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Posts posted by Gracas

  1. To accept a woman with a kid and look at starting a life together and raise the kid is a big challenge and responsibility, although there are many out there that do this I for one do not need a challenge like this, be it in Thailand or anywhere else.

    Good luck to the OP, but I fear the out come does no look good. Especially if the mother does not support you in this matter.

    If I were presented with the choice between taking on a 14 year old boy to raise or a job at the crocodile farm cleaning teeth it would be the crocodile farm for me. The bites would be much less severe.

  2. What is the purpose of this job hunt ? Are you looking for employment as a primary means of support or is it intended to stimulate to mind (The reason behind looking for a new field of employment).

    I have been thinking along similar lines myself, to look for employment in a totally different field. I am not interested in retiring, but I would like to work in a different industry or maybe take up a course in a new field.

  3. Sounds like it is cheaper for the OP and his mates to just buy this guy a one-way ticket out instead of giving him handouts / pay his bar bill every week.

    Some have mentioned that he should get a job, but after 18 years or whatever it was of resting I would think that he does not have any usable skills.

  4. Yes we are all going to go and meet Geppotto sooner or later, it would be nice to know that your wife will be able to continue on and not be homeless.

    As this could happen at anytime (accident or natural causes) there are a few items that others have already mentioned that should be addressed.

    Will - Both in Thailand and any other country that you have assets / insurance in.

    Does your wife have a good understanding of your financial position and what to do (I know most do not like to disclose too much, I am one of them) or at least where to start and who to contact.

    As you get older you tend to plan for this more, but if you have a wife / family, never too early to start.

  5. As I understand it, the OP's wife / gf wanted to learn massage, the OP paid for the course.

    Now course complete she wants to charge the OP for a massage, but the OP wants it for free.

    If I paid for the course I would want a massage for free as well.

    Same as if my wife wanted an oven for the kitchen (which she did) I expect a hot meal once in awhile and NOT have to pay extra for it.

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  6. Saan, you asked "Will I survive in Issan".

    The only people that should ask "will I survive" are those that are lost at sea or in the jungle. You should be asking Will I enjoy my life in the village.

    If it was me I would NOT go, but everyone is different and some may enjoy it. I would however consider living in a nearby city in order to support my wife's decision and to enjoy my life at the same time.

    Good luck on whatever you decide.

  7. Steve, don't worry about it as you said it was her money so let her enjoy it.

    Most TG's will spend every Baht they receive each month and have nothing left in the Bank. At least your girl can save some, you should give her credit for that.

    However if she asks you for more money this month because she is out just tell her to think about it next time she is at the spa.

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