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Posts posted by candypants

  1. Isn't ketamine a horse tranquiliser? Wouldn't that lay out a human being completely?

    ah good to see you are catching on.

    there is however the concept of adjusting dosage.

    animals are rarely given the opportunity to snort it either.

    this video is very timely, round about the time that thaksin and his gestapo declared war on yaba, pills like yaba and ecstasy became very hard to find or in the case of ecstacy, very expensive.

    stuff you can snort gained a foothold in the kingdom. ketamine was very common at that time, but its popularity soon died out, while that of cocaine continued unabated.

    Now it seems from what i have been hearing is that ketamine seems to be making a resurgence in popularity, in both farang and thai circles.

    this video seems to bear that out.

  2. Ketamine is used as a tranquilizer on large animals such as horses, I remember more than 10 years ago people would buy it over the counter in Goa & use it.

    Up to about 15 years ago it was easily bought over the counter here.

    around 10 years ago it was 2 bucks a bottle in cambodia in any pharmacy, 15 years ago you could also by morphine and cocaine in solution as well

  3. the truth be told, given some of the foreigner/expats i see around on a daily basis, i'm pretty happy to just keep representing myself.

    the expats that truly have the power to invoke any sort of change here are already welcome and treated very well anyways.

    As for this insurance crap, you should already have it, or be prepared to accept the consequences of not having it.

    • Like 2
  4. ...

    I hear JT screaming outrage.


    You think this thread is what me screaming outrage is like? cheesy.gif

    I noticed you were in TB's profile recently.

    Perhaps you should get together and "hook up". thumbsup.gif

    You 2 seem like a perfect match:wub:

    They are certainly both very well liked..

    What would they talk about?

    Perhaps some reminiscing of their greatest and best Liked posts?

    more likely their weight
  5. 30K is a large amount, they may have put a temporary block on it and you may need to explain to the bank what it is for etc..

    This happened to a friend of mine some time back (also from UK) but with Kasikorn Bank, and he just told them it was for a condo purchase and they released it right away (instantly).

    It may be something to do with money laundering regulations.

    Maybe others have experienced this..

    yes, you will likely get a phone call tuesday asking the purpose of the transfer
  6. The only reason I mentioned recalling likes is that I was wondering if it is possible to make a pandering comment, and then when one has reaped the likes, there would be the chance to state what one really believes without risking the loss of already tallied likes.

    Can you see the advantage of having this software feature?

    Hahaha... happens all the time on some other forums where the ability to edit the post doesn't expire. Not so easy on here since you only have a short time during which you can edit your post but yes, doable.

    Funny as hell when you're doing a bit of trolling, say something outrageous then once your victims have responded foaming at the mouth, change your post to something innocuous. If you do it right, you can makes the respondents look like proper kooks...

    but your original post remains unedited in quotes
  7. "The bridge passed all engineering tests. A panel appointed by Tambon Tha Luang Municipality examined the work done [on the bridge] and approved it," Somchai said.

    I am confident each person on the inspection panel had an engineerng degree and performed required stress tests accordingly.

    Such 'inspections' are totally meaningless, as they are superficial, amounting to nothing more than a walk through. Unless something is blatantly wrong/incorrect, it will never be found by any inspection.

    Back in the USA, when I started my business, I needed a number of 220V outlets for my instruments. The 'certified' electrician installed them. The City/County building inspector approved/passed them.

    Thankfully I decided to put a volt meter on them, just to check. Well guess what, the electrician had put 110V on the neutral line and the neutral on one of the live pins.

    Inspections are nothing more than a jobs creation program.

    That is why most fittings have colour coded dots on each terminal to match the prescribed insulation colour of the correct wire, and the experts can still botch it.

    A friend had a new house built and it took 6 months to notice thay were flushing the toilet with hot water.

    BTW a little 110/220V confusion?

    I thank you, that is the funniest thing i have heard all week
  8. the next question is how many notifications did you just recieve?

    Eleven , so far.

    That could be frustrating, for someone as vain as me.


    i wont make a habit of it, but i hit like and unlike a few times out of curiosity

    edit: i'll join you. perhaps we should keep this under our hats


    Wrong what ?

    You know what, give me a like for this post and then remove the like and I will tell you if a like has been accumulated to my current total.


    I can't believe that you're still bickering about this, rather than finding out for yourself. There have been plenty of great posts on this thread that you could've checked the posters' total, liked' checked again, unliked, checked again. You'd be better with one of our less popular posters, who seem to accrue likes only slowly, to avoid any confusion...

    I don't know what happens to the Likes of deleted posts, though....


    EDIT: Apologies for messing up the Quotes. I hope that the above attribution is clear

    I'm not bickering about anything in this thread, but what you suggest is that I should lower myself to dislike posters who have nothing to do with it.Because they will be notified that I liked them, then when they check they will notice that I disliked them for no apparent reason .

    Well you could try it with someone like myself, who was most unlikely to take offence

    the next question is how many notifications did you just recieve? I just liked and unliked you about 20 times

  10. It's been a fascinating thread - from JT & JB's tinfoil hat conspiracy theories about the 'like' system being bilked, to the point of suggesting that TB has 2 (a couple - I'm paraphrasing) 'followers' who 'like' all of his posts and 'unfairly' inflate his count/ego/whatever.

    Interestingly, nobody seems to have noticed that TB has zero likes from this thread. Kinda blows the 'follower' theory out the water. In fact it's the ones most vocal about how the 'like' system doesn't matter, who seem to be massaging one another's egos by liking one another's posts.

    I understand what you are saying ... but on this occasion I don't think that theblether was the poster referred to as having a few members who just 'like' his posts ... it was someone one else.


    Oh. Right... Really? I've been labouring under the misapprehension that the allegations were aimed at TB. That would explain why there's not much evidence of anyone systematically liking his posts... Since the subject's frothed it's way to the surface though, I've noticed a few others who seem to be involved in a mutual admiration society...

    i suppose the ultimate question is why would you actually care?

  11. another option is if they have a website, you can ftp the files up to their server, and they can ftp them back down.

    back before all these file sharing services came to pass, i would ftp the files up to my webserver and send http or ftp links to the client, they could click on the link and then download the files via http or ftp, depending on their level of computer savvy

  12. thanks for all the inputs !

    yeah, couple of delivery services are being blocked, including Dropbox, Google of course . . .

    SkyDrive, YouSendIt . . . and few survived. my contact points are all over the places and not in the main cities like Shanghai. would they have bandwidth / speed problem for big files ?

    thanks kwonitoy, I use SKYPE for one-to-one file transfer too. in this one-to-many scenario, I need a new solution.

    their bandwidth doesn't really matter if they have a dropbox style client installed, you create an account, they create an account you create a folder, you share that folder with them, that folder is recreated on their computer and uploads the files in the background, alerting you when they are current. Any time you change, delete or add anything in that folder, theirs will syschronize

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