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papa al

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  1. perhaps they are emulating cops in uSA
  2. They are. 50 men sleeping in 50Msq room. Nong pla lai Pattaya remand prison. ````````````````` In short term cells, occasional flooding happens. Detainees are thirsty sometimes.. ```````````` It rarely helps if you piss off the guards.
  3. Right. They prolly became fluent in Thai back in India, the land of open defection.
  4. Brush w/ baking soda Rinse w/ H2O2 , 3% Both super cheap. +30 years
  5. Yes noise would be bad. If possible, have the pully/belt-cover removed for inspection.. If the shaft end looks okay, worth a chance. Check for [no] welded repair there. Sometimes a mechanic with an air wrench will bugger it. Most mechs are familiar with messed up shaft prob. Happened to papa's 2011 and a friend's also. Also, the SX is like the slowest scooter out there. B15K would be a high price. More like <10 if Thai owned.
  6. 50 km = 30 miles. ?? Check that drive shaft end where it goes into variator has not buggered splines or threads, nor been welded. Parts / labor no pompom.
  7. Thinks are going to get real interesting real soon.
  8. That is just what people of his/her ilk do. It's lame, I know, but that's all they have. I find funny AF. 5 5 //////////////////// Oh I vote for Lisa, of Black Pink. I'd follow her anywhere.
  9. Wow.! 100 days. Way to go. How many Ks on the Honda now.?
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