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Posts posted by joepublic

  1. -snip-

    What goes around, comes around.

    It is intuitively obvious to even the most casual observer that Islamic terrorism is going to come around no matter what we do.

    All we can do is try to wipe it out.

    You might try telling the terrorists that "what goes around, comes around" because they are going to start getting killed en masse as people determine to protect themselves and their countries.

    Intuitively obvious = an kneejerk opinion that I cannot justify with facts

  2. Contempt for other peoples sovereignty is something that is par for the course for the Zionists. That why they are shunned by the International Community and are losing the military and PR war.

    Until recently there was no need for Israel to act. The Syrian army had the Golan sealed tight against even hezbolah trying to infiltrate into israel from there. Quneitra is vertually no mans land, an area that was controled by the UN until they decided it was too dangerous to stay.

    So it's not a question of a nations sovereignty in this case. Simply stopping Terrorists from causing problems, the fact that an Irainian was with them should be more of a worry.

    Other than that you are joking, yes?

    You reap what you sow - if you accept that its ok for one country to attack its enemies on another territory, then please don't complain when the same will happen to Israel - and there will be a response.

    When it happens, I wonder if you will remember that this was the incident that started it, and if you will remember that they will justify their actions of attacking the people they label terrorists inside Israel.

    What goes around, comes around.

    • Like 1
  3. Contempt for other peoples sovereignty is something that is par for the course for the Zionists. That why they are shunned by the International Community and are losing the military and PR war.

    Yeah, the positive PR for Islamists all over Europe and Australia just recently is amazing, innit? whistling.gif

    You are correct to draw a comparision between the two. Neither accepts international law or accepts another nations sovereignty. The International Community rejects and condemns both Zionists and Islamic Terrorists.

    Do you?

    • Like 1
  4. Israel is running scared, because it knows it has a huge catalog of clear cut war crimes, that, if examined in an impartial court, would make anyone with an ounce of humanity and compassion, break down in tears. The signs of panic are evident in the incredulous threats they are making and the actions they are carrying out. If they have nothing to hide, and believe in their case, let the court decide.

    Among these threats are withholding Palestinian tax funds because they dared to go to the ICC, and pressuring Germany, Australia and Canada to withdraw funding from the ICC. One has to ask, what are they afraid of and how are they allowed to get away with these threats against the International Community - and it is the answer to that question that explains how they have been getting away with it for decades.

    Regardless of what happens here, the planet is now beginning to wake up to not only what the Zionists have been doing to the Palestinians, but the depth and reach of their influence and power, and the more the Zionist Apologists speak, the more unsustainable their propaganda is.

  5. Why so? Are you ok with White Supremists and Zionist Israelis . Did you agree with the IRA or Baader Meinhor or Timothy Mcveigh? Are you saying yes to these extremists or or you simply an Islamaphobe trying to make a point?

    Am I an Islamophobe? Of course I am! What a silly question!

    Though I'd say there's nothing irrational in having a fear of Islam. It's perfectly natural in my opinion.

    I prefer the term 'infidel'.

    And strange as it may seem, neither White Supremists, Zionist Israelis, the IRA, the Baader Meinhoff gang nor Timothy Mcveigh have recently bombed Bali nightclubs, London Underground trains and buses, killed unarmed soldiers on the streets of western cities, drove explosive-laded cars into airports, attempted to destroy jet liners with exposives hidden in their clothing, raped hundreds of children in northern British towns or murdered Journalists in their offices.

    Did I make my point?

    Nowhere in my post did I say either I "think its ok to hate people because of their religion" or I "think it's ok for one group of people to maim and kill, but not another".

    "'Am I an Islamophobe? Of course I am! What a silly question!"

    "And strange as it may seem, neither..xxx "

  6. But shouldn't the headline read "The world must say no to Islamic extremism"?

    Why so? Are you ok with White Supremists and Zionist Israelis . Did you agree with the IRA or Baader Meinhor or Timothy Mcveigh? Are you saying yes to these extremists or or you simply an Islamaphobe trying to make a point?

    Am I an Islamophobe? Of course I am! What a silly question!

    Though I'd say there's nothing irrational in having a fear of Islam. It's perfectly natural in my opinion.

    I prefer the term 'infidel'.

    And strange as it may seem, neither White Supremists, Zionist Israelis, the IRA, the Baader Meinhoff gang nor Timothy Mcveigh have recently bombed Bali nightclubs, London Underground trains and buses, killed unarmed soldiers on the streets of western cities, drove explosive-laded cars into airports, attempted to destroy jet liners with exposives hidden in their clothing, raped hundreds of children in northern British towns or murdered Journalists in their offices.

    Did I make my point?

    You made you point and you also made mine.

    You thinks its ok to hate people because of their religion - I don't.

    You think its ok for one group of people to maim and kill, but not another - I don't

    Your honesty is either refreshing, or depressing, but in any case, these views are the reasons we have extremism in the first place.

  7. Fine words, but pointless - the world needs to say no to many things, but when it comes to 'terror, the world specifically needs to demand equivalence for the drone deaths of wedding revelers in Afganistan, the Satirists in Paris and the children of Gaza.

    Lets dispense with pointless platitudes and hand wringing only when death visits our doors, yet feign amnesia when it happens to others - then, and only then, will the word "World" be appropriate,

    • Like 2
  8. He was charged with rape and then appealed? What did he appeal against, his own confession? Did he think that confessing would get him off a jail term and suddenly had the realisation that he was going down for it?

    Like 99% of everything that doesn't make sense in Thailand I suspect money is behind the confusing outcome. It makes me sick, especially in the case of raping a young girl,, Thai people should hold their heads in shame that this kind of thing is so open in their society.

    You know, its very easy to take a swipe at Thai society, but lets look at what happens in the West. The UK monarchy, US Elite as well a a host of politicians, religious leaders and givernment officials have been proven to be involved in organised pedo rings. Not only do they get away with it, but the press will not report or investigate it. And its been going on for decades.

    And the list of crimes committed by the rich - organised wholesale banking fraud for example - continue to happen, yet where is the outcry by expats in these cases?

    One must wonder, why do so many expats have double standards when it comes to judging Thailand vs the UK or USA? Is it because we don't mind a crime, as long as it's committed by Western heredity elites, but love to vilify Thailand fading celebs?

    • Like 1
  9. None of American interventions all over the world was a success, just more innocent civilians killed, installing corrupted regimes and creating more hatred (with a reason in some cases) towards USA.

    All the bullshit of values American politicians seem to be proud of are never defended and praised elsewhere.

    I'll never understand this. The UK provided 1/3 of the troops for the initial invasion of Iraq. That's more troops per capita from the UK than from the US.

    20 other countries provided troops for the war in Iraq.

    How can people continue to be so blind as to blame it all on the US? HOW???

    I think people from the UK must just be intentionally blind.

    I think the UK public not as mislead as the American public. In the UK, Blair is seen widely as damaged goods by the public and establishment alike, and his legacy is already acknowledged as one of blood and needless war and as a sycophant of Bush. Unlike Bush, not many people want to be associated with him as he has already achieved a pariah status. I would also point to many organised efforts to have him prosecuted as a war criminal.

    However, no matter which way you slice it, this was a "US" war, and many countries that provided troops did do at the barrel of a diplomatic gun. Having said that, at the top of the decision making tree, at the apex of power in the US, you will find people whose allegiances are to not to the USA but to a foreign power, to military corporate, and to international finance.

    While the USA may take the 'blame', the real culprits are in the shadows and are as American as a Goat Curry.

  10. I understand the outrage when a rich person gets away with things the rest of us would not.

    I don't understand the glee and pompous indignation expressed when a rich person commits a crime that would barely make a mention if a regular person were to do the same thing.

    I mean, would a story of an accident involving a 5 year old Vios with no plates make the news? Would it draw the same vitriol as this guy does? Is it actually about envy rather than justice?

    Just Saying...

    • Like 2
  11. Where was your destination ? THB 500 may be cheaper so maybe not a scam

    And that's the thing - my fare home usually ends up being around 350, and I always tip around 100, so 500 is not excessive when you consider the 50bt surcharge

    However, for me, its not about the money, its about the principle of using the meter. In fact, I now take UBER to the airport, even though is extremely expensive at 1000 bt, because I just cant stand the aggravation of dealing with public cabs anymore.

    So the answer is to pay nearly 300% of the estimated metered fare to an illegally operated taxi to avoid being overcharged by 20% in a legal taxi? Interesting logic.

    Its not logic, its the principle. Im sure you don't mind the deceit and stress, but it really gets to me. Perhaps its my bad?

  12. I used to really love her - saying outrageous things in the name of comedy is one thing.

    But her hateful comments about Palestinians showed that she was actually evil.

    Much like Jimmy Saville, who while making millions happy, was an evil pedophile.

    Im sure Joan, Jimmy and Ariel Sharon will be sharing a dungeon somewhere in hell

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  13. Well, I don't know if there EVER will be a two state solution, but I'm sure unless Israel's enemies manage to win militarily that part of any deal will need to include significant security allowances for Israel, like buffer zones, because a new Palestinian state won't be the only threat to Israel and Israel is indeed VERY SMALL compared to her surrounding NEIGHBORS. Whether Israel's enemies think that is "fair" or not isn't really relevant.

    A state thats has over 200 undeclared nukes, a $3B in the most advanced military technology and a chokehold on the major world institutions does not have to fear anything - unless they know that their basic cause is unjust and cannot be sustained in its current form.

  14. You don't have the slightest idea of who or what I have compassion for, but, after reading your posts for many years, it seems like, to you, those people are nothing but talking points to justify your own need to hate and pat yourself on the back for it.

    I think we have a very good idea what you have compassion for - we can simply read a selection of your 37,000+ posts to see what you have compassion for. And it does not make good reading,

  15. What an odd thing to say, "Hamas never started a genocide." Though they consistently declare they want the death of all Jews they're not having accomplished this yet you thus gloss over their stayed goals and declare Hamas never started genocide. Because something is simply not possible you cannot therefore conclude, irrespective of their repeated stated intention, that Hamas doesn't seek genocide.

    Hamas argues, very effectively, in their opinion, that furthermore it's the duty of the citizens of gaza to all die in martyrdom, if necessary, in pursuit if their aims. Therefore, it's not really just the Jews this wretched outfit seeks to harm. (Links posted earlier).

    I believe that some early charter of Hamas called for the destruction of Israel.

    The usual discredited BS. It still calls for the destruction of Israel and it has NOT been rejected. The document calls for the elimination of the Jewish state, and the establishment of an Islamist society in its place. Their aim is to eliminate not only Israel, but all Jews as well and the charter makes that plain.

    In the years since it adopted its charter, Hamas leaders and spokesmen have reinforced its message again and again. Mahmoud Zahar said in 2006 that the group "will not change a single word in its covenant." To reinforce the point, in 2010 Zahhar said, "Our ultimate plan is [to have] Palestine in its entirety. I say this loud and clear so that nobody will accuse me of employing political tactics. We will not recognize the Israeli enemy."

    The Prime Minister of Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, gave a rabid speech in front of thousands of supporters at Saraya Square in the Gaza Strip in March 2014. The message was that Palestinians should not and will not stop fighting through terrorist acts against the State of Israel. Haniyeh encourages Palestinians to attack innocent Israelis and says repeatedly that Hamas will NEVER recognize Israel.

    Hamas Spokesman Abu Zuhri: Our War Is for Liberation of Jerusalem, Not for Lifting of Blockade. August 2014


    UC is being disingenuous, as usual, because he does not want peace.

    1.Recognize that the Zionists want to INCREASE their land grab.

    2.Recognize that after decades of Israeli terror against the Palestinians, it is natural that there will be extreme voices. None of us can even begin to imagine what the collective punishment of generations of people will create.

    3. Notice that anytime a moderate Arab voice gains prominence, the Zionists undermine them. Look at how they continually humiliate Abbas.

    So, UC can continue to use the Saturation technique of propaganda , but everyone knows that the Zionists cannot accept peace. It is diametrically opposed to their end vision of a greater Judea.

    Hence the myopic focus on the semantics of the more extreme parts of Arab opinion.

    If Israel really wanted peace, they could easily have it - but they want land that they believe is their by divine right,

  16. Israel has never been an ally of the UK, it has never sent troops to fight in any of our so called War's on Terror.

    Quit being dishonest. It is no secret that Israel were not asked, so as not to upset Arab allies. They would have been there in a second if needed.

    Israel is the REASON for the War Of Terror.

    The injustices that they have committed, the millions of lives destroyed, the ongoing humiliation of their neighbors, AIPACs control of USA foreign policy, those are the reasons for much of Islamic fundamentalism.

    The Generals do not fight the battle, they direct it - and by that measure, the Zionists are responsible for the rise of Islamic Fundementalism

  17. This is the heart of such issues- how two inquiring minds can look at the same thing and walk away with differing impressions. In order for the value of such people to have weight it is inferred that it is related to the ongoing 'holocaust' in Gaza? Otherwise, it has no real gravity at all and it could just as easily have been a kibutz group writing the open letter. But it implies its moral authority because it suggests their vantage point (WWII survivors) can condemn gaza actions as similar, as they have seen. It is this predicate that I object to. The conclusion cannot be used as the basis for the argument as to their validity. I don't concur there is a genocide in gaza. It is circular, IMO.

    Leaders take their moral authority from those they claim to represent.

    Zionists claim to represent people like these

    Ipso facto, these people do have moral authority

    Q.E.D ;-)

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