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Posts posted by JESSVANPELT

  1. The Tobacco has been outlawed along with the Hookah.

    I'am sure there are some around, but the tobacco might be a problem, unless your top to making your own.

    I would take picture of one with your phone and ask the local motor cycle taxi drivers where you might buy one.

    Some one would also know in the Arab Quarter of walking street.

  2. Just past Third as you travel to Sukhumvit road on Pattaya Tai, there is a Soi just after Magna Carta law offices , about half way down the Soi is an english school for Thais, My gf got 60 hours for 1800 baht and that included workbooks and daily home work . There are group classes and one on one. The director is a Thai who lived in the USA for 20 years and the staff are very fluent and clear sounding. I will see if I can find the name from her diploma

  3. Hi everybody can someone tell me what will i be fine if i dont do the notification for 5-4 month. I am only travelling next year. Will i risk anything at the airport ?

    I have a work permit and correct visa.


    The fine for overstay of That length is 20,000 baht and if the new law goes in to effect you could be banned from re - entry for a year

  4. Navy hospital is very good

    Pattaya International is good

    Bangkok Hospital is the best , but you pay for it.

    I would send her to the government hospital, baby delivery is no big deal in this day and age.

    good luck and congrats

  5. What you see occurring here is no different then what happens in any Third world country with a small city Thats is growing very fast. They will always knock down small places to build bigger ones. 10 years ago I lived on Soi One , it was mostly single family homes on large one Rai lots., now its mostly Condo buildings or Hotels. This has happened numerous times over the years and will continue to do so.

  6. hmmmm.... can't think of anything really.

    I think rain is my biggest gripe.

    All others are minor and can usually be overcome quite easily.

    okay yes!

    two things:

    - the beaches which I think are hideous and filthy - instead I have to drive to hat sai kheo every time I want to go to a nice beach


    - the lack of really nice, quiet places where to sit down and relax. Pattaya is cramped and busy almost everywhere as well as not nice enough everywhere. When will they build a well maintained park?

    They will never build a well maintained park! The land is to valuable and it would just become another crime ridden area like the beach is at night.

  7. You can wake up each morning and make a decision that all things are bad or you can accept them. I came here years ago did my research on many places in this country and numerous other SouthEast Asia Countries and because of the numerous benefits especially cost of living compared to that at home, and a large variety of places to eat and venues to spend a night out, I decided on Pattaya.

    I also understand that this is a THIRD WORLD country, so right away I'am not going to get upset about all the things that are not the same as they are at home, If I wanted things that way I'd stay at home and a lot of the Moaners here should have, Unfortunately Thats the only bad part of this place.

    If you travel to any Third world country you will find everything the same. The Thai's are not going to do anything just to suit the retired expat living here or the Tourist, although the tourist will be higher on the list as they spend more. In any Third World Country its mostly about Politicians and Bureaucrats doing what they can to appease the locals / Thai voters and put Money into there pocket.

    Being Happy here is Easy, Accept it for what it is and enjoy it, because anytype of change to anything looking like you might have enjoyed back home is going to be very slow in happening and it won't be in our lifetime if it does happen.


  8. Do it yourself, All the Real Estate companies here are crooks trying to make sales and commissions on both ends of the deal. Have you ever seen an open house held here? They do nothing except tell you there is no interest and you need to lower the price, once you do so they sale the house for more and pocket that and the commission. Good Luck

  9. Regardless of the Restaurant or location You will Not find Mexican food that even comes close to What you will find in the west coast of California, Arizona, New Mexico , Texas or even Mexico itself for one simple reason they don't have the ingredients here and if you import them they are to cost prohibitive to create a good priced menu.

    Example One: The most popular Mexican food item is the taco, the shell of A taco is made from cornmeal, this country does not have corn and what they call corn is Maize, so the shells you see here are processed preserved filled corn shells with no taste and crack when you bite into them, tacos normally have a soft shell.

    Example Two: The sauces that are traditionally used are a green sauce, which contains Tomatillo green chiles, fresh jalapeños, cilantro etc.....None of which you can find here.

    Example Three: The most common sauce used in Mexican foods is a red sauce It also has many ingredients which you cannot find here, such as Ancho or Guajillo Chiles, and usually Mole'.

    What we are served here are very weakly done copies, which compared to what we have in The states are Very very weak substitutes.

    My self I love Mexican food and each year when I go home I return with a suitcase filled with these items and others similar for other recipes, then at least I can have Mexican food when i want it.

    I greatly admire those who continue that search for Good Mexican food In the Land of Angels, but as long as the tariffs are so high on the key ingredients it just won't happen.

    I myself was on the same quest 8 years ago and tried Tequila Reef, at that time they did not even have a taco on the menu and all there sauces were very over powering with onions, I then did my own research.

    Good luck to all!

  10. Its sounds like you have not ventured veery far.

    The places near the beach are expensive as they are for uneducated tourist, if you weaned r back to Soi Buakhao or second road you will find very inexpensive food.

    If all your seeing is Go Go bars then get away from walking street...go to New Plaza on second Road.

    There over 6000 bars here between Nakluea and Jomtien and most of them are not Go GO bars.

    Its sounds to me like you did NO research nd have ventured no where.

    Pattaya has more Restaurants at reasonable prices then you will ever see In Chaing Mai, its also cheaper in every other aspect.

    So by all means please go back!!!!

  11. I also like the occasional good bit of beef and by chance i tried Steak and Company on Soi Lengkee and was quite surprised, its as good as if not better then Beefeater, not as crowded but being honest the service in Beefeater is slightly better. Beefeater just seems to be overly crowded , loud and them seem to want to get you in and out quick...some times I have felt pressured as the waitress are always asking if were are ready for the next thing desert and if you say no , the bill comes......sometimes they don't ask about dessert.

    Mantra is top of the line , great atmosphere and for a birthday I would go there.

    goodd luck and Happy b-day

  12. 1100 baht is a good price, You most likely won't find anything near that, but There is one good travel agent in the Arcade on second round, I would go ask him Malee travel the parade is directly across from Mikes on second road.

    good luck

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