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Posts posted by Gracas

  1. 8 hours ago, Aforek said:

    Good solution, 30 years good, I am already 66, the land owner is my GF's mother, who gave land for her five children , and the house is in my GF's name

    how can I do it ?

    I have read your different opinions, I know some of them already and so far I feel this is a good family but we don't know the future


    If your GF's Mother and Daughter are indeed good people as you state, then there should be no problem in remaining in the house. I would think that they would want you to stay even if just to continue paying the monthly expenses. (this is how it worked out with a friend of mine).

    Does your GF have a Will ? Who has she left the house to ? Does she request that you be allowed to stay ?

    I really see no point in having Lease or any other arrangement, if the family want you out then they will just make life hell for you on a daily basis. Why live in a place where you are not wanted. The stress will only shorten your life.

    But if as you say they are good people then no problems.

  2. 7 hours ago, cheapskatesam said:

    I'm not trolling.. i'm thinking of ways to save money on my next trip in January whilst still having the same quality of holiday as last time. 

    Not cheapskate.. just smart thinking. If i was a cheap charlie i'd stay at home in my hotel and drink 7/11 Chang 


    I figure.. if i can buy a 7/11 chang and take it with me in my pocket.. then walk into a bar .. buy one of their rip off beers at 80baht.. and be able to have my cheap one at 40 baht (??) i'd be paying 120baht for 2 beers in a nice beer bar 


    I shall be making a trip report thread with lots of photos so you pretentious high-roller lot can rip the piss out of me and feel good.. and the cheap bastards amongst us (loads on this forum) can get some value 


    Yes and don't forget to ask the bar to change the warm beer you have in your pocket for a COLD one.

  3. 14 hours ago, smotherb said:

    Daylight and sitting in a hotel lobby sipping on the beer I've been carrying since three bars ago; can I ask for a discount from the working girls leaving the hotel?


    I have no idea how you could make a beer last that long. Do they sell them in 5 Litre bottles ?

  4. 25 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:

    Yeah, one on one, what a hero, just a king hit merchant.  I have yet to see a Thai take on someone, one out and face to face.  For some reason they are gutless and attack when some one is not expecting it. But yes, you're right the guy was living dangerously by getting out, he could have been confronted with anything, not just fists.  :wai:

    I sort of agree with you, but in these situations it is not a boxing match it is a street fight. If I had have gotten out of my car and gone up to the other driver and said something to him, I would not have turned my back on him and walked away thinking how I just put him in his place by explaining the road rules. I would have been expecting him to also get out of his car.

  5. The wife's 16 year old son has a 23 year drunk as a mate who stays in the house with them (also in the house is your young daughter who complains about him). I can understand your concern.

    The suggestion of a Safe for the gold is a good one if your wife would use it.

    I would be suspect about what the arrangement is with this 23 year old.

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