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Posts posted by diddums

  1. very interesting as I have no UK family connections and a commonlaw Thai wife and two children here. I wrote her a letter giving her full authority to deal with any arrangements coupled with all assets. the British Embassy here and in many other countries have never been of any assistance and I refuse to be dictated to after my demise

    Sent from my GT-N7000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    If I understand it aright, your commonlaw wife is not officially your wife by Thai law. For her sake, if I were you, I would rectify this.

    You may well feel that the Embassy is unhelpful, but you have no choice in the matter. They will get in on the act. And after your demise, you will not be able to do much about it.

    Then I will have an affitdavit drawn up giving her full and total authority as my next of kin and therefore capable of looking after my two children who have my name on their birth certificates.

    Sent from my GT-N7000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    put her in your will as executer

  2. Agree...avoid.

    My kids school has absolutley no issue answering emails and phones....in fact they send many informative emails out along with newsletters etc.

    As for negotiating school fees....never heard of this, I believe it is what it is, pay it or not.

    A school that accepts a bartering system might not be the school you wish to attend....desperate and such.

  3. ^ There we go, Thank you

    I will appeal to the local BiB and I'm sure a small fee will cover it.

    It has also just been suggested we administer a large dose of sleeping pills so as not to induce unneeded panic .

    Thanks for the replies

    Good luck getting any sleeping pills. There're not given out here period.

    But hope you find a solution with the dog.

    Got off the plane after a long haul flight Saturday and was kept awake by noisy hotel guests. Yesterday purchased sleeping pills in bangkok and last night slept like a baby smile.png

    Seems a bit harsh to kill a dog for doing what comes naturally to it, even pulling its teeth out would be kinder.

    Soi dog gums pussy to death.....will be the next complaints.

  4. I am in no way a conservative person, and I am looking at this whole thing from a psychological aspect.

    I find it surprising that so many people are able to enjoy 'paid-sex', with the full knowledge that the other person (or personS...hehe) is doing it for money only.

    Each party gets what they want...happy happy

  5. Another thing to remember in enhancing your relationship is to pay compliments. Our Thai girls are good at - at least mine is - impressing with their ability to cook farang food. Among my favourite farang dishes are Indian-style curry and Mexican chilli con carne. She makes a great job of both. Sometimes I think the flavour of both are much the same. Then just today I caught her preparing a chilli con carne with exactly the same spices and herbs that go into her Indian curry. The only difference being the chilli has minced beef with red kidney beans and lots of tomatoes, when she makes Indian curry it's with lentils, potatoes and either chicken or beef chunks. But I just don't care! It tastes great. I find that after being called to the kitchen to taste the cooking dish, then making an appropriate compliment goes far in stimulating peace and harmony around the house. That's the time to chip in with your own requirements. But be prepared for such requests to fall on stony ground.

    This is very true.

    My wife told me the other day that she looked fat, ugly and old....she said she felt in need of a compliment from me to cheer her up.

    I told her that her eyesight seemed fine.

  6. You mean just at the time they were expected to start making some earnings for that day ?biggrin.png

    I think they do most trade during the day, night time its empty. though this place seem to have the right combo, very low overheads(no air), hardly any staff and really its somewhat a well made shed with chairs and a pool table

    You know the anecdote about the fish seller don't you.

    He sold his herrings at a cent loss each, and made a really roaring trade every day.

    However he sold each piece at a loss, he still made a profit at the end of the day because he sold such a massive amount of them smile.png

    Anyone else confused n bewildered here ?

  7. THe following is a list of who is considered the person who can act on behalf of a deceased person in Western Australia. The Australian Embassy would be obliged to act in this way. Other states have similar provisions.

    Senior next of kin

    The senior next of kin is the first person who

    is available, from the following people:

    l a person who, immediately before the death,

    was living with the person and was either:

    i. legally married to the person

    ii. aged 18 years or over and in a marriage-

    like relationship with the person

    l a son or daughter, who is 18 years or over

    l a parent of the person

    l a brother or sister, who is 18 or over

    l an executor named in the will of the deceased

    or a person who, immediately before the death,

    was a personal representative of the deceased

    l any person nominated by the person to be

    contacted in an emergancy


    I don't know if the order of the above is important; I hope not, as it is slightly distressing that your appointed executor ranks so far down the list. Again, it highlights the importance of formalising your relationship with the appropriate marriage documentation

    I disagree...the executor can be anyone and could be your lawyer. I would hate to see his per minute charges to arrange all of this for a dead body....on top of his executor fees.

    I would much prefer to see the ones listed in order be the ones given first and foremost rights.

    It is true that in some circumstances black magic could be at play by evil wives, but usually not....

    As an example, if I was to knock off my wife, it would be very handy if I could get the body out and cremated before any smell of a bad rat rose.

  8. Checkinn...did not realise this was an Aussie place, nor that it was 'that' place on sukhumvit.

    Did you used to have a midget out the front ?

    Did ThaiVisa have a party there recently ?

    Hi Diddums..Checkinn is not really an Aussie place. Just we had fun dressing the place up for Australia day... and being an Aussie it comes a bit easier than say for other countries - although we get a good mix of nationalities in there..(we even allow Kiwis in even though they must be accompanied by an responsible adult).

    The house band however have indulged us by building a great repertoire of Aussie songs (everything from Easybeats Seekers, LRB Aussie Crawl, Midnight Oil, Divynyls, ACDC etc) and we now have big Mike Gilligan adding some bush ballads and campfire poetry amongst his more popular music three happy hour sessions a week.

    Yes it was one of the places Thai Visa had its 10the birthday bash. The dwarf doorman retired about 9 years ago.


    when were you last there?

    Well, maybe around 9 years ago I guess.

    Did the midget go to greener pastures ?

  9. I do not smoke, but I would like to grow a few tobacco plants to spread around ther base of trees and vegetable beds as insecticide. Any idea where/how to find seeds/seedlings? I have ask local nurseries here in Chiang Mai and nobody seems to know.

    If that is true and it works without any further process to produce a pesticide....then that would be a great use for tobacco plants and could be well accepted by those not wishing to kill others with their crop.

  10. One thing that surprises me in LOS is the lack of "value added" thinking. Farmers seem to grow things to sell to someone else who then makes most of the profit. I do see some small farmers sell their products directly to the public if they grow smaller quantities.

    The people who make the money are the tobacco companies who buy the tobacco, not the growers. So I wonder if it is legal to prepare the tobacco and sell it to those who chew or roll their own, or to a merchant who has such a shop? Probably not? Probably those people have the legal part sewn up?

    On the ranch where I grew up we would never have even considered selling alfalfa hay to a rancher or a dairy. We fed it to our own cattle and sold them. We butchered a lot and sold meat by the 1/2 or whole steer to private parties for much more than the wholesalers would pay on the hoof.

    We made lot of money selling prime breeding stock. When selling a prized bull the value of a pound of meat goes out the window and the value is in what the bull can produce in high quality cattle. I remember selling a bull 30 years ago for $US15,000. We could get $500 just to let someone drop off a prized breeding cow for the bull to breed with. Developing a strain of cattle that would put on the most weight in the shortest amount of time with the least feed was a business all to itself. People would pay a lot of money for a bull or a cow that had those genetic traits.

    So on the surface it looked like we grew wheat and alfalfa and raised cattle. But if that's truly all we did, and wholesaled everything, we wouldn't have made much money.

    Very good post.

    I guess from the word Ranch this was in America ?

    Still involved in cattle in any way ?

    I have been tempted of late to return to the land, but to many decisions.....certainly not to grow tobacco thats for sure.

  11. According to the other thread, the school administration wanted all of the teachers to pre-sign undated resignation letters. This isn't about unions holding a business for ransom, it's about employees being deprived of their basic rights. As for the rest of it, I don't know about this school first hand, but I do have some experience with a couple of other Catholic Schools in Thailand and generally speaking, the management skill of the admin departments is unacceptably low (by Western standards) and the schools are extremely profit-driven.

    I've heard of corruption at other Catholic schools as well - a teacher told me that he saw a nun pocket some donations from parents before she took a vacation to visit her family.

    I find this very hard to believe....Nuns don't have pockets....I'll have none of that.

  12. That picture says Pattaya but that is Phuket. Promthep Cape.

    It's just a "copyright" watermark for Pattaya 103.

    The photo is victim Johann Baschenegger's Facebook picture:



    Victim Johann Baschenegger, 42, after the shooting:


    Victim Joseph Werner, 71, after the shooting:


    Manager News



    I am sure he appreciated you posting his photos on a public forum.

    Tad late to worry about that don't you think....he has had his mug plastered on websites and newspapers from Timbuktu to Taipei

    • Like 2
  13. These Aussie guys must not have been in Phuket for very long. The standard way to kill people in Phuket is to kidnap them,

    drive them off to a remote location , kill them, stuff them in a plastic bag, and dump the body. This is good for the police,

    as it just becomes another unsolved case over some kind of unknown dispute, which quickly fades away.

    This wild west style of blasting away and hitting tourists just does not work well, and I am sure the police are REALLY

    pissed off........

    I thought it was to hide them in rubbish bins in your basement?

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