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Posts posted by diddums

  1. lubbkis, RabC - fascinated by that A318 flight via Shannon to NYC with immigration at the fuelling stop.... Great bit of aviation trivia.

    I did get to have a look over a special A319 for the Australian Antarctic Division before its first flight from Hobart to Antarctica (a mate was in charge of building the special runway down there) - some photos of it here (not my own photos mind)

    Making Australian Aviation History - Airbus A319 lands on ice runway in Antarctica

    Saw that on 60 minutes.

  2. Why wild pigs over domestic breeds of pigs ?

    They are much cheaper to raise than their domestic cousin's ,usually feed on scraps and left overs.They are also a lot more hardy than domestic pigs and can withstand the sun and heat better and only need basic shelter......can be vicious buggers as well !!!

    Interesting, thought it could be something to do with price.

    Used to hunt wild pigs back home, kill you wild.

  3. You know if you have a thai wife or girlfriend, or partner of any description in reality, you can refresh your relationship by looking at her in the mirror, they look completely different in reverse.

    Try it and she looks like a new person.

    Thinking to get a mirror above the bed.

    • Like 2
  4. Does it make vegetables bitter also ?

    The oil (or if available you can also use the pressing rests of the seeds after producing the oil and use them in the soil around the plants) has substances which will be taken up by the plant and make it taste bad to insects. There is no effect to humans - I usually use this for my chilies.

    So it's 100% natural and as this plant is also used by humans (they take the leaves and bark and soak it in water than drink the water - heavily bitter) since ages.



  5. Just a bit of a side line, if you want to grow things in your garden get soil from around the charcoal burner, mix it in to your soil and you will get soil that grows anything. Jim

    Do they sell it but ?

    How about those burnt rice husks they use at all the plant nurseries now, you can get that by the truckload, used to be free, but now the demand is strong and they sell it.

    I want to spread it around about a rai we will be using soon for vegies.

    oh...I just saw something above....

  6. Please explain to me why..I, whom would like to castrate such individuals....yet I am not comfortable with my own sexuality ?

    I am very comfortable when I have sexuality....so would love to hear your outrageous points as to why (a) people should not become enraged over such acts...or (cool.png they have sexual issues of their own over such acts......can't wait....pulls up chair...comfy one...and waits

    I think I followed your post but it's a bit garbled, chap.

    I forget, perhaps, but I don't recall directly suggesting that you weren't comfortable in your sexuality. I was making a general point about people who react with suggestions that other people perform violent acts on paedophiles.

    I'm sure that I'm as outraged as you by the crimes of paedophiles. That doesn't mean that I want them mutilated or hanged. Every time a paedophile is caught, people on forums react with the same unthinking comments. It's boring and unconstructive. If you really think that castration is the answer, why not volunteer yourself as the person to do it rather than suggest that 'they' do it?

    I would like to castrate them...so, please tell me why I am not sexually comfortable ?

    I would stand at the front of the line to do it, no problem at all...I have done many a young bull and lamb, though I would adopt the bovine method rather than the sheepsih one as the quick single slice, followed by a squeeze and a cut and a cut is much quicker.....but of course you will just put this down to my uncomfortable sexuality speaking.

    I would wonder what's in the head of a man that wanted to castrate another man.

    Thats not an explanation...come on

    In my own head....would be thought of how many other kids no longer at risk to this individual....including my own.

  7. Premature? Did I push a button, diddums?

    Please explain to me why..I, whom would like to castrate such individuals....yet I am not comfortable with my own sexuality ?

    I am very comfortable when I have sexuality....so would love to hear your outrageous points as to why (a) people should not become enraged over such acts...or (cool.png they have sexual issues of their own over such acts......can't wait....pulls up chair...comfy one...and waits

    I think I followed your post but it's a bit garbled, chap.

    I forget, perhaps, but I don't recall directly suggesting that you weren't comfortable in your sexuality. I was making a general point about people who react with suggestions that other people perform violent acts on paedophiles.

    I'm sure that I'm as outraged as you by the crimes of paedophiles. That doesn't mean that I want them mutilated or hanged. Every time a paedophile is caught, people on forums react with the same unthinking comments. It's boring and unconstructive. If you really think that castration is the answer, why not volunteer yourself as the person to do it rather than suggest that 'they' do it?

    I would like to castrate them...so, please tell me why I am not sexually comfortable ?

    I would stand at the front of the line to do it, no problem at all...I have done many a young bull and lamb, though I would adopt the bovine method rather than the sheepsih one as the quick single slice, followed by a squeeze and a cut and a cut is much quicker.....but of course you will just put this down to my uncomfortable sexuality speaking.

  8. eating them naked and letting the juice follow the natural path to the sweet spot and someone else cleaning up the mess is debauchery.

    think you mixjed up debauchery and gluttony.....

    True dat. Thanks for the correction. At least we had some fun and I learned a bit.

    So was it debauchery or not ?

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