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Everything posted by koele2

  1. I knew a useless British guy who married a Thai bring over his dying father here and had him marry her mother so that when his father died, he would collect his fathers pension. I think his dad died about 6 months after the marriage took place. I don’t think I ever saw the dad with his new bride except on the wedding day.
  2. Everybody in that video knew their role, it was like a well oiled machine. This guy gets stuff, that guys holds the suspect, big boss does his thing. Everyone knows their cut of the spoils. Another day at the office. I’m sure a lot of criminal suspects die in custody here. The only thing new is the video released to the public.
  3. The only people who don’t know the police are corrupt are the mentally retarded and newborn babies.
  4. The higher ups are discussing retraining officers. Lessons include making sure no cameras are in the room when interrogating criminal suspects, do not kill suspects otherwise they won’t be able to pay the money that is demanded, and do not accumulate obscene amount of assets that cannot be explained away.
  5. With covid, cops not raking in enough. The guy on the video had his boss who was on his case to make more money, because the big boss was on the boss’s case to make more money, because the supreme boss was on the big boss’s case to make more money, because the super supreme boss was on the supreme boss’s case to make more money, and so on and so forth.
  6. I bet you the cop had a nice watch. A really expensive nice watch. But not as nice as other public servants. They have even nicer watches.
  7. Over here, people who walk or bike are poorer than ones with cars, so they don’t matter. When walking in Thailand, you must understand that and look out for yourself. It’s the mentality here. That being said, attacking an 80 year old man from behind is not something to be proud of.
  8. At least he said the number was a target, versus saying they were expecting that amount of tourists. I’ll give him credit for that. Good luck reaching that number.
  9. It must suck to fail upwards all your life and then when there comes a time when the spotlight is on you and you have to perform, the whole world can see what a schmuck you really are. I’m speaking of Donald Trump of course!
  10. This is what happens when there are no repercussions when you get things wrong. Failing upwards here is the rule, not the exception.
  11. All decisions here are made based on money, and how much of it can get skimmed into certain peoples pockets. National health policy is run this way.
  12. Yeah, but the 150,000 tourists will spend a total of 1 trillion baht, so nothing to worry about! Everything is fine.
  13. US embassy here says they are here to support Americans for medical emergencies. Doesn’t this covid crisis qualify as a medical emergency? You cannot speak to anyone at the embassy, it’s all automated. What exactly do they do here? I suspect there are more CIA officers stationed here to monitor the drug trade in the golden triangle than there are actual diplomats. The American diplomats don’t care about the American expats here.
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