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Posts posted by jamhar

  1. gringo-fied, not gringo.

    I'm not looking for hollywood mexican food, or "Tex Mex". I'm looking for something more like East LA mexican, or baja mexican food at the very least. mexico city style would be great!

    On the issue of protection from, i was speaking in reply to the comment on the facilities Men can stand and "go". women cannot.... mostly. lol I know some girls from college that would go to the bathrooms in Baja mexico and claim their buns never touched the toilet seat.

    TMI !!!

  2. La Monita and T&S. Got it.

    and I dont mind how gringo-fied the place is. As long as i dont take a female along.(no offense to the fairer of the sex's, I have a tendency to over protect the ladies lol)

    is there anyway i can get a better location of T&S? i'm a brand spanking newbie here in TL


    on the "gringo-fied" note, i sent a lady friend in the states (a latina) the menu from La Monita. She responded that the menu looked pretty good. I told her that I will no longer ask for her opinion because apparently she has become too gringo-fied.

    Her response was a couple of paragraphs starting with "you............................!" and continued on that fashion.... lol yep she's a latina alright.laugh.png

  3. Something smell like fermented crab here. One wonders how long she would have remained in the lockup if her family didnt search for her.

    Agreed, this one fails the smell test.

    Problem is, i don't know which direction the smell is coming from, or if its from both! I don't buy the camera story, but its pretty risky to arrest visitors and deliberately breach protocol by not notifying anyone.

  4. Lots of finger pointing. That's unfortunate.

    I think the key is that they are starting to do something about a problem. I walk the road daily, and i can see the trash cans at the trail heads for people to use instead of just tossing the rubbish on the ground. Very nice. The road leading into the village is boarding on horrible and stinks to high heaven. Not very nice.

    I think its important to remember that a "national park" in a developing country has different meaning than a "national park" in a developed country. I've seen some of the parks in the north TL, and they are closer to what i'm familiar with in the states, but its still different.

    Regarding the Thai workers here on the island, its hard to understand the motivations of someone making one tenth or one 20th the pay of some of the retired expat folks. They are just looking to make enough to live. Economically depressed people are normally less interested in how green things are. And i admit the only experience i have is from knowing people in or having lived in east and south LA, North Nashville, poorer parts of Alexandria, VA (oxymoron i know!), and the people of the smokey mountain ranges. From my experience, ecological concern highly correlate to economic standing.

    I can tell you things are improving, and i can also tell you there's a LONG way to go.

    I'm officially off my soap box :)

  5. Why am I always reading about Americans and guns?!

    Sorry I was reloading....

    What was the question again?

    Never take your eyes off the ''target'' when reloading. whistling.gif ..............laugh.png

    I know. I'm ashamed. I hope they dont take passport over this. Not too familiar with my semi. I loaned my .38 revolver to a friend while back and i havent gotten it back yet......

    hey wait a minute!!! ermm.gif

    • Like 2
  6. I use to know of some sites to download video tutorials for tying flies for flyfising. I'll see if i can find them for you. After the debacle of last year, its harder and harder to find resources on line. If not, i'll upload them somewhere so you can get access if i can find my vids lol. I'll pm you with details, if i figure out how he PMing works on this forum. biggrin.png

    If anyone else is interested and pm me. I'll include you in the listing.

    I would post the info here but i dont know the rules of this place yet. better safe than sorry.

    question. Where can you flyfish in TL? or are you thinking saltwater flyfishing?

  7. and i thought crocs were fugly.

    Now THATs funny! cheesy.gif

    but on a serious side, i'm learning that the shoe issue is a big deal (pun intended) here in TL. Finally found a used pair that fit in rayong. the sole separated from the body on my 3 hike around Koh Somet. sad.png Now i need some Shoe Goo. laugh.png any one with ideas on where i can get some in TL? My buddies are willing to ship me shoes and shoe goo, but i'm finding it hard to accept paying $40 shipping on a $35 shoe!

    and before i get blasted, Hell yes i'm CHEAP.

    I'm a half asian and half african american US army brat,

    but my friends have accused me of being 99% scottish! biggrin.png

  8. I'm sure the mexican food here will be just as good as the thai food was in LA.........

    But still you know what they say about us beggers.laugh.png

    I have a wet spot on my shirt,

    from the saliva dripping off my chin,

    as soon as i read the word "carnitas"!! w00t.gif

  9. So who is going to start the superbowl thread? laugh.png

    PS, Nici's bar on Koh Somet showed the replay games for me. All it took was for me to buy 4 jacks (neat) with a coke back.........And i had to explain the rules of the game to the bar owner. a siglo vi and a pretty girl would have capped the night..... but you cant have everything lol, I took the ravens win in trade!

    Cudos to lomatopo for listing the times, dates and channels. you may have saved my sanity! wai.gif

  10. I'm a new member so please excuse me if i breach some forum protocol.

    I can understand the poster's concern and wanting only the brand name. I've heard of cases where the generic really wasn't the generic after all. I've used the generic benadryl in the US, and have never had problems. So i would encourage the poster to try the generic, while looking for the brand name product. Yep, I agree about the syrup, it sucks and tastes like crap. But if i had a bad insect bite, and it was my only option, i'd do it. Still, i'd much rather have the pills.

    And thanks for this post. I was about to get my friends to send me some benadryl and advil. I just cant seem to find any here. I even go to the pharmacy with my Thai friends, who does the translation for me. The pharmacist looks at me like i'm asking for a left handed smoke shifter. (if you dont know, you dont wanna know and consider yourself lucky!)

    I think i'll get some sent to me anyways, while still looking for a local source.

    Thanks for the post :) You expat veterans maybe tired of this type of post, but for people like myself (newbies) its a lifesaver.


  11. Hi. Brand spanking new memeber here. :)

    15 handicap.

    I didnt bring my clubs from san diego with me. while traveling up north, i ran across a billboard advertising a Callaway outlet. My friends(thai nationals) told me that in thailand, "outlet" means you'll pay US prices or higher :)). anyone have expereince with those outlets?

    and any good local sources for new or used clubs?

    I found oneonline that looked interesting for new clubs.

    onlygolfthailand dot com

    Sorry, but the forum wouldnt let me supply the actual link. :)

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