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Posts posted by Gracas

  1. I don't like Thai food very much, I've seen enough temples to last a life time, engaging in extreme sports such as driving on the road are becoming less of an interest. So if there were no women, be they a wife, g/f's or "new" friends available (maybe they have all been locked way) then I would be somewhere else. The answer to your question is YES.

  2. 5 hours ago, goldenbrwn1 said:

    Hello my freind..what's up?... how are you? Your mum that's what's up now <deleted>## off! 


    Its an absolute nightmare on lower suk these days. I have been having the same thoughts and conversations with people.. how the hell do they stay here and just sell drugs so brazen?! In the last 6 months alone the amount of aggressive African hookers and dealers have more than doubled by the looks. It seems to have got worse since the Thai night market stalls and food venders have been moved on.

    This is most likely seen as progress for the BIB. A much bigger earner for them.

  3. 1 hour ago, FritsSikkink said:

    How do you know that it will be your last 3 years? You could be dead tomorrow or live another 50 years

    Yes I would have to agree with this. If we all knew what our final check out date was going to be things would be so much easier to plan.

    The fact is we have know idea what is going to happen tomorrow, you may still have your health, but the whole family situation that the OP described may have changed. You could be out on your own looking for rented accommodation within the next 12 months, who really knows.

    Most people plan ahead to some degree, many things can be put into place, but you need to keep adjusting for changes as they occur.

    You could walk outside tomorrow, get hit by a bus.... Game over.

  4. 20 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    My theory .

    Luke Miller arrived on Kao Tao

    It was noticed by some locals that he had the same surname as the murdered David Miller .    

         Luke Miller seemed like quite a jovial person , when asked by locals about his surname, he may have joked "Im here to seek justice for my Brother/Cousin"

       Word go back to murdering brothers that there was a vigilante looking for them

    They got in first

    Thanks. Becoming a little clearer.

  5. 52 minutes ago, lovelomsak said:

    Gee not hard math man. he is going to Rangsit university with cash in his pockets. good looking and charming.Young girls fall for sweet talk and money being spent. all the time. 

     the wife's family was and is extremely poor. With out me he would have not even had the opportunity to go to technical college.He would have been farm labour same as the rest of the family.

    Sounds like the last 55K you gave him is not enough, also maybe some work as farm labour would not hurt him in the least. He may think he is becoming a successful con-man, at least as far as you are concerned as he always has his mum obtain the money needed. As far as the rich GF goes, if her family are smart enough to own two hospitals I am sure they are smart enough to see through your step-son, a time will come when he will be sent on his way. If you hold true to your word about not giving anymore money on the next request, good this is maybe what he needs. Don't worry about the mum/wife if her priority is the son then so be it.

  6. 11 hours ago, oldhippy said:

    The story is so recognizable.


    May I add something of myself.

    In my marriage I never doubted that I had a duty towards my wife - "taking care" of her after I will die ( I am only 4 years older, but statistics tell us....). I never even thought about it, as it seemed to be the normal way: of course she should inherit my savings....

    Then one of her sons moved in with us.

    He did not ask me.

    My wife did not ask me.

    He is stupid (OK, I can live with that) and he is lazy (NO......).

    Every satang that I will leave to my wife will go to him....

    Now I am not sure that  I will let my wife inherit the savings that I worked for.



    Oldhippy - get out there and start spending now because if you don't the lazy little bugger is going to piss it all away.

  7. If you're going to steal something you should at least make it worthwhile in the event that you are caught and possibly go to jail.

     But these thieves that come to Thailand on holiday and botch a job like this make all thieves look bad.

    I hope it costs them more than a few baht to get out of this and a little bit of cell time would not hurt them either.

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