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Posts posted by diddums

  1. News in the UK today, all dogs to be micro chipped by 2016, it will be a criminal offense not to have a dog chipped.

    Just waiting for the boneheads to start shouting that they will not have their dogs chipped.

    Personally I like to see a law that says you must have a breeders license to keep a un-neutered bitch, also making all breeders responsible for registering, vaccinating and chipping of all puppies before selling.

    So they gvet their pitbull micro chipped...so what ?

    Does that stop it locking its jaws on a childs head and ripping them to pieces ?

    Or a 'bonehead' letting them take care or guard their kids ?

    i wonder what kind of bone head raises a dog to attack its kidsrolleyes.gif

    Statements like that go to show how it happens.

  2. News in the UK today, all dogs to be micro chipped by 2016, it will be a criminal offense not to have a dog chipped.

    Just waiting for the boneheads to start shouting that they will not have their dogs chipped.

    Personally I like to see a law that says you must have a breeders license to keep a un-neutered bitch, also making all breeders responsible for registering, vaccinating and chipping of all puppies before selling.

    So they gvet their pitbull micro chipped...so what ?

    Does that stop it locking its jaws on a childs head and ripping them to pieces ?

    Or a 'bonehead' letting them take care or guard their kids ?

  3. problem is pedophilia is a sickness and unlike many others can not really be detected in time but only after the crime.

    No matter how hard people fight it, punish those responsible, there are always new ones.

    This is not a new phenomenon but has been going on for centuries..

    In places like Iran, they now pushing to lower the age to 9 years old for girls to marry.

    Bottom line is we can be discussed and voice it, but pedophiles are not going to go away, nor will they stop.

    Best is to educate the kids about dangers, and thats about as much as we can do.

    Kids are not even safe in churches,, but thats for another topic

    Sicknesses can be passed onto offspring.

    Thats an argument for inability to breed.

  4. Expat kids will pick up whatever is around them.

    My 2 speak Thai and English fluently and what you call the thia/english stuff also.

    They also pick up accents from other kids and teachers.

    They have an american accent for water for example and several english accented words....but the most interesting is my sons friend when they talk, he is full Thai but for whatever reason has a bit of a singaporean sound to his english speaking....so they have this Singaporean chat lar.

    • Like 1
  5. Nothing like blind faith hey.

    You mean the IMF has blind faith?

    The IMF is there for when blind faith runs out.

    I didn't post the link to imply that the IMF was a lender of last resort. I posted it because the IMF lists, THAILAND's International Reserves and Foreign Currency Liquidity in answer to the posters question, "What makes anyone think that Thailand could afford the deposit protection at that level if the banks had a repeat of 1997."

    So you think they would not have spent a vast majority of that to try to save themselves first and then would be more than willing with what is left to pay you out your 50million ?

  6. I must be number ten in the que of active members not sure which que that

    is the near que or the far que?

    who wants a tv shirt am sure we could get some printed somewhere or the mods could

    you would be able to buy them anywhere in thai if they were popular sitting next

    to the red bull and chang shirts for 200 bht original of course not copies.

    If you are so desperate for a TV t-shirt, just print up your own....not like there is any copyright to worry about.

  7. I am surprised no one has asked the OP why he "believes" it.

    Looks like he has just thrown one out there (as david48 said) to see what reaction he will get.....coffee1.gif

    Simple, really. The OP's probably been in Thailand a gazillion years and still doesn't speak a lick of Thai. So he needs to justify his illiteracy in the local language. Not sure why he chose 30. Why not 50? 100? 37 1/2? Ah, his guess is as good as any.

    Congratulations to you for having the foresight to choose the worlds next language, one that is used the world over.

    I bet your chest puffs out just a bit when you speak Thai right ?

  8. I'm sorry, but government backed insurance deposit at that level is simply too good to be true.

    i.e. Iceland walked away from their banks' UK and Dutch depositors and the Icelandic deposit protection wasn't for 50,000,000 baht's worth per person.

    If the shit completely hit the fan and Bangkok Bank and SCB went bust (like RBS and HBOS in the UK would have done without government backing), would you honestly expect them to guarantee 50m baht (1.6m dollars or £1m per person, per bank.) - The UK's deposit protection is, I think, a twentieth of that (£50,000), and in the US it's $250,000, and their governments have banks that are "too big to fail" because of it.

    What makes anyone think that Thailand could afford the deposit protection at that level if the banks had a repeat of 1997?

    THAILAND's International Reserves and Foreign Currency Liquidity


    Nothing like blind faith hey.

    You mean the IMF has blind faith?

    Maybe you...did you post that as proof and faith ?

  9. Well at last ,we put the air con on last night for an hour or two ,but the weather still seems cooler for the time of year ,my daughter back home in Britain says that its bitterly cold though.

    Why are you concerend about it you weirdo?

    Don't worry, you will soon be dripping with sweat again, then you will be happy.

    God now your wierd if you remark about the weather ,if your so distressed by my post ,why read it ? now thats wierd .

    You remind me of my old nan banging on about the weather. Go out and have a beer to take your mind off it.

    He might be his ol Nan.

    Warm today wasn't it.

  10. This is a very interesting plant....I called it the cockfungi.....walking around our farm I could smell a very strong bedroom smell....the same smell of content just before wanting to roll over and go to sleep...the smell of semen.

    The smell was so strong you could smell it 20m away and I went on the hunt for some dirty little bugger in the bush....but found this.


    • Like 1
  11. I'm sorry, but government backed insurance deposit at that level is simply too good to be true.

    i.e. Iceland walked away from their banks' UK and Dutch depositors and the Icelandic deposit protection wasn't for 50,000,000 baht's worth per person.

    If the shit completely hit the fan and Bangkok Bank and SCB went bust (like RBS and HBOS in the UK would have done without government backing), would you honestly expect them to guarantee 50m baht (1.6m dollars or £1m per person, per bank.) - The UK's deposit protection is, I think, a twentieth of that (£50,000), and in the US it's $250,000, and their governments have banks that are "too big to fail" because of it.

    What makes anyone think that Thailand could afford the deposit protection at that level if the banks had a repeat of 1997?

    THAILAND's International Reserves and Foreign Currency Liquidity


    Nothing like blind faith hey.

  12. This turned out to be kind of a dead thread, George. If I'm the only one interested, don't waste your time--but thanks anyway! smile.png

    I would be interested to know if there is a why reason you cannot delete your account.

    Of course it would be impossible to delete your posts as it would disrupt existing threads.

    But wonder why a person cannot delete their account?

    The numbers...its all about the numbers....regardless of if they add up or not.

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