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Posts posted by diddums

  1. Really quite a setup. How are the pigs and new sty progressing?

    Thanks for the comment IA but as you well know I lost the farm but if you really want to know how the farm is doing then maybe you should ask my ex wife,last time I heard the farm was doing well !!!

    Ok, sorry bout that, I asked in a post up there somewhere about it...did not see this post prior.

    Not sure why IA would ask such a question if he knows already...quite insensitive....maybe he ran out of fags.

  2. Hey there Shaggy. Difficult I know to bear one's soul here and when the time is right then maybe you will share the story of the lost farm.

    I know that I wouldn't be the man I am in Thailand if I didn't read, listen, heed and understand what the better contributors have shared.

    I was shared the pain of those mistakes by reading theirs, and then adapting their experiences and knowledge into my situation.

    Shaggy, when you are ready ... you have an audience.


    I don't want to take this off course. BUT I think that could be a great TOPIC " What have you lost in, LOS or just IN SEA , and how" I know that there is a lot of people against buying property in GF or wife's name ,and with rightful concern .But i don't think people get an understanding of the true pain involved and the different dangers..ESP if it is being drowned out with alcohol.

    Start it up, would be interesting.

    Just read some more...maybe Shaggy should start it up.

  3. Jack where are you?

    I will speak for him: He is literally moving his belongings to greener grounds with 2 polish guys. But what do you really mean, Mr. IA?


    Just got a whiff of a biosecurity issue around #81 that may damage the film stock of these great Thai Farm photos. No problem Troll police alerted!

    Likewise....why on worth would you produce such comments and photos in such a good thread...you are ruining it now. You should ask for them to be deleted before you embarrass yourself some more. think about it.

  4. Jim, I suspect that Isaan Lawyers would disagree with your assertion. Did you have some specific evidence, or experience, to support the above comment ?

    Regards CC

    I suspect a 1k baht fee might have something to do with it.

    This is also what i know.. only when you do it before the marriage it will work else its not worth the paper its printed on.

    Common law relationship comes to mind to argue further

  5. Nice info....I presume his english is not great and by antiserum he meant the epipen thingy.

    Funny story...well, probably not funny to a nurse or a doctor...but to an australian it is....well not funny in the rofl funny....ironic roll your eyes funny...anyway..

    Couple years ago I had tennis elbow from some repeated work while building a house. Tried the exercises and rest for some time to get rid of it, pressure wraps and all that but nothing.

    I read about a guy in America that had arthritis in his fingers and he owned a bee farm. He would grab a bee and sting himslef every time the fingers played up, right in the joint where it was sore.

    He said that it helped a lot.

    I did the same as we also at the time had some bee hives on our little farm. I sat the bees arse right down on the sore spot. right where you could feel the tendon i think it was.

    I did this 5 times from memory over about 2 to 3 months.

    it went away after a few months and now have no recurrence of it at all.

    but....as a youngster I was allergic to bees, each sting I would swell up to huge levels, not just around the site where stung, but the whole arm or whole leg and with each sting, the size of swelling got worse.

    So, it was with some trepidation i stung myself the first time and had no reaction. I did try to find those epipens prior to it, but never could find one....so just went ahead to see what would happen.

  6. Thai will be a forgotten language in 30 years, only spoken in the back blocks in isolated areas.

    So in reality not worth learning a language that will be near extinct by 2040.

    • Like 1
  7. How does a lease stand up with your partner if you are NOT married to her ?

    I know a lease can be thrown out of court because of some deal between husband and wife like that cannot be upheld etc...so wonderin how the not married bit affects that outcome ?

    Usufruct is scary now considering the owner can put any number of fructs on it, did not know that before, if it is in fatc the case....it makes usufructs an absolute waste of time and money.

  8. I had one idiot like this so far. He was from the UK.

    Have you thought about going into a career as an author? Edge of the seat stuff rolleyes.gif

    Oh and well done to the OP.

    Short and to the factual point, good stuff.

    Better than wind baggin on about how tough you are.

    • Like 1
  9. Hello,

    Yes, Thermae is open every night! It's better to go there after 10:00 pm, If you want to meet attractive girls. Moreover, no smoking in Thermae and drinks are still cheap!

    Where is it located -- just in case I happen to be in the area after 10:00 pm? I never went in the original Thermae or into Grace Hotel, but I would be curious to see what all this fuss is about.

    Fuss is long gone.

    She was good though.

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