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Posts posted by JESSVANPELT

  1. They may have decided to stop working for slave traffickers for peanuts...and were getting rich...independantly.

    Can't have that. They would all be freelancing.

    I do have a problem with their age, however.

    I do have problem with there age also ,I do have to remind myself after living here over 12 years now and being in numerous villages up north it is very common that sexuality starts at 14 years of age, so thee girls were most like quite experienced.

  2. Take your ATM card and your passport and go into a proper bank and ask them to do the transaction, if there is a problem they will tell you what the problem is/

    Atm machines act strangely when there balances are low if you ask for 20k and the machines level is below a certain amount it won't give you that amount you have to start over and try a lower amount say 10k. The other thing is you may have a preset limit for your withdraw limits?

  3. of course its busy and his season, the place is full active and the hotel rooms are far and few between.

    it happens every year and it won't stop high season guaranteed from November 15, to April.

  4. The only place to get a real Rolex watch repaired and serviced is tan authorised rolex repair shop and dealer

    There is only one in all of Thailand it is as follows:

    S.A.B. (THAILAND) LTD. Your Service Centre

    BANGKOK 10330

    TEL: +66 2650 9118

    FAX: +66 2651 4979


  5. do youself a favor if you are still relevantly young open yourself a bank interest account and put money in every year approx what you would for a travel insurance. Dont under any circumstance unless you are sick touch it, and hope that if you do get sick you have enough funds to cover you. Failing that put a lump in as mentioned above 500k and leave it....or add to it..

    Benefits, you dont waste money paying for insurance you will never use or lining the pockets of a company that may not even pay out when you are sick, plus the money is there and growing for when you get older, just need to be disciplined and learn to forget about it.

    or ion you get a major illness on year one then your screwed.........the only way this works is if you have a million baht to bank and sit on

  6. Frozen shoulder disorder as you call it is normally bone spur which limits your arms movement. The only way to fix it is surgery where they rotate the shoulder tear everthing up that was frozen and ground down the bone spurs. I have had 2 of these over the years and one was done here at Bangkok Pattaya and it was no where near the kind of money. The physical therapist will give you a cortisone shot and it will mask the pain for a while, I suggest you go home and get it sorted out.

    It will get worse before it gets better

  7. There is never Alcohol sold on the Kings birthday, But there are always places to get a drink. The side streets like Soi Chaiyaphum, (maggie masa ) are rarely bothered. All the places where you would expect drinkers to be will be heavily watched. Just keep your head about you.

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