, but officials had an “understanding,” Pakistan’s former spy chief said.

    “There was a political understanding” about drone strikes between the two countries, Gen. Ahmed Shuja Pasha, former director of Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence agency, told the Abbottabad Commission."

    Link - isi-chief-us-pakistan-have-understanding-about-drones

    And from fox (i hate quoting anything from foxsick.gif , but i'll make an exception here )

    Disclaimer: If you can believe what an Afgan Army official says about the Pakistani Army.

    "US has not started drone attacks on their own," the Afghan army chief said, arguing that Islamabad had "given the lists" of militants it wants taken out."

    Lnk - pakistan-could-end-afghan-war-in-weeks-army-chief

    What the Afghan army chief says makes perfect sense. Pakistan security elements control the various terrorist/insurgent organisations, so they would kill anyone who does not comply to instructions or launch attacks not beneficial to their goals

    I agree S1. Theres even been reports i read back that suggest that the Pakistani Army had been giving occasional "requests" for drone strikes. But i couldnt find the reference this morning so i didnt post. I do now in response to your suggestion. I'll see if i can find that reference later on.

    But given the strained relationship between the Afghan and Pakistani military, one's opinion of the other needs to be considered with a grain of salt.

    Just my opinion.

  10. Mania, Credo

    I agree with you both more than I disagree.

    With all the information he probably has, He has been reserved about releasing the information. It could be that hes smart and realizes that if he released all or the most sensitive information, he has no leverage. So it could be self preservation more than him not trying to make this about himself. Regardless, of the motives, he has shown restraint.

    But from my perspective, He is an RBT (Rat Bastard Traitor). All the data he took, has to be considered compromised. And steps needs to be taken to address the compromised data. Depending on the data, it could cost millions, and years to address. And in the interim, the systems could be vulnerable. His only saving grace is that apparently up to now, he didnt do it for money..... Yet.

    I'm still baffled by his motive......

    I just dont get it. blink.png

  11. What was supected, is now admitted. The latest revelations makes for interesting reading.

    U.S., Pakistan have ‘understanding’ about drone strikes: ISI chief

    "There was never a written agreement between Washington and Islamabad on the use of U.S. drones to kill suspected terrorists in Pakistan’s lawless tribal belt, but officials had an “understanding,” Pakistan’s former spy chief said.

    “There was a political understanding” about drone strikes between the two countries, Gen. Ahmed Shuja Pasha, former director of Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence agency, told the Abbottabad Commission."

    Link - isi-chief-us-pakistan-have-understanding-about-drones

    And from fox (i hate quoting anything from foxsick.gif , but i'll make an exception here )

    Disclaimer: If you can believe what an Afgan Army official says about the Pakistani Army.

    "US has not started drone attacks on their own," the Afghan army chief said, arguing that Islamabad had "given the lists" of militants it wants taken out."

    Lnk - pakistan-could-end-afghan-war-in-weeks-army-chief

    • Like 1
  12. ...


    Asiana Airlines has hired aviation law firm Condon & Forsyth LLP. I think Asiana has insurance coverage up to $2.5 B.

    Asiana seems to be attempting to shift blame, with some public statements, from itself, its employees, et al., to the aircraft itself: engines and other systems.

    I agree with you. AA looks like they have shifted into damage control. its business.

    So the investigators findings will have a huge implications to Boeing, and AA. Much scrutiny can be expected.

    Lots of articles, and news releases by both parties can be expected.

    On different subject,

    Looks like the investigators are looking into the matter of teaming a realitively new student to the aircraft, with a realitively new instructor pilot to the aircraft.

    On a personal matter, Whenever I fly, when theres a particually rough landing,

    I normally turn to my neighbor seat and wisper "co-pilot landing", smile and shrug.

    I wont be doing that any more.sad.png

    Investigators look into pairing of Asiana pilots

    In the left seat of the cockpit sat Lee Gang-kuk, a 46-year-old pilot with just 35 hours of experience flying a Boeing 777 who was landing the big jet for his first time at San Francisco International Airport. At his right was Lee Jeong-Min, a trainer making his first trip as an instructor pilot.

    Link - investigators-look-pairing-asiana-pilots

  13. Snowden in Moscow: What Russian Authorities Might Be Doing with the NSA Whistleblower

    "The accepted wisdom, unofficially acknowledged by most western and Russian sources, is that Snowden was taken soon after his arrival – if not immediately – to a secure location run by some arm of the Russian government.

    The reason has to do with Snowden’s laptops, which are reportedly full of the secret data he stole from his former employers at American intelligence agencies. Those hard drives would make him a high-value target for Russian spies. “Without a doubt, a person with inside knowledge like that, live and in the flesh, would be a very useful catch,” says Mikhail Lyubimov, a 20-year veteran of the KGB who headed the agencies spying activities against the U.K. and Scandinavia in the 1970s. “He is carrying information of great importance.”

    As an experienced hacker and computer expert, Snowden could, however, be expected to protect all his data through encryption. Nikita Kislitsyn, the editor of Russia’s Hacker Magazine, says encryption systems are available that would likely stump the experts working for the Russian government. “We don’t know the exact capabilities of our special services,” he says. “But there are programs on the market today that encryption experts believe to be very solid. Their algorithms would take years to crack even with the kinds of supercomputers available to the state.”

    In order to access Snowden’s data, Russian security services would therefore need him to provide the encryption keys, which he does not seem likely to give up voluntarily. His supporters have cast him as an altruistic whistleblower; handing over secrets to the Russian government would seem to undermine the values of transparency that he extols."

    Link to What and Why for Snowden - Russian Sitution

  14. Pretty harsh criticisms on an issue with little facts.

    Why so quick to judge?blink.png

    Maybe because those inmates were left in the care of the police with no means of escape and waiting for their death as the police officer escaped. Might be the standard of building and such but the fact that they died in such a horrible way makes for harsh remarks.

    Must be nice to know so much and with so much clarity.

    How is the weather up in the clouds? Its raining down here.

    • Like 1
  15. From LA Times Again sad.png

    The logs show that the speed kept declining all the way to 109 knots at 100 feet, far slower than normal for a landing. The pilot appeared to try to pull up to 200 feet of altitude, but that brought the airspeed all the way down to 85 knots, around stall speed.

    Even at the lightest possible weight and maximum amount of flaps, both of which would allow lower speed, the Asiana flight was going too slowly. The stall speed at minimum weight and maximum flaps was about 87 knots, according to available data. It is not known whether the aircraft actually stalled.

  16. Pilot of plane that crashed was in training, Asiana says

    The pilot flying Asiana Flight 214, which crashed in San Francisco, killing two and injuring scores more, had only 43 hours of experience flying Boeing 777 aircraft, a spokeswoman for Asiana Airlines said Sunday.

    He was in training to fly the 777 when the crash occurred, she added.

    Kang Kook Lee, born in 1967, was identified as the pilot of the plane that crashed.

    Asiana spokeswoman Hyo Min Lee told The Times the pilot had been flying since 1994 and was a “very experienced pilot” flying other types of planes, including Boeing 747s, 737s and Airbus 320s. But “he was in training for B777,” she said.

    pilot-of-crashed-plane-had-43-hours-experience-flying-boeing-777-asiana-says Link

    But then Hersman said that during the approach, “the data indicate that the throttles were at idle and airspeed was slowed below the target airspeed.”

    “The speed was significantly below 137 knots,” she said. When questioned further, Hersman said, "we’re not talking about a few knots,” but she declined to give exact speeds.

    latimes article Link

  17. OK Pub, JT

    You got me interested in this topic againw00t.gif

    Where can I bet?whistling.gif

    TV Forum Rule #16, no betting allowed, no facilitation of betting.

    I anyway know you're joshing and I know I don't wager. This is entirely a matter of curiosity and finding out what others think and believe. It's purely informational.

    As to another poster quoting Wm Hill, I quoted him week before last on the Jan 1st 2014 date and place so I passed over him this time for the very reason, i.e., I'd cited Hill previously. If I recall correctly without having to consult my previous post on this, Snowden's odds at Wm Hill of ending up in the US have swung against him considerably.

    Thanks for pointing that out Pub

    Of course i was kidding. If i wanted to bet, I would not get my information from TV blink.png

    But this topic regarding this RBT turns my stomachsick.gif

    So I'll pass on this topic for a while.

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